It's Time To Partaay! Part 2

AN Hey guys! Happy New Year since I didn't update at the start of 2011, but better late than never! I got 31 reviews! Wahoooo! Let's keep up the good work! Shoutout to iHeartChannyZanessaCailey for being 30th! On with the story...

I don't own anything...

Sonny's PoV

There was an awkward silence between us. We just stood there staring at the floor, until I decided to break (or at least attempt) the awkwardness.

"So," I said.

"So," he replied in the same kind of tone I used.

"Enjoying the party?" I hoped some sort of normal conversation would begin.

" Yeah it's a'ight. I'm going to get a drink."

"Yeah, I'm going to talk to some people and… um… stuff…" Real smooth Sonny. We both walked away from each other, with the same thoughts in our head

What just happened? What's going to happen?

General PoV

Little did Chad and Sonny know that their friends were watching.

" They were so close to kissing, which would have made our plan soooo much easier," Selena exclaimed, "why can't they do the honourable thing and just acknowledge the fact that they are perfect for each other and like each other?" Everyone else agreed with her. She had a point after all. After a few moments of pondering, Tawni looked up with a ' I have an amazing plan that won't fail' look on her face that caught everyone's eye.

"Gather round guys, I know what we can do..."

Sonny's PoV

After a while of talking to people, I sat down so I could think about the party so far. Just as I started to think, someone interrupted by asking,

"Is it alright if I sit here?"

"Yeah sure," I replied, not really taking notice of who it was.

"You're Sonny Munroe, right?" she asked. I looked up to see who it was when I seemed to recognise her from TV.

"Yep, that's me! You're Nicole Anderson, right?"

" Yup, the one, the only...I hope," she said uncertainly. Automatically, we started laughing. I had a feeling that this was a start of a very good friendship.

"I've heard a lot about you from Nick. And you seem way better than he described!" She smiled, with a hint of blushing. I think it's time to dig a little deeper...

"I think Nick likes you, y'know," I stated as her smile grew bigger, "and I think you like him." I added. Once again, a blush appeared.

"Even though I like him, I don't want to be in a Selena Miley mess. I mean those girls despise each other, just like Mamaw and Aunt Dolly from HM!" I giggled at the Hannah Montana reference. After all, who uses Hannah Montana as a reference? Me and Nicole spent quite a lot of the time talking about ourselves. By the time we finished talking to each other, it was as if we knew each other since we were born.

"OK guys, it's time for some karaoke. So, who's going to be first? We're going to pick two names out of a hat and you guys have to sing. No ifs, no buts," a man, who I assumed was the entertainer of the party.

"Sonny Munroe," he announced as excitement filled my body," and... Chad Dylan Cooper!"

WHAT! I walked onto the stage when someone shouted that we should sing 'Wouldn't Change A Thing', one of the most beautiful songs of Camp Rock 2. I turned to see who shouted that out. Tawni. Urghh, that girl is going to get it. A few moments later, I found myself singing.

(AN I would write the lyrics but ,I won't because it is time consuming...)

I can't believe what I'm about to say this but, I actually enjoyed singing with him. There was something different when I sang with him, as if I could sing all day with him. However, it probably just me thinking that way.

Chad's PoV

Wow, that must have been the best thing I've done all day! It felt magical when I was up there with Sonny. It was unique, our voices blended together and there was nothing that wasn't brilliant. The crowd was clapping, giving us a standing ovation. We both smiled and walked off as Ryan came on stage, complimenting us. We both walked to a table near the back.

"Um, Chad, I just want to say thanks, for listening to me at the sleepover. It feels good to have that off my chest as I told you. I hadn't even told my little sis Alex." Sonny said with a smile.

"No problem. I should thank you." I replied.

"Are you ever gonna move on from Ashley? You don't need to tell me because it's personal." How did she know? I thought she was sleeping. Well, should I answer? Yeah, you told her about everything else. Point taken. I

" I'm not really sure."

" Well, I have one thing to say to you. If you're never ever gonna get hurt again, are you ever gonna feel another thing my friend?" I laughed at her reference to Sterling's song. If you think about it, that song actually fits my situation. I'm giving love another chance with Sonny. Sure, I told her that I'm not really sure if I'm going to move on, but I don't actually know if I will actually get the courage to ask her. I know, I'm CDC, I'm never scared... but CDC doesn't like Sonny, Chad does.

Sonny's PoV

While Chad was thinking to himself, I thought about why I was actually talking to him about this stuff. Then I thought about the past few days, the way I had felt around him. My hands would feeling a little sweaty, I would be nervous and well, I saw Chad in a different way. Sounds like a certain little Sonshine likes someone! Stop teasing me, me. Just admit it. No, I don't like him. I think penguins will rule the world. What? We were just talking about how I like Chad! And it works again. Urrgh, I hate you voice inside my head.

Beep Beep

I looked at my phone and saw I had a text.

Heyy we took the limo cldn't find ya get lift from boys

Tawni xx

Awww! I don't really want to go with the boys. Well, I have to get home.

"Chad, is it alright if I go home with you guys in the limo? The girls left so..." I stopped as Chad showed me his phone. I read what was on the screen.

Chad we cldnt find u so we left. Bye.

Oh boy. How are we supposed to get home now?

AN Well, I've got a trailer for this story on YouTube. The link will be on my profile. Also, I have Twitter if I haven't told you yet so PLEASE follow me! I'm bubblystarz11 and I will follow back! If you are a WOWP Fanfic reader than check out 'The Wands'. It's like The Channys, but for WOWP. And check out my SLOD/SWAC crossover 'Seas of Love'.

Peace and review and watch and follow!

MiiMyselfandTime =]