A/N: 'Lo. Ah...my eyes hurt! :D Well, I'm finally done with this chapter...there's about two left, I think...I've outlined the rest of the story, but I'm still not sure how I'll divide it up., which is why I'm not sure how many chapters are left. ^^ This is the longest chapter I've written...yay!I'm not that happy with it... eh, but that's the kind of person I am, unfortunately.

Well, I still hope you enjoy this Alfred-centric chapter!

P.S. I changed the format a bit, to try to make it easier to read. Also, have I been spelling the word "blond" wrong the whole time? I'm used to "blonde" but, supposedly, it's spelled without the "e." Eh, I"m not sure anymore! I'll just spell it without the "e" from now on...

Disclaimer: The only place I own Axis Powers Hetalia is in my dreams. :)

After spending a couple hours at his favorite restaurant, probing strangers with his questions, Alfred was finally back at his own house. Well, actually, it was Arthur's house. Al had originally planned to stay in England for a while, and he didn't feel like booking a plane back to America, so what was the point in leaving, even if Artie had been acting a little weird?

Al rang the doorbell a couple of times, but heard no movement coming from inside the house. Not that he actually would be able to normally…

The American waited a couple of moments before he started to get worried. What if something had happened to Artie? Alfred quickly retrieved the key from under the doormat and hurriedly opened the door.

"Artie?" he called, roaming the living room he had been napping in not so long ago. All he found were some ancient furniture, pictures of Arthur and his brothers, and the newspaper that the Englishman had left behind a couple hours earlier.

Unable to find the grumpy old Brit in the living room, Alfred hurried to the kitchen. He quickly looked around the room and spotted something unfamiliar on the aged fridge. The blond approached and saw that it was a note. He hastily removed it, anxious to see if it was some sort of ransom letter or something.


I've left to visit Feliciano and Ludwig. I might also visit some other of our acquaintances, so I'm not sure when I'll be back… most likely about a day or two.

I know you wanted to stay for the whole week, and I'm sorry for leaving you. I feel like an arse. However, I had to leave.

I apologize, and you might not understand, but…

It really is important.

-Arthur K.

Alfred just stared blankly at the note in his hands. What the heck. He had come all the way from the good O'le US of A just to see the stuffy Brit and he left him?

Al wrinkled up the piece of paper angrily and looked around in search of a trashcan. When he found one, he hurled the small ball of paper in with as much force as he could manage. Alfred then proceeded out of the kitchen when he remembered the last line in the note.

"It really is important."

Alfred huffed. What could be more important than him, the hero?

The hamburger lover looked back over at the trash can. He walked back to it and picked the note from the top of the trash. He wiped it against his jeans, and unfolded it. He read it over again. This time, instead of rolling it into a ball, he folded the small paper carefully, and put it in his pocket. He then headed upstairs to Arthur's room. Artie would probably get pissed, but hey, it was his fault for leaving the American all alone in his house. Plus, Al was tired, and had a lot to think about.

Now on the second floor, Alfred had no trouble finding Arthur's room. He had grown up in that house, after all... The blond's eyes widened when he saw there was another note on the Brit's bedroom door:


You bloody git. Don't even think about entering my room. That would be an invasion of privacy, and possibly trespassing. I would be willing to call the police on you.

-Arthur K.

Alfred smirked, and removed the note from the door, folding it and inserting it into his pocket. He then entered the man's bedroom anyway. 'Call the police? Pshh.' He was a hero, how many times had he told Arthur that? Heroes never got arrested! Never, ever, ever!

The bespectacled blond plopped himself on Arthur's bed. Alfred sighed, closing his eyes when he felt the soft mattress beneath his back. Since when did Artie have such a comfortable bed?

Alfred's bright blue eyes opened at a sudden crinkly sound beneath him. He rolled over, and where he originally settled down, lay another note.


What did I say about you entering my bedroom? I'll get the police on your bloody arse...

Who am I kidding? I knew you would invade my private quarters as soon as you saw I wasn't there. Just don't make a mess. And if I see you've been going through my personal belongings, I'll...

