'Can there be love without sex?' There is an accusation hidden somewhere behind the question.

Soubi stalls. 'Why do you ask?'

He receives a huff in response and Ritsuka turns back to his book with an angry swipe of his tail. 'Never mind.'

'I think love spawns desire,' Soubi offers, 'does that answer your question?

Ritsuka looks back to him, eyes sharp. 'So love equals sex?'

Soubi almost fidgets. Almost.

'The love that two lovers share; yes.'

A beat of silence, Ritsuka doesn't look away.

'But sex does not equal love.' It's a statement, another shrouded accusation, and Ritsuka's eyes flash in defiance and something else entirely.

'If Ritsuka says so,' Soubi concedes smoothly, masking his worry.

'I say so!' Ritsuka snaps, slamming the book he had been reading – Faust – shut. 'Just because you have sex with someone, or want to have sex, doesn't mean you love them!'

He turns his head away, fingers squeezing the book he's still clutching.

Soubi rises from his place seated on the floor next to Ritsuka's chair and grazes the teens jawline with the back of his fingers. Ritsuka swats his hand away with an agitated 'Stop that!'

Soubi smiles, 'I love you too.'

Ritsuka stares.

'If love and desire are not connected,' Soubi murmurs as he leans in closer, 'the fact that you don't want me to touch you doesn't mean you don't love me.'

He has just enough time to steal a sweet tasting kiss before Ritsuka processes his words and he has to dodge Faust flying at his head.

A/N: Comments, questions and constructive criticism are very welcome. Please feel free to point out any and all spelling or grammar mistakes.