
"Talking or whispering"


Motoki's big shock

Summary: It was almost an year ago when Motoki learned that Usagi and Mamoru are dating. Now he is going to learn the true identities of Sailor Senshi's and Tuxedo Kamen. How the girls and Mamoru will tell it to him? And how Motoki will take it? What he is going to do or say to his friends? Just read on and you will find an answer.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or any of this characters.

Author's note: This is story a sequel to my earlier story "Oh our poor Motoki". PLEASE R&R! I want to know what do you think about this story.

Chapter 1 Tuesday

"So, how we are actually going to tell Motoki-onii-chan the truth about the Sailor Senshi's and Tuxedo Kamen?" Usagi asked to her friends. They had just few days ago decided to tell Motoki, that the girls were Sailor Senshi's and Mamoru was Tuxedo Kamen. And now they were having meeting at Hikawa Jinja, so they could make plan about that how to tell Motoki the news.

"Well he wont believe it at all, if we just say it to him. He is gonna think that we are joking or something like that. I think that it's the best choice that when tell it to him, we need transform to our Senshi forms, so he will believe us," Setsuna answered truthfully.

"I'm just bit worried about his reaction. You know how he reacted when he learned that I and Mamo-chan are dating," Usagi said worriedly.

"I'm worried about that too," Mamoru said hugging Usagi strongly, but warmly. He had been writing their plan to his computer, but he had stopped it when he heard Usagi's words.

"I am sorry, but I can't give to you an answer what would be 100% sure, because the future is not written into the stone," Setsuna answered truthfully.

"We know that," everybody answered sadly.

"So, when we will tell all of this to him?" Usagi asked. She was pretty nervous, because she didn't know how Motoki was going to take their news.

"What do you think about Thursday at 3:40 pm? I have three really important tests at cram school tomorrow, so I can't come at all, if we tell our news to Motoki-san tomorrow," usually quiet Ami answered behind of her book.

"Thursday is fine with me," Makoto answered smiling a nervous smile.

"Me too," everybody else answered. They were pretty nervous too for all of this.

"Let's talk about something nicer," Minako yelled happily.

"Okay," everybody answered sighing Minakos old acts.

Mamoru finished writing their plan to his computer and closed it.

45 minutes later everybody started to leave from Hikawa Jinja to their homes. But Usagi was so nervous that she started to cry. Mamoru ran to her.

"Usako! What's wrong with you? Are you hurt? Or sick? Please tell me darling," Mamoru pleaded fearing the worst.

"I'm just so nervous about Thursday, that I can't go to home," Usagi answered crying against her boyfriends hard chest.

"Usako! You know that if you come to my home, your father will come and kill me, or both of us," Mamoru whispered. "But I can't let you go to home all alone in this condition. It wouldn't be safe for you," he continued worriedly. "Oh Kami-sama… What should I do now? If something happens to my Usako, I wont ever forgive it to myself! She is my heart, my soul, my everything! I don't want to let her go!"

"I can cover you Usagi-chan, so you can go with Mamoru-san to his place and stay there," Makoto said hugging Usagi warmly.

"Oh really? Arigato Mako-chan," Usagi yelled hugging her friend back.

"You are welcome Usagi-chan," Makoto smiled.

"Thank you Makoto," Mamoru smiled as they started to drive away from Hikawa Jinja.

Mamoru stopped his car two blocks away from Usagi's home and then Usagi and Makoto walked to Usagi's home to get her pyjama and some other clothes. Usagi's parents accepted their "plan" about the sleepover at Makoto's, because it was summer and school was allready over. After getting Usagi's things, girls walked together back to the Mamoru's car and then Makoto started walk to her own home. Usagi and Mamoru drove in to the Mamoru's apartment in silence.

"Usako, are you sure that you aren't sick or something?" Mamoru asked worriedly to his girlfriend, when they arrived to his apartment.

"Yes, I'm sure about that. I just feel so much better when you are with me Mamo-chan. You are my everything honey," Usagi answered kissing her boyfriend gently to his lips. "Aishiteru Mamo-chan," she whispered pressing herself against Mamoru's hard chest.

"Aishiteru Usako," Mamoru whispered back not wanting to let his beautiful and lovely girlfriend away from his arms ever again.

End of chapter 1.

To be contiuned…


Onii-chan = Big brother, older brother

Jinja = Temple

Arigato = Thank you

Kami-sama = Oh (my) God!

Aishiteru = I love you