Quinn: Hey, Guess what?

Me: I own the night world!

Quinn: HA! In your dreams.

Me: Well, what then? (irritated

Quinn:Oh... I just wanted to say LJ Smith owns the Night World not you. HAHAHAHA (leaves)

Me: Rub it in why don't you. (crying) Whe me? Why can't I own the Night World?


It was a cold, wet, rainy night outside so Quinn, Timmy, Ash, Mare and I decided to sit on the couch and play a game of truth or dare.

"Washel, truth or dare" my little brother Timmy asked of me.

"Dare" I replied. I grinned. I was so predictable. I always picked dare.

"I dare you to kiss... Ash" Timmy laughed. I knew he disliked Quinn but... Ash? I was appalled and I knew it showed on my face.

"You can use your chicken, kitten. Honestly, I don't know what Mare sees in him." Quinn joked. Ash stuck his tongue out at Quinn, acting like the child he was. Ash's head snapped up and he turned to glare at me.

"Oh shit" I thought. I had forgotten about the whole vampires can pick up on your thoughts thing.

"Fine, whatever, Timmy" I stood up and crossed the room. I leaned down and placed my lips against his as lightly as possible and pulled away automatically. His mouth tasted like... fresh blood.

"Gross, Ash" I complained "Did you just feed?" Ash grinned wickedly at me, and I glared back unafraid.

"I was going to tell you" he snickered "but after your little comment I decided against it. Mare smacked him on the head but he just shrugged.

"Jerk" I muttered as I sat down taking my spot beside my soulmate, Quinn. I think everyone could feel the anger emanating off of him so, I laughed and kissed him. Immediately, his anger evaporated, I felt the tension go out of his neck and his hand slipped behind my neck, pulling me closer to him.

"Hello" Ash rudely interrupted "are we playing or not?" I glared at him but moved back between Quinn and Timmy.

"Jealous much" Quinn muttered under his breath so that only Ash and I could hear him.

"Of you" Ash scoffed. "Never" Ash decided at that moment to pull out the innocent face, even though we all knew it was fake.

"Mare, truth or dare" I ask ignoring Ash's mumblings.

"Dare" I grinned evilly as Jez had taught me to do when dealing with the malicious Ash Redfern. I heard everyone's sharp intake of breath.

"I dare you to" I paused, debating "kick Ash in the shins 20 times every time you see for... 2 weeks" I still smiled wickedly.

"WHAT?" shrieked Mare. I gave her my menacing 'cat look' that I always gave my victims. "Fine, sorry honey."

I watched with great amusement as Mary-Lynnette turned to Ash and started kicking him.

"Why, you-" and then Ash started calling me some pretty nasty names until Quinn leaped into action and covered Ash`s mouth with his hand. Mary-Lynnette looked shocked.

"Sucks, doesn't it?" I giggled "serves you right though. Having me kiss you, without wiping off the blood. Yuck!" Quinn removed his hand and Ash glared at me but said nothing more.

"Ash, truth or dare?" Ash stopped glaring and looked at Mary-Lynnette.

"Truth" Quinn started making chicken noises but Ash turned, seething, to him, and Quinn stopped abruptly.

"Are you gonna chill and have fun anytime soon?"

"Yeah, I guess." Ash grinned. "Timmy, truth or dare?"

"Dare, duh stupid" I assumed Jez had told him to say that.

"I'm not stupid" Ash growled at the four-year-old. Timmy cocked an eyebrow looking way older than he actually was.

"Grrr... I dare you to say I am the smartest and coolest person you have ever met" Ash was grinning now again.

"Okay" Timmy grinned. "I am the coolest and smartest person you have ever met." Now Timmy was outright grinning. Ash had gone back to glaring, with Quinn this time. Mare looked shocked. I however laughed.

"omg" i had to stop catch my breath. "Good job, Timmy. I`m sorry Ash but that was funny and brilliant." Ash rolled his eyes in response.

"Quinn, truth or dare?" Timmy asks, resuming the game.

"Dare, duh, stupid." Quinn replied, mockingly to Timmy. I glared at him and he stopped. Timmy on the other hand just grinned.

"I dare you to stay away from my Rashel for as long as Mary-Lynnette has to kick Ash." I was amazed at Timmy, I didn`t know he had it in him.

"T-t-two weeks?" Timmy nodded. Quinn regained his resolve and replied "Easy answer then, twerp. Chicken."

"Bawk-bawk" Ash laughed. I sighed.

"Enough, boys." God, for teenagers they act a lot like children.

"We do not" I heard the silent protest in my head. When I looked at Quinn he was just sitting there smiling.

"Ash is" he muttered, then louder "Rashel truth or dare?"

"Do you really have to ask?" Quinn shook his head and we both grinned. Ah, soulmate connection, gotta love it.

"I dare you... to let me change you."

"Quinn..." I didn`t know what to say. I wanted to be with Quinn forever... but I coudn`t become that which I hunted, without hating myself.

"This is where we take our leave" Mare said forcefully pulling on Ash's arm. I nodded gratefully to her. She smiled in reply.

"But Mare" Ash complained "it's just getting good" Mary-Lynnette glared at him. "Alright, later people." They stood up and left.

"Timmy-" I started but before I could continue he screamed.

"No, Washel don't send me away again. Pwease."

"Alright, come here you" Timmy came and hopped in my lap. When I turned back to Quinn his face hardened.

"What`s wrong, John?"

"Nothing, Kitten. So, will you let me?" He looked at me hopefully. I really did not want to. I also knew that if I didn't look away from his gaze soon, I would give in but strangely I found i was unable to look away.

"Please don't" Timmy pleaded. I finally managed to look away from Quinn so that I could look at Timmy. "I don't want you to get cursed as well"

I leaned down and kissed the top of his head. "It's okay" I reassured him, "I want to stay human."

"But, Rashel," Quinn complained, "I want this for us. So we can stay together forever."

"John," I sighed, "I like my life as a human. I love you, okay? But, I cannot become that which I have hunted and despised for all these years. I am truly sorry. Besides you said yourself you wanted me to be who I was. I can't be that as a vampire."

"Why not? And yes, I did say that. That's why I want to change you, so I can have you forever. I love you, Rashel."

"John, I've told you once and I will tell you again. If you change me I'll stake myself. I love you but, I don't want that life. Can you understand that?" I was getting mad now. Quinn obviously saw he wouldn`t win because he agreed.

"By the way, I chicken," I whispered in his ear. Then, I stood up Timmy still in my arms and walked out of the room.

(A/N When Quinn`s face hardens it is because Timmy sent him a mental message `Loves me, loves you... not`