Well guys, this is it; Arca-knight Chronicles is officially going nowhere. I just cannot write Chapter 17, and I think I know why. Any reader who remembers this story remembers I reccently had a year skip at the beginning of chapter 10. I intended that to be another story describing Ahsoka's training on Earth, but I now realize that needs to be written first before anything.

So for now, this story will be suspended as I work on, "Arca-knight chronicles: Ahsoka's training." This story will follow Ahsoka and her training on the new Earth. It will explain the city Eutopus, the outside planet aka the Wastelands, and most important how Eutopus and Arca-knights were invented. It will also include an explanation on what the Arcanum belief is. After this one's complete, I'm sure I can jump back into the Arca-knight Chronicles.

I hope to send you the first complete chapter soon.