Hello everybody! I'm very excited to bring you this update on Teleport Trouble!

Do you know why I'm so excited to give you this update?

Because Teleport Trouble has over 1,000 views now! :D

As soon as I saw that this hit 1,000 views, I rushed to get this chapter in. Unfortunately, I lost my notebook for it twice. But I found it both times and still finished the chapter! So thank you to everyone who is reading this, you make me really happy right now.

Speaking of things that make me happy, thanks to these people for reviewing the last chapter: ForgetTheWalls97, phanthom theif kid, Winged Element and Dorito of Doom! Thanks for making that the most reviewed chapter yet!

But I'm done talking up here, you want the story, so the story you shall get! Enjoy!

Chapter 5:

The Calm

Max was suspicious when Link wasn't with the Flock when she woke up. Max was suspicious when Iggy claimed to not have been woken up by Fang for the second shift. Max was suspicious when Fang wasn't acting like a total dick towards to Link again.

But now? Max was sure there was some sort of conspiracy going on.

"Oh, com'n Max. It's just a sandwich," Fang shrugged as he offered said food to Max. "I'm not a bad cook; that would be you."

She still stayed on high alert. "Fang, you never make food if you don't have to."

"Then think of it as an apology my behavior yesterday," he reasoned.

Max sighed. "I'm this close to believing you, but then I realize that you're talking too much for this to not be a trap of some sort."

"Then allow me to mime my apologies," Fang retorted, then proceeded to do just that, predictably in a very humorous manner. All of the basics were shown, from a tug of war with the sandwich, a box of trapitation, and finally Fang still offering the food to Max.

Max chuckled, then relented, "Okay, if it means that much to ya, I'll take the darn sandwich." She bit into it, then spat it back out near instantaneously. "Uh, never mind! I don't care how much it means to ya, I'm not risking my life on another bite!"

They shared a laugh. The other homeless people in the station seemed to be annoyed, but most honestly didn't care. The Flock to them were just kids having fun even in seemingly dark times. Nobody could fault them for that, so nobody did.

Navi was probably the only one in the tunnel who was seriously working, as she studied the information Angel passed to her about New York City, the scientists (or whitecoats, as was the little girl's terminology) wicked intentions, and this Flock that the children had formed. Needless to say, all of the Flock drama combined with all the differences of technology in New York City and Hyrule had proven very difficult to swallow- Navi was almost ready to call the whole world false- but when the proof of reality surrounds you, it's time to face the facts.

Can you go back to that "controlled electricity" thing? The fairy thought to Angel. Of course, facing the facts could still be interesting. She had heard that Gannondorf's energy balls were made of this alleged electricity. If these humans had found a way to control it and do things like make permanent lights like the ones that littered New York…

Navi had much to learn from this world, as was plain to see. Hyrule would be a far better place thanks to this adventure; she would make sure of it.

Link was with Iggy and Gazzy, talking about Link's curious bombs and how they worked. Unfortunately for Iggy, Link was not very knowledgeable of what made up the explosives that he used.

"What do you mean you don't know why they flash red?" Iggy exploded, unhappy with Link's excuse of the day.

The Korkirian just shrugged in reply. "I mean I don't know. It just flashes red quicker near its detonation. Very useful for timing throws, though."

"And you're not at all curious as to why it does that?" The blind birdkid was baffled. "What kind of demolitionist are you?"

"Why don't you just cut it open and try to identify the contents?" Gazzy suggested as he reached his hand for the bomb bag, but it was immediately slapped away by Link.

"I wouldn't suggest doing that," Link warned. "The bombs are ignited by the heat in your hands. I wouldn't want an explosion in this tunnel, especially without any monsters around."

Gazzy 'ooh'ed at the information while Iggy looked in shock, yelling, "How are you not curious? It's ignited by the heat in your hands and you don't even think about it twice? I am deeply ashamed. And that mouse-like one, the bombchu. It moves on its own yet you're completely unknowledgeable as to why?"

Link snapped his fingers, "Ah, the bombchus? I think the reason they're able to move is because they're possessed by the souls of mice as they scamper through the afterlife."

"Uh… okay then…" Iggy shivered, no longer interested in the bombs' mechanics. If just the moving mechanics ran on souls, he'd hate to think about how the ignition worked, let alone any of the stranger mechanics. Maybe was Link was right to leave it alone.

And so the morning went without incident, as everyone entertained each other, except poor Nudge, whose channel was being blocked by everyone else, resorted to pulling Angel's recently bought teddy bear, the one called Celeste. "Funny," she started. "We got you when Angel's powers acted all weird like, and then that night those Flyboys came and wrecked us when that awesome alien elf guy destroyed them. And now he's travelling with us. It's all just so strange! Well, stranger than normal would be a better way to put it, what, with the wings and all. But who knew that there was another world with people like him all along? And I thought our situation with the School was bad, imagine his! I mean, killing the Flyboys, using their portals, destroying gas chambers…"

It seemed as though even the stuffed bear was tuning her out at this point.

Once Max and Fang were done exchanging jabs with each other, Max got the Flock's attention and motioned for them to get out of the tunnel. Slowly but surely everyone got up and left, leaving the tunnel once again in near silence, the childish energy fading out of the station. Not that anyone in there cared; they were now too busy sleeping or doing other various things not needing to be known.

Thus the Flock and company left the subway system, without a mechanical worm chasing them this time, too, the Flock preferring Link's terminology to their own about the subway. Once they were outside, Max pulled them out of the way of the crowds and laid out the day's agenda.

