"YOH!" Haru kicked open Yoh's room. "Would you care to explain this?" Then he shoved a piece of paper in Yoh's forehead.

The small piece of paper had a short sentence written in Haniel's ugly ass handwriting.

'Went to train for three days with Yoh's dad.' It said

"She left with dad?" Yoh said as he inspected the note. "Well, that's not good..." He muttered.

"Bring her back, then!" Aki demanded.

"I-I'm sorry, but I don't really know where he could be." He apologized while rubbing the back of his head.

"I don't give a shit. You know damn well about the prophecy. Making her stronger will not help at all!"

No one noticed Anna leaning against the door.

"I don't know what's going on with your dear Haniel, but this is not Yoh's problem. Fix it yourself because Yoh has training to do."

Yoh groaned, anticipating the hell he is about to go through.

"Sorry guys." He said before leaving behind Anna.

-Back to Haniel-

"M-Mikihisa," Haniel panted. She was covered in sweat from head to toe. "We have been walking for decades. Are we there yet?" She leaned against a tree to catch her breath.

"We are not. What? Tired already?" Replied Mikihisa, who didn't had a single drop a sweat in his body.

"No way." Haniel lied. "Just wondering..."

Two hours later, they finally arrived to a clearing in the middle of the woods, where Haniel collapsed instantly. After resting for a bit, she turned to Mikihisa, who was building a fire a few feet from her.

"So when does training start?" She asked excitedly. The idea of being twice as strong as she is now made her heart skip a beat.

"Training? What training?" Replied Mikihisa.

"Oh, come on. Get serious." Chuckled Haniel, but there was not a trace of humor in the man's face. Her eyes darkened.

"I see what you're doing here." She said angrily. "You plan on finishing me here in the woods so I can't kill your dear son Hao. Well, too bad cause I'm going back now."

Before she could leave, Mikihisa said:

"Wait, girl. I admit I didn't brought you here to train, but for a greater reason."

"And what is that, you lying little-"

"To think." Answered Mikihisa. "Think about what you're about to do."

"This is bullshit. I'm leaving." Scowled Haniel.

"Let me show you something. If you want to leave after that, then I won't stop you." He offered.

Haniel thought about it for a minute, but finally nodded her head.

Mikihisa placed his hands on Haniel's temples and breathed in.

"What you're about to see is only meant for your eyes. Watch carefully."

"Watch what? Hey, where do you think you're touching-" But then her mind went blank and her body limp. She could feel Mikihisa's power inside her head, but something else was there. A warm sensation that, even though she had never felt before, felt so familiar.

Then she was teleported to a dark room lit only by candles. In the middle of the room sat three people. Mikihisa and both of Haniel's parents. They were talking in hush voices, which made Haniel believe that their meeting was secret.

"Believe me, it is not easy for us to talk to a member of the Asakura clan. This is only for Haniel." Said Haniel's dad firmly.

"We believe that you are the only one who can pass on this message to her." The man's wife said in a softer voice.

Mikihisa just nodded. "Go on."

Both parents closed their eyes.

"Haniel, if you ever get to hear this, there is something you should know about us, the Chikako clan." Began the father.

"This may not be easy, but we trust you, even though you are not even born yet." The mother said. "Our clan committed an unforgivable crime in the past. Our ancestors shared Hao's ideals in his past life, and they fought side by side to put an end to humans."

"When Hao was defeated, the Great Spirit predicted a prophecy for one of the future generations in our clan. We would pay by offering the life of a girl to defeat Hao once again." Continued her husband. "Hao saw this as treason and will surely go after you when you're born, but do not worry, because we will protect you. We are extremely sorry that you have to carry that burden."

"In the future, you will be forced to make a decision that will change your life drastically. Be strong, my child, because you have the power to change the prophecy and live on a life you can be proud of. Revenge is just a disease that withers one's heart. Please, do not choose hate over hope, like our ancestors did in the past. You are more than that." The mother said with tears already running down her cheeks.

