Chapter 15.B: Acceptance

England, Prussia and Canada stared at the double doors in front of them; they followed their half of the note and now are nervous of what is to come, it seems like they`ve chosen America`s room. England reloaded his gun just in case America will do anything rash. Slowly England reached for the door and opened it.

They were blinded by a bright light for a while and waited for their eyes to adjust, inside was a room filled with computer monitors, a Wide screen T.V. A fridge another door and a certain blond sitting in front of a Computer, his head was turned back and he was watching something.

"Well I guess you found me..." he said as he turned to face them "well I guess our game of hide and seek is done?"

"Alfred! why are you doing this!" Canada yelled, his tears are now trailing down his face.

"Why you ask?" he sighed and adjusted his glasses "well maybe having your feelings ignored every time was getting annoying especially by your Brothers, your Friends and of course especially the one you love"

"Yeah I understand how that feels it took me a while to open up to Mattie but really was it really necessary to attack nations and well kidnapping Japan" Prussia scowled.

America broke into giggles and then laughter "why? it`s fun it gets your mind off things no wonder why Russia loves it so much" he said, everyone stared in shock which made America laugh even harder "just kidding before I thought they were the reasons Japan didn`t notice my feelings then I find out it`s Arthur!"

England sighed and approached the young nation "how was I supposed to know? you never told me"

America stopped laughing and glared at him "How were you supposed to know? Good point was always saving him didn`t help, was giving him presents didn`t help, was always clinging to him didn`t help, was being possessive and protective of him didn`t help, was always carving his attention didn`t help or maybe crying myself to sleep didn`t help..." at the last statement he glared at Canada "now what else do you want to know?" he asked sarcastically.

"Al, Come on stop this I know the others will forgive you so now please come on let`s go and everything will be back to nor-"

"Normal? Dude how can anything be normal! Iggy and Kiku will be lovers every nation would hate or be afraid of me! How can that be normal" he spat.

England clenched his first and started to yell "why you little shit! look we forgave you and why do you think the others won`t!" he sighed and rubbed his temples and started to calm down "look I`m sorry I never noticed how you felt but listen to me I love so much it`s just...I love Japan more and I think he loves me back and now just accept the truth and stop being a spoiled brat!"

They were silent before America broke it "are you sure Japan loves you back?"

"Positive! Now please come back home" England moved closer trying to grab his little brother, he was only inches away before America ran for the window.

"That's all I need to know!" he said as he jumped off.

"NO! ALFRED!" England rushed towards him.

Italy, France and Germany stand before a large double door, Germany gulped as he opened the doors which lead to another hallway. At the end you could see a plain white door; the three followed the hall only to note that the door has a small one built on it.

Germany banged on the door "Japan are you in there!"

after about a minute there was a reply "Doitsu-san?"

"Ve~ Japan are you Ok?" Italy but in, also banging on the door.

"Italia-san, Hai I`m fine"

"Don`t worry mon cher, will get you out"

"Furansu-san? Arigato, demo where is Arthur-san?"

There was silence until France replied "I think he went to see Amerique..."

Japan did not reply but they heard sobs and hiccups.

"Ne ne Japan are you crying?" Italy asked, worried about his friend.

"How can I not this is my entire fault if only I noticed sooner..."

"It`s not your fault never knew this will happen"

"I guess so demo-"

"Umm we should get Japan out first, non?" Francis intruded.

Germany and Italy blink before staring at the door, the door was locked and there was no security lock or even a riddle. France was also confused; they all have the same question, how would we get the door unlocked?

"Ve~ Ludwig didn`t we receive a key a few minutes ago? Why don`t we try it!"

And Germany and France froze, why didn't we think of that earlier? They thought. Germany placed the key on the key hole, a perfect fit once the door opened Japan swung himself on the first person, which happens to be France.

"Where`s Arthur-san? Is he safe! That stupid pirate doing something so reckless" He wailed.

France was patting his back, he seems to be enjoying himself before a certain German knocked his head.

"Think of any perverted thoughts and you`re dead" he demanded, France cowered behind Italy.

England watched as the river`s current took away his little brother, Canada and Prussia watched as the Briton stared into the river wishing that America was still alive, As America`s final words ring into his ears, clutching the bomber Jacket tightly.

England was only few inches away from his former colony, luckily he was able to catch his Bomber Jacket. America hung like a rag doll watching the river flow rapidly.

"for god`s sake you bloody git were on the second floor! If you want to escape take the stairs" he yelled.

America stared at the floor before replying "I don`t want to escape...I want to die"

England stared in shock, how can America the biggest and stubborn idiot of them all want to give up his life and DIE? "Are an idiot? why would you want to die?" like he needs to know"

America started to sob as he looks down "because my heart hurts and I screwed up my life...BIG TIME!"

"you Idiot! What will Japan say about this!" the Briton tried to reason out, the American only smiled.

"tell Japan I love him" as he said that he removed his bomber Jacket and as he fell he yelled "tell him that and take care of him, also give him that as a present!" and then splash.

England then knelt on the floor, tears streaming on his face. Canada started to cry while Prussia sniffed back tears and hugged the Canadian.


England lifted his head to see Japan was standing by the door way tears still streaming from his eyes, Italy Germany and France were behind him. Japan approached him and hugged him, France stared at the scene, processing everything in his mind also Germany and Italy seemed confused.

"w-what happened?" France asked.

England lifted his head and started to cry again "It`s all over!...America is..."

England didn`t need to continue his sentence for the other four to understand, England was clutching the American`s jacket, Prussia, England and Canada was crying and outside was a river. Japan started to cry.

"I`m sorry this is my entire fault if only I noticed sooner!" he wailed, England hugged him tighter.

"no it`s not...It was mine if only I knew..." then he remembered the Jacket he held "Alfred wants me to give this to you..." he handed the Jacket to Japan.

The Japanese stared at the jacket before he noticed the piece of paper in its pocket. He pulled it out and a box also fell out, he opened the letter and started to read, tears are now forming again.


I hope you forgive me for my sins...

I love you so much that I lost my sanity...

I think it`s more of an obsessions...


Anyway I want you to know I love you so and please understand my heart...

I hope you`re happy with Arthur! My best regards...


I wanted to give you this ever since I fell in love with you

Truly yours,

Alfred F. Jones

Japan opened the box and to his surprise, inside was a small gold ring with a beautiful blue gem, as he lifted it up he notice something engraved on it, I Love you it read. Japan started to cry again. England gave him a hug.

"I`m sorry Alfred!"

England kissed him on the forehead and whispered sweet things to sooth him.

"At least he approves of us..." England whispered.

"Yes demo...I`m sorry Alfred..." Japan hugged even tighter as more tears escaped his eyes.

"Don`t worry he might be happier now..." England reassured remembering America`s last words

"Yes I guess..." Japan replied.

"I love you..."


And both leaned in for a kiss, as their tears stream from their eyes and remember the blond.

Hope you`re happy Alfred

Right well I know it`s not dramatic enough and well the ending part is a bit off but well I ran out of Ideas

Well anyway bad ending!

Well please don`t hate me I put in the character death!

What thought it`ll be more dramatic!

Anyway please forgive poor plotting and typing errors

I do not own hetalia!

Thank you for supporting ASAKIKU