Title: Drabble Collection
Author: 00Boo
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing(s): Morgan/Reid (pre-slash or established, depending on drabble)
Rating: T
Summary: A collection of drabbles of varying lengths inspired by a word generator.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the fandoms used. This is just for fun!

Notes: I'm so very sorry it took so long, everyone! School was ending, and I had exams to do, but now I'm officially on summer vacation, so you can count on some faster updates in the near future! Also, my inspiration was kind of off for this section, so there's only 10, but I do hope you enjoy.

(minor spoilers for UP, if you're interested)


Whipped Cream

Morgan feels pathetic. And why shouldn't he, when all Reid has to do is mention whipped cream and Morgan is on the verge of being more turned on then he's ever been in his entire life. Of course, it's innocent enough. With Thanksgiving around the corner, Reid's only talking about pumpkin pie. That's it. It goes away soon enough, but then comes back tenfold when Thanksgiving arrives and Reid sprays the whipped cream straight into his mouth. Right next to him. Not only is Reid's mouth wide open, but it's overflowing and the cream is dripping down his chin and - holyfreakingshitdammit. Enough is enough. Not even caring that his entire family is there watching, Morgan grabs Reid's arm and crushes their lips together, stealing some of the whipped dessert for himself. He doesn't even notice Reid share a triumphant glance with his sisters.


Reid has way too many books for his own good. Morgan doesn't understand why he doesn't just find some giant library with over five million books, finish every single one overnight, and then be done. But, then again, he's pretty sure that he's only thinking those things because he's at Reid's apartment and just tripped over another book. They're seriously everywhere, collecting dust. There's no bookmarks anywhere because Reid doesn't need them, and there's multiple bookshelves in the living room but every one of them is empty. Yet, Reid can walk around his house without even looking at the floor, and Morgan hasn't seen him trip once, which is strange because they're everywhere. He considers asking Reid what his 'secret' is, but decides against because he doesn't want to look like a complete moron. He's also pretty sure Reid would make some sort of joke about him 'only tripping because he's never seen so many books in his life'. Ya, Reid's actually learning from Morgan and he's developed a very much 'under construction' attitude. Morgan blames the books. Everything is their fault.


The idea of Reid with a pet is horrifying. His house is always cluttered with books and papers, and Morgan has tried his damn hardest to get Reid to at least make an effort to clean something, but it always fails. Reid's tried getting a fish as some kind of 'practice' run, and he fed it properly, bought it plants, and pretty much spoiled it rotten (if it was even possible to spoil a fish), but when it died only around a week later, the water was so murky that you couldn't see the other side of the bowl. Reid had taken this as a huge hit to his pride, and felt generally terrible. He spent an entire day moping, trying to convince Morgan how much of a failure he was, while Morgan tried to comfort him without laughing (because he was upset that he had killed a fish). After that incident, Reid tried (with many failings when he realized he didn't know how to use a vacuum) to organize everything. The bookshelf that had been empty for who-knows-how-long was actually filled. Morgan helped Reid put every single book alphabetical order, which took them an entire day. When Christmas came around, there was actually enough room on the floor to fit a tree, and Reid went completely insane with lights and tinsel. In the end, Morgan had to admit that it actually seemed cozy for the first time. On Christmas morning, Morgan woke up extra early to prepare his surprise, and when Reid got up only an hour later, hurrying into the living room like an excited child, he was greeted by a puppy.


Reid's not afraid of storms. The loud noises make him jump and the lightning hurts his eyes, but he's not scared. He knows that he's completely safe and sound inside of his home, and he even reminded everyone at work that there was a storm coming, so they know that he's perfectly fine. But, really, he told them that he was not at all afraid, so why did Morgan randomly show up when it reached it's peak? And why did he find himself pretty much tackling Morgan the second he walked through the door? And nothing explains why Morgan wrapped them both up in a blanket on the couch and rubbed his back as if he was afraid (because he wasn't). And Reid only buried himself into Morgan's arms because Morgan was warm and he was cold, simple as that. Reid isn't scared in the slightest.


Of all of the things that Garcia could have chosen to watch, she chose some animated kids movie about a house that can fly. Of course, Morgan doesn't really care, and Reid looks like he's about to fall asleep anyway, but he's still confused. It's just the three of them, as per usual. They get together after stressful cases to relax, and it's actually something to look forward to. The movie starts out like any other children's movie, with two kids becoming friends and falling in love and all that other unrealistic crap, then suddenly takes a sharp turn and the wife becomes depressed, dies, and the old man is left all alone. Garcia, having never seen the movie before, is crying buckets on the other end of the couch. She turns to Morgan and gives a watery smile, laughing at how stupid she must look, and Morgan reaches over to wipe her tears away. Spencer, his head resting in Morgan's lap, shifts onto his back, and when Morgan looks down, he swears that he probably looks like a melting puddle of goo. He can practically feel his gaze soften. Reid just continues to smile at him, eyes big and full of tears.


