Disclaimer: I do not own King Arthur or anything to do with it. I do, however, own the OC and the plot.

Plot: TristanxOC, GalahadxOC. Sixteen years after Arthur's knights have been allowed to go home, Tristan and Ghost have had a baby girl. When the knights are called back for duty to Rome, what happens when they find they have someone following them?

A/N: This is the sequel of "Ghost", my TristanxOC fan fiction. This follows Tristan and the knights as Arthur calls them back to Britain for another mission for Rome. Please read my first fan fiction before you start this one, okay? I love you all, my faithful readers.

Tristan sits atop his ebony stallion, wrapped in a thick grey cloak, its hood pulled up and over his face. Rain pours all around him, dripping off of the hood of his cloak, and Tristan pulls his cloak tighter around himself, warding off the chilling wind. His watchful eye swiftly moves around the sight of a small village, the village of his birth. The people of the village run around, pulling their horse into the stables so that they are safe from the oncoming storm. Turning to his right as he hears a horse approaching, Tristan notices a small feminine form on a roan mare. She is also wrapped in a cloak, but the hood is only halfway on her head. She has pale blonde hair and deep brown eyes, and she stops her horse right next to Tristan's.

"Good morning, father." Tristan looks at the girl, and nods his head in acknowledgment. Looking back towards the village, he clicks his tongue, his horse moving into a slow walk. Tristan's daughter follows him, staying close to his side. They make their way back to the town, and Tristan stops when he sees some familiar figures getting their horses lead away by stable hands. Moving his horse into a trot, Tristan gets closer to the group to see that he knows all of them. Arthur looks his way, and waves his hand in greeting. Tristan and his daughter pulls up beside him. This is when Tristan notices that all of the knights are beside Arthur, and he dismounts.

"Arthur…What are you doing all the way out here?" Arthur smiles at him as the knights all take turns clasping his shoulders.

"Would you mind horribly if we take this inside? Its horribly wet out here." Tristan nods, drawing his cloak tighter around him once more. They all find their way into Tristan's house, and Tristan goes over to the small fireplace, starting it up so that the house becomes warmer. Arthur and the knights all sit at the table, trying desperately to warm up. Gawain looks directly at Tristan, a smile crossing his face.

"Hey, Tristan, where's Ghost?" Tristan does not answer for a few moments, staying silent as he puts wood into the fireplace. He then lights the fire with some trouble, answering Gawain without looking up form what he's doing.

"She's dead." All of the knights are silent, especially at his calm manner in stating this fact. Galahad turns to the door just as Tristan's daughter walks in, taking off her cloak to reveal a light pink dress. Her hair softly waves around her shoulders as she turns around to look at Arthur and the knights. She gives a small curtsy, then goes over to help her father. Tristan stands up, allowing her to finish with the fire, and sits at the table. He waves his hand over his shoulder in explanation.

"Our daughter; Saira." The knights all nod their heads, and Tristan looks at Arthur, inquiring. Arthur takes a deep breath, and all of the knights look towards the table, Galahad trying not to get angry.

"I am having to call you all back to Britain, Tristan. Rome is needing the help of the Sarmatian knights." Tristan nods his head, just as Saira gives everyone water.

"Well then, let us fight. We're all going to die anyways." Galahad slams his hands on the table, standing up and leaning on the table.

"If you want to die so badly, you can die right now!" He goes to reach for his sword, as Tristan watches him calmly, but Saira places a hand on Galahad's shoulder. He looks at her, and slowly puts his hand down, sitting back in his chair. She looks towards Arthur, smiling warmly.

"If you are in need of a place to stay, there is an inn at the edge of town. Its name is the Lion." Arthur nods his head in a silent thanks, and he gets up, all of the knights following him out. As they all leave, Saira looks at Tristan, a sad expression crossing her face. Tristan stands up and walks over to her, and he kisses the top of her head, then walks towards his bed. Saira puts out the fire, and she also retires to her bed.

Today she would be alone again; and Tristan would finally get to go back to the life he had left abruptly.

Review, please! How do you like it? Bad; good? What's up?

~ xoxo, Ryuu