Another story. Geez, I don't even know when I will have time to all of my stories. But my muse works hard and I do what he (yes, HE, my muse is a HE) commands :P

Dimitri left for Tasha and Rose badass side comes out. The bitch is back, she's got a new hot Italian mentor, nobody is safe from the new-old Rose. Lissa is worried, even Adrian can say Rose is about to go too far. Heated trainings, anger, hurt, parties, alcohol. What can come out of it?



„Guardian Belikov?" A small voice asked on the other end of phone. I knew this voice but I just couldn't put my fingers on the owner.

„Yes. Who is it?"

„Lissa, Vassilissa Dragomir. Guardian Belikov, you have to come back," she said, practically begging. I could hear she was crying.

„What's wrong Princess? Are you alright?" Okay, that was a stupid question. Obiviously, she wasn't alright.

„I… I'm fine. It's Rose," she started to sob. My heart pounded in my ear. Rosa…

Millions of questions ran through my head. Did she get hurt? Was there a Strigoi attack I didn't know about? If something happened to her… I don't know how would I survive that.

„What happened?" I asked concerned.

„I don't know. Something is wrong with her. You have to come back," the Princess explained with a shaky voice.

„But she didn't get hurt," I asked, trying to figure what could have happened.

„No. It's not like that. I'm just so worried about her," I let out a sigh of relief. Thanks for God, nothing serious, just Rose being Rose. „She's acting strange. First she closed herself up in her room and didn't come out for weeks and now she's… I don't know… Something is wrong with her."

My poor Rosa. I knew what was wrong with her. I was wrong with her. I hurt her with leaving with Tasha. But I did it for both of our sake.

„I'm sorry Princess but you have to understand I can't go back because of Rose being reckless. I'm sure she will get over with it."

I knew she would get over me. My Rosa was strong, the strongest person I'd ever met in my life. And the Princess also probably overreacted this whole situation. She was so fragile, she couldn't even imagine how much Rose could bare.

„No. You are the one who have to understand," she said with a firm voice. „It's bad and you are the only person I know she listens to. I don't ask you to come back, I command you as the last member of the Dragomirs to come here and help her."

I stayed speechless after this. I'd never before heard the Princess talking that way. She was furious and probably scared to death. Whatever was going on at the Academy, it must be pretty bad and I started to worry. What if the Princess didn't overreact and Rose was really in trouble?

„I'll be there as soon as I can."