Blood thirsty: Okay, it's one in the fricken morning. I cannot sleep, so I am writing a fic. I have no idea what it'll be about, but I have to do something.

Legolas: * snoring *

Blood thirsty: Legolas, WAKE UP!

Legolas: …huh? …What? …Who? Oh, it's you. What are you doing up?

Blood thirsty: Writing a story.

Legolas: Why? It's one in the fricken morning!

Blood thirsty: I know. This fic is gonna be a dark one.

Legolas: Oh please. You expect me to believe that you'll go from writing a humor, straight to a dark one?

Blood thirsty: I wrote the other ones too you know, and they weren't humor.

He paced around nervously in his room. Someone was watching him. He could feel it. It was like a pair of eyes burning holes into his skull. They wanted something. He could feel it. Never had he been so uptight in his own kingdom. His ears perked. 'Someone's coming.' His mind screeched at him to be prepared. He had his elven blade in hand. He heard the faintest footsteps coming towards his room. His hands clenched around his blade. The steps were getting closer. A few more and-

" Legolas? I didn't know you were here." His brother asked him, relieved and somewhat paranoid. Legolas looked at him for a while.

" You feel it too?" Legolas asked. His brother nodded solemnly. They both walked down the hallway towards the dining hall. They made it about half way, until they both shivered. Legolas went pale. His brother looked just as worried. It seemed as thought the entire atmosphere had changed. It went from tense to completely dead. Nothing moved. Nothing made a sound. The only thing either one could hear was the sound of their own breathing.

" What do you think it is?" Legolas whispered. The elder elf shook his head and began to venture forward. Legolas found he couldn't move.

"Legolas…" The elf froze. Who called his name? It wasn't his brother; he would have recognized the voice. The voice he heard was… unnatural.

" Legolas… come…" Legolas felt his body seize. His brother was now through the hallway, and probably very close to the dining hall. Though the elf could not move. He began to panic. His eyes searched for any sign that his brother had returned.

" Legolas… come… to me… let me help you…" The voice sounded almost soothing. It crooned him, and he went into some sort of daze. A shadow approached him. Legolas was completely numb. He registered nothing of the shadow. He felt pure bliss. It was euphoric for him. The shadow slowly slinked towards him. It reached out what would be it's hand, and touched the elf's face.

" Legolas… let me help you… trust me… I won't hurt you…" The shadow coaxed; though it made no difference what it said to Legolas. The shadow had the elf under it's spell. Legolas shivered, but was unaware. He was so cold, so unused to that feeling. He began to feel dizzy, then everything went black.

Legolas strutted down into the dining room. His brothers gave him an odd look. He didn't usually act so arrogant. Legolas' usually warm eyes were cold. His humble walk was now a prideful strut. Something was amiss.

" Legolas, are you well?" His father asked, concern masking the elder elf's face. The younger elf gave him a distasteful look and snorted. With that, he sat down. He didn't eat anything, he just sat there, poking at his food. His second eldest brother came up to him.

" You are not yourself, I insist that you rest a little. You look paler than usual." He said softly, trying not to offend his youngest brother. Legolas stood up and smiled. Though it was not his usual 'happy-go-lucky' smile. It was dark. His eyes gleemed in a way that was very unnatural for an elf. Especially for Legolas. The way his face went darker, and his lips curled. He looked quite sinister.

" I'm feeling fine." He stated in a mocking tone. Before anyone could react, he revealed his elven blade, unsheathed it, and lunged at his brother.

Blood thirsty: I'm gonna leave it there, and if people like it, then I shall keep it up.

Legolas: O.O! I killed my brother?!

Blood thirsty: I didn't say that.

Legolas: What's wrong with me?! I'm trying to kill my own brother! Something is not right!

Blood thirsty: Obviously. Aragorn's gonna be in the next chapter. Now lets see if I can get some sleep.

Legolas: How do you expect me to sleep when I am on the brink of killing my brother?!

Blood thirsty: Oh please. Your not that strong. Sheash, calm down and take some tylanol. Now, good night! * falls asleep *