Minerva, Albus and Severus all sat in the staff room. Minerva and Severus were correcting essays, while Albus ate a sandwich as he watched Minerva correct. Severus sighed as he set aside another essay and said,

"Minerva, I really don't know what you see in your cubs. I just gave out my third consecutive D." Minerva rolled her eyes and said,

"Oh honestly Severus, you're just showing a gross amount of favoritism. I just read an essay from Pansy Parkinson on the appropriate way to transform a beetle to a button. It said in its entirety: "You poke it with your wand and see if anything happens." Now, do you really have anything to say on the matter?" Severus's lip curled as he said,

"This is it Minerva. I challenge you to a challenge of Albus's choosing." Minerva glared at him defiantly and said,

"I accept. Albus?" He looked up,

"Huh?" Minerva rolled her eyes and said,

"Severus and I have agreed to participate in a challenge designed by you. Do you have anything?" Albus's face immediately split into a wide grin as he said,

"Excellent!" He rubbed his hands together, "I was just contemplating something that fits this perfectly. I discovered this wonderful Muggle sweet called marshmallows." Albus pulled a brightly colored bag full of massive white globs that Minerva and Severus assumed to be marshmallows. Albus popped one in his mouth and said,

"They really are quite tasty. Now, your challenge is called 'Chubby Bunny'. Without using magic, whoever can fit the most marshmallows in their mouth and say 'Chubby Bunny' wins." Minerva looked witheringly at Albus, while Severus was trying not to laugh. Minerva rolled her eyes and said,

"Men. Very well, do you have enough sarshmellos or whatever they're called?" Albus waved the bag and said,

"Yep. Now, who wants to go first?" Severus said in his silky voice,

"I will." Albus handed him a marshmallow. Severus popped it in his mouth, pushed it into one of his cheeks and said quite clearly,

"Chubby bunny." Minerva burst out laughing. Severus was looking quite ludicrous. Minerva took a marshmallow and pushed it into one of her cheeks as well, saying,

"Chubby bunny." Severus took another and put it in his other cheek. He bore a remarkable resemblance to a chipmunk. He said,

"Chubby bunny." Minerva followed suit.

On and on it went, each time the contestants looking more ludicrous and being less enunciated. Albus was literally rolling on the floor by the time Minerva had crammed 10 in her mouth. (A/N: You think that's easy? Try using the larger ones. Let me know what you get. Please? My friend got 7, but said her best was 9, tops.) Severus had ten in his mouth, and was having difficulty trying to fit the next. Finally, he ended up practically choking on them as he squashed the last in his hands and shoved it in. He got as far as "Chubby Bu—" before he had to spit them out or asphyxiate. Minerva took another marshmallow, fitting it in with ease and saying quite clearly,

"Chubby. Bunny." She conjured a cup and spit them all out into the cup. Severus just ran over to the sink and spewed. Minerva Vanished the cup and marshmallows as Severus wiped the saliva from his mouth. Minerva grinned smugly and said,

"Now, what was it you were saying about my cubs?" Severus glared and said,

"They have as big of mouths as you." Minerva's smiled disappeared as she asked,

"Rematch?" Severus grinned fiendishly and sat down.