This is it, you guys. Last chapter.

So, one more time, thanks to everyone who's read this story. You guys are all so sweet. :)

And I might post a one-shot or two in the next couple days, but I'm going on vacation next week so I'm holding off on posting 'The Advanced Physics Story' until I come back.

Kirk trudged down the corridor leading to his quarters. He was tired. Though his shift ended hours ago, as captain he was never really off duty.

He almost breathed a sigh of relief as he saw the door to his quarters come into view. When he finally reached them, Kirk stumbled a little as he made his entered his room, ready to collapse on his bed.

As soon as he set foot in his room, Kirk abruptly stopped.

The boxes of chocolate he had been keeping by his desk were knocked over and golden wrappers littered the floor.

Kirk stood there in shock.

His mind immediately thought that tribbles had raided his chocolate stash again, but dismissed that notion when he noticed a pair of boots sticking out from behind one of the boxes as if someone was laying there.

Kirk was about to walk over to the wall and punch the intercom to call for security when the figure with the boots stirred and Kirk realized who it was.

A dark haired head with pointy ears emerged, as Kirk watched his first officer sit up in the still dim lighting of the room.

Kirk rushed over to him. "Spock?" Kirk asked, kneeling next to him, wondering if he should contact sickbay. "Are you hurt?"

Spock looked down at himself for a moment, as if he, too, was unsure of his state of health. After a moment of assessment, Spock turned his gaze on Kirk.

"I appear to be unharmed, although I do feel slightly… odd," Spock trailed off, his eyes obtaining a distant look.

That was when Kirk noticed Spock's appearance. There was chocolate smeared at the corners of Spock's mouth. Looking down, Kirk saw Spock's fingers similarly coated with the sticky sweet. And somehow, there was even a spot of chocolate above one of Spock's eyebrows.

"You're drunk," Kirk told Spock, with a hint of awe in his voice.

Spock's eyes refocused. "Jim!" he exclaimed, as if he was noticing Kirk for the first time. "Where have you been? I have been in your quarters for 2.4…. 2.5… a while," he finished lamely.

"I can see that," Kirk muttered, eyeing the strewn chocolate wrappers about the floor. "I was… stuck in engineering. They were having trouble with the cross circuitry in the matter-antimatter board."

Spock nodded knowingly like he had expected this the whole time.

They sat in silence a moment before Kirk decided to get up and inspect what damage had been done to his chocolate supply.

Turns out that Spock had gone through an entire two boxes of Kirk's chocolate and at least part of a third, though it was hard to tell because Spock had knocked over almost every box in Jim's quarters in his drunken state.

Kirk sighed. "You ate almost as much as the tribbles, Spock," he told the Vulcan, somewhat miserably.

But when he looked over at Spock and saw his eyebrow elevate along with the smudge of chocolate above it, Kirk couldn't help but smile.

A couple seconds later Spock said, "Jim," in a quiet voice, almost like he was about to share an important secret.

"What, Spock?" Kirk asked softly, sitting back down next to him.

"I must inform you that I have made an error." Spock looked saddened as he said this.

"Oh?" Kirk couldn't help it. He smiled wider.

"It seems that I would eat chocolate in the dark," said Spock, gazing around the dim room.

That unexpected admission shocked a bout of laughter out of Kirk and then laughed harder when Spock looked alarmed at the sudden amusement.

"Yes," Spock continued, sounding as if it were costing him a great deal to admit what he was. His cheeks were starting to flush a light green color. "I realized that when I tasted the chocolate, I found it to be rather… enjoyable. I hypothesized that I needed to consp- const-" Spock struggled with the word, before giving up, "ingest more chocolate so that I might reevaulate my earlier assumptions." He gestured to the boxes and wrappers that once held Kirk's chocolate.

"And what have you concluded from this little experiment?" asked Kirk, unable to wipe the smile of his face.

"I would eat chocolate in the dark," Spock repeated his earlier admission. His eyes began to droop a little. "And I would most likely eat chocolate in the rain."

"You forgot one," interjected Kirk. "What about with the crew?"

Spock's eyes snapped back open in contemplation. "Yes," he said after a moment, "I would eat chocolate with the crew."

"Even with Bones?" Kirk had to ask.

Spock was quiet for a second. "Maybe not with all the crew," he said under his breath.

Kirk chuckled and he watched Spock's eyes close again as he leaned his head back against the wall.

"Hey," Kirk said, reaching over to grab Spock's arm before he slid to the floor. "Let's get you into the bed."

The only response that Spock gave was, "I would eat chocolate on shore leave, Jim."

"Yeah," said Kirk, throwing one of Spock's arms around the back of his neck and heaving Spock up.

They took a tentative step towards the bed and Spock stumbled into Kirk. Kirk hesitated and looked at him in concern, wondering if an inebriated Spock was serious enough to need medical attention.

"Should I call McCoy?" Kirk finally asked.

Spock's turned his face in horror. "I would not eat chocolate with Doctor McCoy!" he exclaimed.

Kirk began chuckling again. Yeah, he thought, Spock would be okay.

"But, I believe that I would eat it in sickbay," Spock amended. They resumed walking over to the bed.

"Is that right?"

Spock took a moment to answer. "Yes, in sickbay with a tribble."

More laughter erupted from Kirk as he sat Spock down on the bed.

"And I would eat it in the lab," Spock continued, acting like he was putting great thought into his confessions.

"And where else?"Kirk asked as Spock lay back against the pillows.

"Hmmm," Spock thought. "And in my quarters," he said, closing his eyes.

Kirk watched Spock as his breathing evened out. He almost thought Spock was asleep when he heard, "Jim? I would also eat it on the bridge."

Spock was quiet for a few more moments as Kirk observed him. Then the last words Spock let out before he drifted off into sleep was a whispered, "I would eat chocolate anywhere."

Kirk gazed fondly down at the sleeping Vulcan. Then he let out a sigh. Now that Spock was sleeping, Kirk felt the exhaustion from earlier weighing down on him even more.

He contemplated the next course of action he should take. His tiredness won over any other activities Kirk had given thought to. He scooted Spock over to one side of the bed and crawled in beside him.

The beds on the Enterprise weren't built to sleep two with very much room to spare as to discourage fraternization between crew members. But Kirk was rather comfortable with the sleeping arrangement as he snuggled back onto his pillow and started to doze off.

He was almost asleep when a horrific thought jolted him back into consciousness.

Did Vulcans get hangovers?


Hope you liked the ending.

And I seriously couldn't decide whether I wanted this to be a friendship story ('cause I'm a sucker for them) or a more than friendship story (to see if I could pull it off), so finally I said 'screw it' and just let my fingers type and let Kirk and Spock do whatever they wanted to do. So, you decide for yourselves whether their feelings for each other are just friendship or something more, because I wrote the thing and I have no idea.

Thanks again for reading! :)