"Okay, everyone, today is the day that we take down the Institute," she started and was glad to hear the responding cheers before continuing. "Thanks to our friend Link here, we now know the location to their hideout. So no need for anything fancy; just walk in and get the data, with force if necessary."

"Max, it kinda sounds like you're skimping on the planning piece right now," Iggy said frankly. "I mean, won't the people at the front desk get suspicious about a group of muddied up kids entering a secret facility accompanied by someone they recently tried to kill? And it's not like anyone downstairs is going to just hand over every scrap of information they have on us if we just ask nicely, with or without a bomb held against their face."

Max replied with a sigh. "Dang it, Iggy; now's not the time to start using common sense. Now I need some time to come up with a better plan." She began to pace while thinking.

Nudge took the opportunity to suggest her idea, "Well, if Link was able to escape from there, maybe we can take his escape route in. Granted, we would still have trouble finding an open computer without getting caught by anyone there, let alone knowing the password, having access to a printer since we don't have a flash drive or anything to store our files on electronically. Not to mention-"

It was through Nudge's ranting that the Flock finally realized how much they actually had to do if they wanted to get the information hidden within the Institute. A defeated Max cut off Nudge, saying, "Hush, child. You've done your job."

The teen leader then straightened herself out, and tried to take control of the situation once again. "Okay! It appears we won't be able to attack by day. Since this is the case, today will just have to be a free day; we'll just fly by night."

Cheers erupted from the Flock; it had been a while since they last truly had a break. So they were going to relish it as if it was the last one they would ever have, which it may well have been.

Little did Max think about the consequences that would follow, but she soon found the folly of telling everyone to do whatever, as the younger kids dispersed faster than they would've if an Eraser had jumped into the middle of them. Max internally groaned as she yelled at the kids to come back. At least she didn't look too out of place on the streets of New York. The kids came back and this time were told that they didn't have total freedom.

But the mood wasn't dampened in the slightest, as the Flock and company just did some sightseeing around the city instead; something nobody had been able to do as of yet, shockingly. The Flock all 'ooh'ed and 'aah'ed while giving Iggy a constant stream of details. Navi was in awe of the technology on display, with the giant moving screens and lights coming from everywhere, even in day, more products of electricity. Link was simply amazed by the lack of enemies. But both of the Hylians thought, I wish my world was like this.

"Hey, look!" The Gasman said as he pointed to a roasted cashew stand. The birdkids cheered and rushed over, closely followed by Link and Navi, who after some confused looks, decided to hide in Link's cap once again. The kids bought a couple of bags of the nuts and paid the vendor some of the green currency ("Dollar bills," reminded Navi).

Link observed the kids as they cheerfully munched on the food and bantered, the mood only dropping for a second when Max informed the Flock that that was the last of the money from "that jerk's card". But it did no significant damage; all the kids acted as happy as before. They came back to the Hylian duo and offered Link one of the nuts.

The humans looked in wonder as Link studied the roasted cashew. They were even more surprised when he smashed it into the ground at his feet, and his apparent disappointment in the nut just crumbling into pieces. He turned to Nudge, asking, "Can I have another nut, please?"

Nudge honored his request. "Uh… sure. What for, exactly?"

Link drew out his slingshot and placed the inside it, though it fell out immediately, answering, "I'm trying to figure out how to optimally use this new item. It wasn't a very good stun, and its chances at bullet are looking quite bleak, too."

Max sighed as she said, "Or perhaps it's 'optimal use' is to use it as intended, or just eat it. You know, like a normal person."

"No need to eat it; I don't hunger." Link replied, then pondered. "Maybe it would work better on the arrows. Give them a little splash damage, and not even have to consume any magic. It is a possibility…"

Max grabbed a couple cashews from her own bag and shoved the treats into Link's mouth, saying, "You don't need to be hungry. It's a luxury; just enjoy it already!"

After nearly spitting out the food in surprise, Link finally ate the nuts, concluding, "I suppose you are correct that this is best as a consumable item. Probably restores vitality or something like that."

The Flock burst out laughing. Who couldn't when around someone who could say things like that so seriously. It would be torture not to laugh.

From that point on in the day, a small bond began to form in the group. Link, who had originally only been picked up for survival's sake, was now seen in a more friendly light. Granted, it wasn't much of an improvement (the Flock would still drop him if need be), but unknowingly, Link had placed something inside the Flock that only Max had before; a friend outside the Flock.

But like all good things, it would come to an end.

The eventually came to a close and the group came home. With little else to worry about, the Flock fist stacked and vowed to make a real strategy tomorrow. Link checked his items to make sure everything was working properly, and Navi practiced her memory of New York's technologies. Soon all were asleep. All were happy. All were careless.

Which is why all were surprised when they were awakened by an angry voice on the platform, screaming, "Who's screwing with my Mac?"

Duhn duhn DUHN! Not really, you all knew this would happen since Link's appearance wouldn't mean that the hacker wouldn't show up.

Either way, I just wanted a light-hearted slightly-filler chapter to go in between the last chapter and the next one because if this chapter is called "The Calm", "The Storm" is coming.

I could tell you that this story won't be updated until I finish my other story, and I could tell you I was making a cover for this story, but neither of those are really applicable as I'm updating faster than ever so my other story should be done by the end of the month, so the break between chapters would be no longer than it normally was, and I won't bother with the cover because it's not finished and won't be for a while.

But like I said, none of that really matters. So leave a review saying what you liked and disliked about the chapter. Also, leave ideas about what you think will happen. I have a pretty strong sense about what I want to write, but I don't want to leave any loose ends or forgotten Chekov items.

Anyways, hope you enjoy your Monday! :D