Then the whole scene disappeared and Haniel was back in the woods. She had huge tears running down her face, but she couldn't move an inch.

"Are you okay?" Asked Mikihisa with genuine concern. "I believe that was a little nerve wracking, but I promise your parents I would do everything in my power to keep you in the right path."

Haniel laughed grimly.

"So I am paying for my ancestors' mistakes? That's just freaking amazing! So here I am about to give my life to Hao in a silver tray just because the older generations where basically made up of assholes?" She was screaming now.

Then something unexpected happened. The man in front of her raised her hand and slapped her across the face

"You could get arrested for child abuse you know?"

"Get a hold of yourself. You're not the only one who has ever had a tragic past, you know? I tried to kill one of my sons and failed. Now I have to watch them fight to death against each other. You know Anna? She went through hell when she has just a girl. Do you see her whining and feeling sorry for herself?"

Haniel shook her head while holding her cheek.

"That's right. Most shamans in this competition have had horrible pasts, but they still have their heads held up high because they believe in a better future. Maybe you should try and learn a little form them." Then Mikihisa turned around and began to walk away. "I expected better from the daughter of such great shamans." Then he disappeared.

"Argh." Haniel groaned in frustration. Then she took her staff out and began to swing it around like crazy, beating up an invisible enemy.

"What *swing* the hell *swing* is wrong with HIM? *swing*." Her little "fight" went on for hours. When she didn't have the strength to swing even one more time she collapsed into the soft grass. She felt as bad as before, only much more tired.

"Ariel." Haniel called.

"My lady?" The spirit appeared.

"Do you think I'm doing the wrong thing?" Haniel asked. "Should I just...give up this fight?"

"My lady, I don't think that abandoning the fight is giving up." The angel spoke wisely. "It's true that you have a reason to despise Hao, but leaving all that behind is what really takes strength. I do not know what you saw through master Mikihisa's power, but I ask you to think everything over before making a decision you might regret later on."

Haniel rolled on one of her sides and sighted.

"Smart ass." She muttered to Ariel.

"I-I'm sorry, I was merely answering your question." Replied Ariel apologetically.

"I was kidding, idiot." Then she closed her eyes and began to drift away. "Thank you, Ariel."

Ariel smiled while watching Haniel slowly falling asleep.

"You're welcome, my lady."

-At "The Ren" inn room-

"It been TWO days and Haniel is still gone!" Said Haru as he banged his head against a wall.

"It's logical, idiot. The note said three days. Can you even count that far?" Horo Horo said from the other side of the room. "You should just relax and wait patiently for her to come-" But he was interrupted when the dining table fell right over his head.

Everyone turned to look at the culprit, expecting it to be Haru, but it was no other than Ren who was standing right next to where the table should be.

"Sorry, my hand slipped." He said calmly.

"Oh it's okay. It could happen to any of us." Laughed Horo Horo, as he removed small pieces of wood from his jacket. "AS IF YOU MORON! Your hand slipped? Then watch as my fist slips up your-"

"SILENCE!" Shouted Haru. The room fell quiet. "If she doesn't come back by tonight, I'm going to get her. I don't care if she is training in the moon; I'm bringing her back."

"Bringing who back?" Asked Haniel from behind. She was sitting in a corner flipping through a magazine.

"Haniel." Answered Haru without even turning around. "Haven't you been listening to anything I've said so far?"

"Oh okay. Good luck with that." Haniel said back.


Then suddenly everyone turned around. Expressions of shock and confusion were in everyone's face.

Haniel gasped dramatically. "Ohmygawd! Haniel what are you doing here?" She said in a overly fake tone. Then she answered to herself. "Oh, I've been here for a while. Thanks for noticing." She said sweetly.

"What-?" Horo Horo asked.

"Since when have-" Chocolove muttered.

"You shouldn't scare us like that!" Aki shouted and ran to hug Haniel.

"Yeah, sorry and stuff." She said in a not-so-apologetically tone. "I left a note, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but, I mean-" Said Aki.