I'll tell Ivan you were the one who stole his vodka. Because I assure you, it certainly was not me. You have no proof.

-Arthur K.

Once he was finished reading, Alfred burst into laughter. Since when had that grumpy Brit known him so well? And Ivan's vodka? What was that loopy Englishman talking about?

Alfred put his head against the tall frame of Arthur's bed. He folded the note carefully, and slid it into his pocket, along with the other two notes Arthur had left him. He chuckled. Arthur had gone through all that trouble to leave him so many notes... But then again, it was the least he could do, after leaving Alfred alone! Said blond lazily moved his head to Arthur's soft pillow. He sighed, taking the scent in. The pillow, the bed, the entire house itself... it smelled just like Arthur. Alfred sniffed the pillow again. He chuckled. Since when did Arthur have a scent? And... since when had Alfred liked it so much?

'Artie...' The American closed his eyes, remembering everything he had learned that day from his visit to McDonald's. At first, he hadn't understood what the couple had been trying to explain to him. He didn't comprehend the whole concept of "love," not the kind you felt with family, but the kind you supposedly felt with someone you like a lot. Now, in the silence of Arthur's room, on his bed, Alfred felt it was easier to understand. Those feelings he had felt when he had gotten so close to Arthur... that pleasant warmth... and that emptiness and disappointment he felt when he realized Arthur wasn't there... Alfred felt like he finally understood what it all meant.

'Arthur... I think I just might love you.

Alfred opened his weary eyes, as a result of the bright morning sun on his sleepy face. He groaned and turned himself over, in order to see what time it was. The clock clearly read 9:05 am. Personally, Alfred didn't like to wake up anytime earlier than ten in the morning...but he was hungry, dang it!

The blond pulled himself of the bed, careful not to break his glasses that had fallen off his face during the night. Alfred usually took off his glasses before he went to bed, but he had completely forgotten about them last night. His eyes roamed over the blue sheets, in search of something, well, shiny. He leaned closer to get a better look, because without his glasses, the world was just one big blur. He smiled in contentment when he finally found his glasses, hazardously perched near the pillow he had been using. He reached for them and placed them in their rightful place, which was, of course, his (awesome) face. Alfred stretched, ready to make himself some food. Or buy some. Before he headed back downstairs, he hopped over to Arthur's closet. He needed some clothes he could wear without being afraid of messing them up while he cooked his breakfast. Alfred slid the hefty white door open, revealing every article of clothing Arthur owned. The blond went through the clothing carefully, to see if anything would fit him. He was out of luck. All he was able to find were sweater vests and dress pants that were too small. Alfred was about to close the the closet again, when something caught his eye.

It was a box. A really big box. Just a plain, big, black box. Alfred took the box out of the closet, assuming it just held a bunch of Arthur's shoes. He sat down on the floor, crossing his legs and placing the box on his lap. He slid off the lid, and took a peek inside.

Alfred couldn't believe it.

Inside the box, there were photos. Dozens, even hundreds of photos! And they were all of Alfred himself. Alfred picked a random photo, a candid shot of him sleeping. 'When was this taken?' He flipped it over, and found that there was something written on the back...

'Alfred looks so cute when he's sleeping. I'm lucky I was able to find a camera, because this picture always seems to warm my heart... :)

...I'll never tell him that.'

Alfred blushed. Arthur thought he was cute? Wait, that wasn't a justified reason for him to take pictures of a sleeping person!

The American picked another photo from the box. It was another candid shot of himself, but this time it was taken in a restaurant. Alfred was eating a hamburger, his cheeks stuffed, looking out the window. After looking at it more closely, Alfred could tell the photo had been taken at McDonald's, when Arthur had gone to America to on a business trip, a couple months ago. As soon as Arthur had arrived at his doorstep, Alfred had dragged him to the nearest McDonald's, since he was hungry. Alfred flipped it over, and read the back:

' Alfred, eating one of his loved hamburgers. I managed to take this while he was distracted with a mime outside...

I can't believe I crossed the pond just to see him. Well, at least he thinks I was there for a business trip. I don't like lying to him, but I had to see him! I... I missed him too much. Dammit, I'm becoming a bloody romantic.'

