Disclaimer: I don't own Ghost Hunt or else the stubborn Noll would have already made a move and him and Mai would live happily ever after! XD lol

Chapter One: What Have I Done?

Mai groaned as she looked at the time. She had only been at work for an hour and things were already looking quite dismal.

"Mai, tea!" she heard Naru call impatiently.

Mai got up and walked to the kitchen. She stared at the floor deep in thought as she waited for the water to boil. 'How did I get myself in this situation?' she thought. Her thoughts were interrupted by the whistle that told her the water was ready. She got out two cups and made sure everything was done right before she put the cups on a tray and walked to her boss' office.

She looked down at the floor and tried her best to sound cheerful as she set Naru's tea onto his desk. She waited for a moment but got no response, not even a "thank you, Mai". She sighed at the man's ignorance as she walked out of the room.

Not much had changed since Kazuya Shibuya, aka Naru, had come back from England. The only thing that had really changed was her's and Naru's ages. Mai was now 20. She lightly knocked on Lin's door. She really didn't want to face him but knew she had no choice on the matter. Instead of telling her to come in, he actually opened the door for her which caught her off gaurd. "L-Lin?" she questioned.

He just shrugged, grabbed the cup of tea, went back into the room, and shut the door behind him. Mai blinked. 'Oh, well,' she thought as she sighed again. Things had been so weird between her and Lin since the incident anyway, that it shouldn't have mattered to her anymore. She went to her desk to file more papers. She couldn't stay focused, however, and ended up with her face in her hands while silent tears streamed down her face. She felt so scared. It had all started about a month and a half ago.

Naru had left the office and gone home. Mai had been left there to continue to file the impossibly huge stack of papers that he had given her. Lin was still there as well, typing away on his laptop. Nothing too unusual about that night. At about 10pm Mai had realized that it was late. She was about to leave when she noticed that Lin had still been there. She went to his office door and asked, "Would you like any tea, Lin-san?"

Lin grunted and Mai took that as a yes. So she went to the kitchen and had come back few moments later with a steaming cup of tea. She set it on Lin's desk. Lin chose to stand at that moment and when he did, he ended up tripping. And landing on top of Mai. He had landed in such an awkward position that their lips met.

Mai pulled away and was about to ask what was wrong when Lin brought their lips together again. Mai was really surprised at this and blushed. She knew that he loved Madoka but she had just been so lonely. Naru had completely acted as if her confession were nothing and hadn't changed his attitude toward her.

When Mai thought about it, she guessed that Lin was feeling lonely as well. It had been several months since he'd heard from or seen Madoka. Her thought process lasted only seconds and she allowed Lin to deepen the kiss. Soon the two were out of control and couldn't stop themselves.

After all was done, Mai stretched. For a moment she was happy. But then, she remembered that Naru would never love her like that and that she didn't really see Lin as anything more than family. She felt the tears forming in her eyes and was crying before she knew it.

Lin did something uncharacteristic and hugged the crying girl. "I'm sorry, Mai. I shouldn't have."

Mai shook her head. "It's my fault, too. I just- why is Naru so indifferent? I told him I loved him and he just... ignored it. Completely. As if I don't matter."

Lin had nothing to say. He too had noticed this and had noticed the toll it had taken on the girl-woman now as she had grown in the time he and Naru had been away- but he felt as if he shouldn't get caught in the middle. He now wondered though if he had made a mistake by not doing so. Surely if he had they wouldn't find themselves in such a situation? He felt ashamed of himself. Even so, he asked, "Will you need a ride home Taniyama-san?"

The use of her formal name surprised Mai as Lin had been calling her by her first name since they'd returned from England. That was when she realized the full impact of what they had done. What would Madoka think of the pair once she found out? She found herself shaking her head. "I'll be fine Koujo-san," she responded dimly. She then pulled herself away from the older man's embrace and made her way to the door. "Will you tell Davis-san that I will finish the paperwork early tomorrow?"

Lin only nodded shocked at the calm tone of Mai's voice but most of all at the honorifics she used. He had no chance to question her about it however because she had already let herself out of his office and the building itself.

Mai didn't notice the presence standing very near her. She didn't notice the cup of tea the tall man had placed on her desk either. She did however hear Naru calling for her. She straightened up as fast as she could and did her best to stop the flow of tears. Once she had wiped the last of them from her eyes she looked to her boss' office to see him standing in the doorway wearing a strange expression on his face. "Yes, Naru?" she asked, forgetting that she had sworn to call him by his given name.

A/N: So... This story came to me through a dream I had about Mai and Lin. I know where I want to go but I am having trouble gauging some of the character's reactions and how it's all going to end. No, this isn't going to be a Lin and Mai fic. This is definitely going to end up a Mai and Naru fic once I figure out how to tie things together. Please read and review! Let me know what you think!