"I just went to train. Is there something wrong with me getting stronger?" Haniel asked. She was kind of angry at the twins for hiding the true prophecy from her. Why not play with them a little? "So?" She urged for an answer.

"No, nothing at all." Muttered Aki.

"I thought so as well. Okay, see you guys at dinner!" Then Haniel skipped out of the room.

"She knows." Was the first thing Haru said as soon as Haniel left.

"Are you sure about that?" Asked Yoh.

"Of course I'm sure. I've known her forever. She may not know the real prophecy, but she at least knows we're hiding something."

"Damn it." Said Aki.

"What prophecy? Are you guys keeping something from us?" Asked Horo Horo and Chocolove.

"Annoying little-" Whispered Ren. "You don't need to know anything about her." He said a little louder.

"Someone is getting defensive..." Teased Horo Horo.

"I'm NOT defensive." Ren shouted back.

"Okay, everyone chill." Aki stood between them. "Fine, everyone knows already so we might as well let you guys into the little secret."

Then she continued to explain everything to the goofy pair, who just stood there with their eyes and mouth wide open.

"So what if she knows? Maybe if she is aware she could die then she will withdraw from the competition." Said Ren.

"As if." Snorted Aki. "She may not look like it, but Haniel is prideful to the core. Something like death isn't going to stop her."

"Maybe we can keep the secret for a little longer?" Offered Haru.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

We'll see about that...Thought Haniel, who instead of going to her room stayed next to the door.

-That night after dinner-

"I...can't take...anymore...Chinese food..." Wailed Horo Horo with his plates untouched. On the other hand Ren had already cleaned his from any remaining food.

"Your underdeveloped brain can't even tell good food from the junk you usually eat." He said as he put down his chopsticks.

"It's actually...very good!" Haniel said while asking for a second serving. "I've never had Chinese food before!"

Ren smirked at Haru in triumph. Heard that? She likes it.

Haru thought back. Don't get too carried away you cocky brat.

"Woa! That was great!" Smiled Yoh while rubbing his belly.

"Humph. You won't be that happy when I make you sweat does dumplings tomorrow." Said Anna.

"Anna..." Groaned Yoh in response.

Everyone was making their way back to their respective rooms after the huge meal. When the H-3 finally made it back to theirs, Haniel walked to Haru while Aki was taking a bath.

"Haru..." Said Haniel.

"What is it?" He answered.

"Are you still angry at me for leaving?" Haniel asked innocently.

"I had already forgotten about that, idiot. Why are you asking so suddenly?"

"No reason. I was just wondering. You would tell me if anything was bothering you, right? I mean, there are no secrets between us." Haniel smiled a little. She could already see guilt building up in Haru's features'. She laughed inwardly.

"O-Of course n-not, Haniel."

She stared at him long and hard for a while. For one second, Haru thought he had been caught.

"Okay! That's everything I wanted to know."

He sighted in relief.

"Haniel?" Called Haru.

"What?" She answered.

"Did you really get stronger?"

"Who knows? Maybe I did maybe I didn't." She chuckled.


"The oracle bell?" Asked Aki when she stepped out of the bathroom. "Looks like we have a fight tomorrow!"

"It's been so long since our last fight..." Sighted Haniel. "Looks like you'll have your answer tomorrow." She said to Haru.

"Looks like it..." He muttered, wishing for tomorrow never to arrive.

That night, Haniel couldn't even sleep. Her mind was filled with the visions Mikihisa had shown her before.

So what if I die? It's not like I'm having everyone involved in this fight.

But she knew deep inside that if she gets into a tough situation, the twins would not think twice about helping her until the end.

Am I choosing hate over hope? Am I making the same mistake as my ancestors did? Ugh, this is just too confusing...

And with that last thought she fell asleep.

-Haniel's POV-

"HANIEL!" I heard in the distance. "WAKE UP ALREADY!"

"The fight!" I suddenly remembered.

