Warning! This chapter contains mature

Sexual Content

You have been warned :D


Bob heaved the heavy box beside all the others, grunting as he did. He stretched his arms up, "Well, that's the last of it."

Ganryu was at the door, giving tips to the men who helped them carry up his boxes. Today was the day he was moving in with Bob, and he was thrilled to have finally gotten out of that old, abandoned house he used to live in.

"Can we unpack later? I haven't eaten yet."
"Oh, sure. I didn't cook anything, though. I thought you'd eat before moving in," Bob explained, "It's cool, we can order out, hehe."
"Too bad. I was hoping you would let me taste more of your delicious recipes," Ganryu teased.
"Haha! Maybe tonight. We can cook together," Bob smiled as he just realized that they would be together most of the time.
"I would be honored." Ganryu repectfully replied, bowing slightly as Bob walked past him.

While Bob was on the phone, Ganryu walked toward the wall window, and watched as all the cars that seemed so minuscule flowed along the roads, like tiny ants gathering food. About a mile away, he could see some taller buildings, stretching high. And above, the clear blue sky, with the sun right above. It was perfect, he was happy that he'd see this more often now.

As he was lost in thought, looking out the window, Bob hugged him from behind and rested his chin on Ganryu's shoulder.

"Pretty good view, huh?" He said proudly. Ganryu only nodded and tilted his head against Bob's.

I think I'm starting to understand why he didn't want to leave this place.

A few minutes later, they were chatting in the kitchen as they were setting the table, preparing for their meal when a knock came on the door.

"That must be our food," Bob walked toward the door, "I hope you don't mind Chinese!" he smirked at his racial remark.
"Haha! No, not at all."

They sat on opposite sides of the table, just like the other night. Ganryu sucked an ample amount of his noodles, enjoying watching Bob chow down on the box of sweet and sour pork. Bob on the other hand, was too concentrated on eating to be aware of anything else.

"Maybe we can try making Caldeirada de Peixe," Bob blurted out, "it's a Portuguese dish I read about."
"Anything you want, you make the calls," Ganryu burped as he set down his empty box, "I have to admit that I'm a very lousy cook."
Bob smiled, "A few weeks with me, and you'll never have to say that again."
"I look forward to it."


"Whew!" Bob cried out as he put his arm around Ganryu, "That was a hell of a lot of stuff, but we're done."
Ganryu replied with a kiss on the cheek.

They had just finished unpacking all of Ganryu's stuff and sorting them with Bob's. Now everything was arranged, and Bob even managed to clean out some of his old useless junk. It took them about 4 hours to do so, including the sweeping and the rearranging. It was official, they lived together now.

The sat on the couch, overlooking the city. Bob was out of breath, he stretched his arms and legs. Ganryu sat beside him. The watched as the sky darkened, the sun was setting. They couldn't see the sunset, though. The window faced the east.

"What do you do when you don't work?" he asked out of curiosity.
"Huh? Oh, I usually exercise, maintain my physique," Bob flexed his arm, "but I think that unpacking all your stuff was enough of a work-out," he joked.

"I see. So what do we do now?"
Bob looked at him, "Uhh.. It's a bit early to start cooking dinner. What do you wanna do?"
"This," Ganryu leaned over and kissed him, at the same time placing his weight on Bob's shoulders.

The kiss was passionate and fiery. Bob got into it really fast. Bob played with Ganryu's lips, sucking on them and occasionally lightly biting them. Ganryu shifted and placed himself on Bob's lap, his body against the other. Bob wrapped his arms around Ganryu, deepening the kiss. He used his tongue, this time, to motion Ganryu to open his mouth. As he introduced his tongue to Ganryu's front teeth, Ganryu couldn't help but to suck on it a bit. It felt warm, and new to him - it felt good. He decided to retaliate, pushing on Bob's tongue with his so that he entered Bob's mouth this time. He explored the new area, as Bob's tongue played with his. This continued for roughly a a couple of minutes, then Bob broke the kiss and started kissing his way to Ganryu's body. First - his cheek, then to his neck - and then he kissed the tender skin that connected his neck and shoulder. Ganryu threw his head back in pleasure.