Alfred's eyes widened. That time when Arthur had stayed in America for two weeks because he was on a business trip... it was a lie? Arthur had just wanted to see him...Alfred's face reddened, but he continued looking through the box of photos. In most of them, Alfred didn't know he was being photographed. However, there were some photos where he was posing and smiling for the camera. And there were a few where he was with Arthur. Alfred picked one of him and Arthur having arguing, which they did a lot. He at it closely. Arthur's cheeks were pink while he screamed and pointed at Alfred accusingly. Alfred, on the other hand, was just laughing. Alfred flipped this picture over, curious to see what the Brit had written.

'Francis took this picture, that frog. Well, at least I now know what I look like when I'm fighting with Alfred...

Why do Alfred and I argue so much? I...I don't really like it. I've always been afraid that one day he'll just hate me.

...He doesn't already hate me, does he?'

Alfred's mouth opened in surprise. He could never hate Artie! He just liked to mess with him, that was all! Alfred placed the photo back in the box. He let his hand wander inside, ready to pick another random picture. His hand stopped when he felt something cold...and leathery. The American took the object out, anxious as to what it might be. It was a... book. The cover was a dark brown, as was the back. Alfred unhooked it open, ignoring the small tinge of guilt he felt at looking through Arthur's private things. Alfred began reading the first page and smirked. It was a diary!


Um, well, yes, ah, I don't really know what to write... but no, this is not a diary! It's a journal. I was bored, and I heard that starting a journal would be a good solution. It was either this, or make my own website. I am absolutely clueless when it comes with technology, so I went with the journal idea.

Well, I guess I should write about my day, then. I have to admit, today was a bit dull. Ever since Alfred returned to his home... it just hasn't been the same. It gets lonely around here without his presence. He's always smiling...I like that about him. He's a very cheerful person. He does get annoying sometimes, but that's just part of the Alfred I've come to love, I guess.

...I DIDN'T MEAN THAT! I DO NOT LOVE ALFRED! I-I DON'T! I mean, I have to admit , he is handsome, and he can actually be quite adorable when he's eating those hamburgers, and whenever I look at him, I blush, and I feel all warm inside, but, wait-NO! I do not love Alfred!

...He's such a cheeky chappy.

...Dammit. I've fallen hard.'

Alfred dropped the book. No...no way! No way! Arthur...Arthur loved him? Alfred picked up the book again, ready to look for more proof that the Englishman really did love him. He opened to a random page and started reading.

'Dear journal,

I can't believe I'm still writing in this. It's been a while since I bought this journal, and it's not even near close to running out of pages...

Well, today was a good day, to say the least. Alfred called. He has a meeting here in England, so he'll be here for the whole next week. I'm...I'm excited. I haven't seen him in so long, and I...I just want to see his smiling face again. Ack, journal, I'm lucky you can't see my face right now... It's completely red, I just now it is. Ever since I first realized I love Alfred, I've started blushing a lot more. Every time I see him, my face reddens. Every time he gets near me, I feel so good inside. I really am excited that I'll be able to see him soon, but... I just hope I don't lose my self-control and...

...That frog is getting to me. I would finish my thought above, journal, but I don't want to turn this into some XXX-thing... Ahem.'

The book slid from Alfred's hands once again. He stared at the journal sprawled on the floor blankly. Then, it clicked.

"Arthur loves me!" Alfred jumped off the ground and pumped a fist in the air. "He loves me! He loves me! He loves me!" Before he even realized his actions, Alfred found himself doing the moon walk. The blond blushed, glad no one was there to witness his outburst. Shrugging it off, Alfred bent down and picked up the Brit's journal. He smiled at it, and then placed it back in the box. He lidded the box again, and returned it to its place in Arthur's closet. He slid the door closed, then exited the room, not bothering to close the door behind him. He hummed as he made his way to the kitchen, hungrier and happier than he had been before.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it. :D Anonymous reviews are on, by the way, so please review! Well, you don't have to, but it would be nice if I knew what your opinions are... Liked it? Disliked it? Feel free to tell me~! :D