"That's right. Haru already left. We'll be late if you don't move now!"

"I'm up already. God..." I dragged myself to the bathroom and changed quickly. In less than three minutes, Aki and I were already on our way to the stadium.

"So who are we fighting anyway?" I asked.

"The X-II." Said Aki with no humor in her voice.

"What? One of the little goddess-wannabe's groupies? This ought to be interesting..."

-At the stadium-

"Come on guys...where the hell are you?" murmured Haru.

He has been standing in his side of the stadium for almost five minutes now. On the other side the X-II stood patiently. Their white uniforms and stoic faces gave them a peculiar air of superiority; and Haru was getting sick of it.


"Where is she?" thought Ren impatiently.

"Well, unless they want to be disqualified they should be running their asses off." Chocolove said.

"If they don't make it time it's their own fault. Want kind of commitment do they have?" Commented Anna.

"Miss Anna..." said Tamao nervously.

"ONLY 30 SECONDS REMAINING, FOLKS" Shouted the announcer.


Everyone turned their heads to see Haniel and Aki running for the arena. When they finally made it they fell to their knees panting furiously.

"Oh God, I've never ran so fast before. I'm too old for this." Whispered Haniel.

Haru came from behind and slapped both girls in the head.

"What where you guys thinking? We could have been disqualified!"

"Chill, would ya? We made it so whatever." Aki hit his brother back.

Everyone in the crowd let out a sight of relief.


"G-give just two minutes to catch my breath. Wait. Is that guy pointing me with a grenade launcher?" Haniel asked in disbelief.

"Move, stupid!" Haru pushed her to the ground just in time. The shot barely grazed her hair.

"Everyone okay?" Asked Aki.

"Wow. Looks like someone is in a hurry." murmured Haniel. "Fine by me then. Haru, Aki, are you guys ready?"

Aki snorted. "I was born ready, sweetie."

Haru's replay was just a cocky little smirk.

If they were planning on making us loose on purpose, they definitely made a change of plans. When it came to fights, the twins' mind just focuses on winning. Thought Haniel.

"GO!" Aki launched forward so fast that no one was able to tell where she was anymore. After a few moments, Aki materialized again, right in front of grenade-launcher guy, and with a graceful twirl, she kicked him to the ground.

"Way to go, Aki!" Horo Horo cheered from the audience.

"Show off..." said Haru. "I'm not letting my baby sister beat me on this one."

"Oh, but I will." Chuckled Aki, who was suddenly right next to us.

"Um, guys? That isn't looking too good." Pointed Haniel towards their oponents.

The three X-Laws were pointing their fire weapons right to them, and slowly, three divine figures appeared behind them, as if waiting to attack along with their shots.

"Lady Haniel..." Whispered Ariel from within the staff.

"What is it?"

"There is something wrong with their angels." The spirit whispered.

"Wrong? what do you mean by that?"

"It's like their...fake or something?"

"Fake? What are you-" But talking time was over.

"INCOMING!" Shouted Haru.

The twins and Haniel all jumped at the same time, but the explosion reached them and landed them on the floor.

"So powerful..." Said Aki as they all came back to their feet.

"Okay, it's time to get serious." Haniel rised Her staff to the sky. "Touch of the Thunder God!"

Lighting and thunder began to fall from the sky like rain and Haniel smiled, pleased.

But her smiled vanished when the dust cloud cleared up and the three opponents stood there. There where a few scratches here and there, but the attack didn't do any real damage.

"What? My attack was useless!"

Can we really defeat them? thought Haniel.

"Did they just shoot their angles at us?" Asked Aki.

"Seems like it. Good thing they missed us by a sec." Answered Haru.

"A good thing? Are you serious? They were millimeters away from blowing us from here to mars!" Shouted Haniel.

"But they didn't! That's why it is a good thing!"

"Guys, we're in a fight here, remember?"

"Yeah, thanks Aki for the memo."

"OKAY! Let's all calm down and analyze this...INCOMING!"