A/N: This was seriously written in like 10 minutes, so it isn't amazing at all. I just wanted to write it, so I did.

The pairings are as followed.



And Kyman. You should be able to work it out.

And yey, it's not as depressing as my others, but still not the fluff I keep promising.

Breath of Fresh Air

Butters was a breath of fresh air.

He was the one who was always there, after anything, everything, he would still be waiting.

If Butters was asked to hold his hand and never let go, he would. He would do it without question, without motive, all because that was the kind of person he was.

Sure, Butters was naive. He was easily manipulated, which took the fun out of doing it. But he was consistent, always there, through anything.

Eric understood that he needed that, but what he couldn't understand was why.

Eric wanted thrill, he wanted danger, heat! Anger, fire, passion, torment, pain! Eric wanted everything that Kyle provided.

But Kyle wasn't his. Butters was.

Kyle was his forbidden fruit. The Jew would always be there, tempting him to the dark side. Tempting him to take a bite.

That made Butters his ray of light. The one he knew he should rely on, the one he was safe with. There was no heated arguments, no anger, no hatred between them. It was everything a relationship should be, and everything Eric hated.

Kyle fought back, usually harder than Eric gave out. The Nazi liked that. He liked having Kyle caught firmly, squirming frantically to be free.

With Butters there was no struggle. He had caught the boy, and the boy stayed caught. Not like Kyle; Kyle who fought him off with every ounce of his being. Kyle who burnt through his soul, binding them together in ways nobody would ever understand. Kyle who hated him beyond meaning, but still came back each night for more.

Perhaps the pair should have felt guilty each night as they indulged in their guilty pleasures together. Perhaps they should have spared a thought for Stan and Butters, the ones who were being hurt the most through these dirty secrets. But as soon as their lips locked, fire burnt fiercely within them, and all they could think about was hurting one another in the most pleasurable, forceful way possible.

During their 'meetings', Kyle didn't think about Stan, and Eric didn't think about Butters.

Deep inside of him, Eric knew it was wrong. Butters was a good person, as were Stan. The pair of them didn't deserve this. To be stuck either side of a heated (and passionate) feud between Nazi and Jew.

It wasn't right, but man it was worth it.

Butters was a breath of fresh air, but when Eric was with Kyle, air was barely used.