"Hello Cullens. Wolves. Mary-Sue." Riley, the newborn (according to Edward), greeted. He was standing near the pencils, Victoria at his side. Behind him were many other newborns, sniffing folders and such.

Emmett waved. Esme pulled his arm down and took away his lollipop.

"We don't wanna fight!" Carlisle yelled.

"Ok.. No need to yell, I'm right in front of you." Victoria frowned.

"You'll never buy your school supplies." Riley added.

And so the fight began. Folders, notebooks, and pens flew everywhere. I hid underneath some tables. I saw Edward flinging crayons at vampires. Since this was a pathetic story, the vampires were easily defeated.

After three hours of this I got bored and fell asleep.

"Bella. It's done." Jacob yanked me upward, hitting my head on the table.

"Really?" I asked as I was rubbing my bleeding forehead.

"Yeah, you know how these tween vampire crap is. Crappy battle that the good guys always win." Jacob rolled his eyes.

"I see. Where's Edward?" I asked, looking around for my painfully beautiful hubby.

"Dead." Jacob simply said.


"Neh. He ran away. He told me to tell you he died, so you wouldn't chase him. Ah well."

"Nooooo!" I yelled in agony. Beside me, Jacob howled. "I will find you Edward!"