"You wanna have sex?" Bob asked in between his kisses.

Ganryu was caught off guard. He hadn't prepared for this occasion yet, and he didn't know what to say. He just started kissing Bob's neck in panic. What should I say?

"You want to?" Bob asked again, breathing heavily.
Ganryu pulled away, and placed his hands on Bob's chest, "Have you done it before?"
Bob put his hands behind his head, in a relaxing manner, "Before I fattened myself up, I got action all the time," He looked up, "But there aren't too many women that are into my plus size self," he snickered.

There was a brief moment of silence as he looked back at Ganryu, who was silent and looking down.

"Wait," Bob said in an alarmed tone, "Don't tell me...?"
"Yes, what you're thinking is correct..." Ganryu lowered his head even more.
"No shit?"
Ganryu just closed his eyes.

Then, Bob realized that he reacted harshly - he may have hurt Ganryu's feelings. He lifted Ganryu's face by the chin and locked lips once again.

"I'm sorry - I didn't know," Bob stroked his cheek, "I didn't mean to rush you..." He rested his forehead on Ganryu's, "...It's no big deal, anyway." He comforted him with a smile.
"No, I just panicked." Ganryu distanced his face from Bob's and looked at his eyes, "I want to do it."
Bob was amused by his tone - it almost sounded naive, "It'll be a first for both of us."


He hated the feeling in his gut. He only felt this on times when he was really nervous and unsure of what might happen - like on plane rides. Ganryu was trying to calm himself, taking deep breaths through his mouth. He sat in the middle of the bed with his legs crossed. A few feet in front, Bob mirrored him, gazing into his eyes.

"We don't have to if you don't want to..." Bob repeated.
"I'm beginning to wonder if you don't want to."
"I just don't want you to regret anything..." Bob's eyebrows slanted.
"No... I won't."

Ganryu leaned over and kissed him fully on the lips, placing his hands on either of Bob's crossed legs. They inhaled in unison as Bob pushed forward lightly, deepening the kiss. He placed his hands over Ganryu's, and started rubbing them back and forth. They kissed for a while, eventually playing with tongue again. Ganryu pushed Bob against the chest and laid him down.

He straddled the bigger man and leaned down to continue the kiss, resting his weight on his arms against the mattress. Meanwhile, Bob's hands were on Ganryu's hips, squeezing slightly, and moving in a circular motion - occasionally visiting his bum to cup it. They kissed, gradually getting wilder and wilder. Ganryu's left hand caressed Bob's cheek, while his right arm supported his weight. He started kissing Bob's other cheek, then down to his chin, then to the lower chin - and the one after that (LOL jk) - to his neck. Bob closed his eyes and breathed deeply as he placed on hand behind Ganryu's neck, motioning him to keep going.

Ganryu undid the first few buttons on Bob's shirt, and kissed every new part revealed. He continued until all the buttons were loose and Bob lay there with his front exposed. He had a light patch of fur on his chest and stomach, which trailed downward. Ganryu kissed his chest and breathing in as much of Bob's scent as he could, his tongue matting the hair flat against Bob's skin. He played with Bob's buds, circling them with his tongue. Bob clenched his jaw and kept his hand on Ganryu's neck. He did the same with the other nipple, this time he used his teeth. Bob let out a light moan and tightened his grip on Ganryu.

Now he was tracing Bob's belly with his lips, kissing as much surface as he could explore. There was so much. The hair felt good against his face, and he pondered for a while on Bob's deep bellybutton. Bob looked down at Ganryu. He smiled. He didn't say anything, but he liked watching Ganryu. He lifted himself up a bit to discard his shirt entirely, throwing it aside, then proceeded to place his hands on either side of Ganryu's shoulders. Ganryu was sucking on his skin, and it made him feel a bit ticklish. He squeezed his shoulders, fighting back the natural urge to push him away - like a reflex whenever someone tickled him.