Reid doesn't really care for interior decorating. He could care less about the color of the walls or the pattern of the curtains. However, he does enjoy having curtains. Coming home from a particularly boring day at work, the first thing he notices when he walks in the door is that the curtains are missing and there are scraps of fabric scattered throughout the room, making a trail down the hallway. He finds the culprit under his bed, tongue rolling out of her mouth in innocent happiness; his Christmas present, a Samoyed puppy that he named Zoey. And she's looking at him in a way that makes it impossible to scold her, so he settles for coaxing her out and making her feel guilty by telling her about how much those particular curtains meant to him. That should teach her.


One of the first things that Reid wanted to teach Zoey was how to fetch. Of course, he was new at the whole 'training' thing, and didn't take into account that letting a puppy loose in a park was probably a bad idea. He ended up chasing her for over an hour, until some helpful dog-walkers decided to help. Luckily, she fell asleep almost as soon as they got home. Reid pretty much collapsed on the couch. He had plans with Derek, but he couldn't even muster enough strength to reach for the phone. When Derek let himself in later that evening, he burst out laughing at how worn-out Spencer looked, who fought back by pouting unhappily from his place on the sofa. Lucky for him, Derek didn't mind a night in.


When Reid first joined the BAU all those years ago, Morgan was convinced that the kid drank coffee as a main diet. He was rarely seen without it, and on the rare occasions that he didn't have coffee, he was usually on his way to get coffee. They were just co-workers at that point, and Morgan would always tease him about his sugar intake and caffeine fixes, but somewhere in the back of his mind he was seriously concerned for the kid's health. He didn't want to mention it, because they barely knew each other and it could be some kind of private issue, but he was still bothered. One day, the coffee maker broke down. It was just one of those things, and everyone groaned when they found out, but other then that there was nothing too severe about it. Reid, on the other hand, looks genuinely anxious at the news. Throughout the entire case, Reid looked to be on the verge of passing out, yet when they finally got on the jet to head home, he refused to shut his eyes and go to sleep. Morgan, lounging across from Reid, could tell exactly what was going on, and it only took him a few seconds to piece everything together. Nightmares. Acting as nonchalant as possible, Morgan stood up and plopped himself down next to his young co-worker without a word. Reid's entire body went rigid, and Morgan was about to walk away as if nothing happened, but then he felt the slightest of brushes against the baggy cloth on his legs, and realized that the kid was clinging almost unnoticeably to his pants (much like a child) in silent gratitude. He fell asleep almost instantly.


Morgan really doesn't understand why people describe other as having some kind of animal attribute. At the moment, Garcia is (once again) rambling about Reid, and she keeps using the term "doe eyes", and Morgan has absolutely no idea what she's talking about. Garcia notices, of course, and swivels in her chair to bring up a picture of a deer on the computer. He's just about to interrupt her search and tell her that Reid is a human, but suddenly there's a picture of Bambi on the screen, and Morgan understands everything.


Reid is drunk. Those few words should be enough to send anyone running for the hills. The entire team is having a night out, and Garcia thought it would be funny to force Reid to play a drinking game with them. Well, he did, and now he's completely smashed and acting as obnoxious as ever. And strangers seem to find Reid extremely attractive when he's drunk, which Morgan hates with a burning passion. Every time someone comes up to ask Reid to dance or 'take a walk' or whatever, Morgan tightens his grip on Reid's waist and glares with all his might, effectively scaring them all away. And every single time he scares somebody away, Reid throws his hands up and screams "Huzzah!" at the top of his lungs (he does it every single time, and Morgan still can't figure out why). Garcia and Prentiss burst out laughing, and the sulking stranger looks back in envy because Reid always ends his outburst with a childish, drunken, adorable giggle. It was going to be a very long night.


I honestly didn't think I was going to be able to use all of the requests that were sent in, but I tried my hardest! Keep them coming~ I'm always up for new ideas!

Also, I changed the kind of dog Zoey was at least 5 times, but I saw a Samoyed puppy at the park and I fell in love with it's fluffyness. If you don't know what a Samoyed is, go find a picture! They're adorable!