Then Ganryu continued to lower himself. He paused for a while, placed his hands on Bob's belly, and he swept the area gently with his palms. He kissed Bob's groin and he felt that he was definitely excited even through the thick denim jeans. He unbuckled the belt and undid the button, tugging it open as the zipper obeyed his will. Bob was wearing briefs, and he could see the outline of his manhood. It was definitely of ample length. Bob lifted his hips up so that his crotch met with Ganryu's face, and as he pushed his pants down, Ganryu was enjoying just rubbing his face against the texture of Bob's bulging underwear. After Bob kicked away his pants, he took both of Ganryu's wrists and, with one pull, slid Ganryu up so they were face to face again.

"My turn," he whispered.

He rolled them both over, so he was on top. Ganryu loved the weight he felt, pinning him to the bed, both hands held above his head and locked by one of Bob's hands. His other hand was on Ganryu's chest. He leaned down to kiss him fiercely, breathing heavily again. Ganryu could tell Bob was picking up the pace. Bob released Ganryu's hands and removed his shirt then threw it away - then pinned both Ganryu's hands above his head again before continuing the kiss. He swirled his tongue inside Ganryu's mouth, giving him an ecstatic sensation he only could have dreamed about before. He broke the kiss and moved backward, quickly removing Ganryu's shorts. Ganryu was as hard as he could get, and it showed in his boxers. He wasn't as big as Bob but what he lacked in length, he made up for in girth.

"Reach into the bottom drawer in the side table," Bob pointed to Ganryu's side.

Ganryu picked up the bottle of lubricant and handed it to Bob. He gripped Ganryu's boxers and tugged them down quickly, removing them completely. Ganryu blushed - he'd never been completely bare in front of anyone before. Bob noticed this and leaned forward to peck him on the lips.

"I'll be gentle," he reassured him with another quick peck.

Bob stood on his knees, positioning himself at Ganryu's entrance. He slicked his fingers with the content of the bottle.


Slowly, he slid his middle finger into Ganryu, staying still for a while. Ganryu tightened up in reaction, shutting his eyes and letting out a grunt. Bob continued to work with him until Ganryu could stay relaxed. Eventually, Bob got three fingers into Ganryu, and even then, Ganryu could loosen himself up. Bob then pulled away, sat back to remove his briefs and reposition himself between Ganryu's legs. He was bigger than Ganryu, but not freakishly so. He took the bottle once again and slicked his manhood thoroughly. He put his hands under Ganryu's thighs, lifting them up slightly. He obeyed. He placed his hands over Bob's and nodded to signal him it was ok to continue. Bob started slowly again, intoducing just the tip at first, and after a few tries, he got halfway in. He started sliding in and out, but never completely, only partially. Ganryu was starting to get the vibe of the rhythm. Then, Bob withdrew, then quickly inserted into Ganryu completely. He hit something inside that made Ganryu arch his back, and moan in pleasure.

He stayed for a while, letting Ganryu loosen again. After a pause, Bob started pumping in and out, each time, Ganryu let out a small moan. In no time, he was building up speed, latching on to a tempo. Repeatedly hitting Ganryu's tender spot, with every plow. They continued this for a while, it was a moment of pure passion, pleasure, and fantasy at the same time. Each second that passed, Their grip on each other got tighter, and became more tense. Bob could feel that he would release soon, and he picked up an even quicker pace. Then he felt Ganryu's hands crush his, and tightened up around him, as he let out a loud moan. He came, releasing over numerous shots reaching up to his own neck. Bob could feel himself building up now, he was now ramming into Ganryu, and he also came after a few more thrusts. Ganryu felt his warm seed inside, as they both twitched with the ripples of ecstasy circulating them.

They stayed like that for a brief moment, then Bob let out a sigh and rested on top of Ganryu, still inside him.


Stay posted.