Kitty: (Running in, hands in the air) WOOOO-HOOOOOO!

Jazz: (slightly frightened) uh…Kitty…

Kitty continues to run around, not acknowledging Jazz.

Prowl: What's wrong with her?

Jazz: Not sure.

Ironhide: Maybe somebody gave her too much sugar.

Kitty: COFFEE!

Jazz: (sweat dropping) Well, that explains all the energy.

Prowl: Perhaps we should continue without her?

Ironhide and Jazz look at each other and then at the psychotic author.

Ironhide/Jazz: Agreed.

Disclaimer: Hikari Kitty does not own Transformers and is not making money off of this. She only owns Laura.

"Blah" speech

'Blah' thought

"Blah" comm.-links

-Blah- radio frequencies

Chapter Six: Autobots and Discussions

Jazz had to try really hard not to laugh as Laura snored in his passenger seat. Honestly, she wasn't snoring very loudly or heavily, but the fact that she was snoring at all was amusing. She would probably attempt to kill him if he dared to spread that around.

It had been several hours, and even he had to admit, he was starting to get tired. Jazz sighed. There wasn't much he could do about the situation, and he knew everyone was going to be all over him when he arrived at the base. Especially the Hatchet.

Jazz groaned at the thought. He really didn't want to face the Hatchet. He'd never get out of the medbay.

In the passenger seat Laura jerked slightly at Jazz's groan. She let out a soft noise as she started to come around.

"Jazsh," she slurred as she rubbed her eyes.

"Yeah, Baby-girl?"

"Don't call me Baby-girl," Laura grumbled, fighting to wake up completely. "Uhg. Where are we?"

-About six miles from base.-

Laura yelped as Prowl's voice emitted from the radio.

-Are you alright?-

"Yeah," Laura answered, glaring at Jazz as he tried to suppress his laughter. "You just startled me. Thank-you for telling me."

-You are welcome.-

And Prowl was gone.

"You had him do that on purpose didn't you," Laura accused her companion.

"No," Jazz managed poorly through a barely stifled giggle.

"If it weren't for the fact that it would probably hurt me more than you, I'd hit you."

Jazz lost it then. Laura's seriousness about the topic was the absolute breaking point. She just looked too cute with that scowling pout on her face.

Laura huffed with annoyance, but could not stop the smile from crossing her face. Jazz really was easy to get along with. That made things easier for her, she supposed.

-Jazz, will you quit that infernal racket, - Hide's voice barked over the radio. This time Laura managed to suppress her yelp, but she couldn't stop from jumping.

"Ah, calm down Ironhide," Jazz chuckled. "I'm not causing any harm."

-If the men on base see you, they'll think we brought back a lunatic.-

Laura had to bite back a snicker at Jazz's face.

-And you girly, - Hide…'Ironhide, I guess.'… added. –You will stay out of the way, you hear me?-

"Yes sir," Laura answered quickly.

Jazz and Laura heard Ironhide snort before the radio silenced again.

"Am I in trouble," the teen asked.

"No. He just really doesn't want to involve anymore innocents into the conflict."


Then there was silence.

Laura was a little confused when they pulled up into a military base, but somehow, it seemed to fit. She shrugged off her confusion and shouldered her bag. She hesitated, her hand hovering over the door handle.

"What's wrong, Baby-girl," Jazz asked, noticing her hesitation.

"I'm nervous," Laura admitted. Then she added as an after-thought, "Don't call me Baby-girl."

Jazz turned on his hologram and smiled. He reached over and gently ruffled her hair, trying to offer her support. She gave him a weak smile, and went to get out, only to squeak and push her-self against the seat as several vehicles suddenly pulled up. All of them were without a driver.

Ironhide and Prowl transformed into to the robot forms.

"Prime," Ironhide said, with a nod to the blue and red Peterbilt that was among the vehicles.

Laura nearly jumped out of her skin as all six of the vehicles; she had finally managed to calm her-self long enough to count them, changed in front of her.

"I change my mind," Laura squeaked. "I don't want to do this."

Jazz just chuckled.

"Ironhide, Prowl," the large robot …'Prime, I'm guessing.'… said. "I see you have brought back one of our brothers."

"Hmph," the mech that had used to be an ambulance snorted, eyeing Jazz. "Don't tell me you're so beaten up that you can't change."

"Nah, Hatchet my man," Jazz cheered brightly.

There was silence…and the room exploded with sound. The ambulance lunged for Jazz, and in a moment of self-preservation, Laura shot from his cab just as Jazz shot backwards away from the mech.

Laura landed with an 'oof', and rolled over to glare at Jazz who was cackling madly as he transformed. The ambulance had stopped his chase at the sight of the human.

"You did that on purpose," Laura yelled at the still laughing mech.

"Got you out didn't it, Baby-girl?"

"Don't call me Baby-girl!"

Laura stood up, dusting her-self off. She paused suddenly remembering where she was. With a gulp she looked up at the mechs, really wishing she was anywhere but there.

"Um…hi," she barely managed to squeak.

"Hello," the one called Prime said, kneeling down to get closer to her.

Unlike Ironhide, he did not try to intimidate her. However, his size alone made her want to run and cower behind Jazz.

"May I ask your name?"

His voice was gentle, and he seemed to be trying to soothe her.

"It's Laura," she answered nervously.

Prime nodded and responded, "I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots."

"Uh, nice to meet you."

Laura was trying really hard to understand what was going on, but nothing was making sense. A yelp behind her made Laura jump and whirl around. She blinked in confusion.

Jazz was squirming and fighting to get out of the hold of the ambulance, who apparently used Laura as a distraction so he could grab him.

"Come on, Hatchet," Jazz cried as he continued to fight with the bigger mech. "Can't this wait until later?"

"You show up here back from the dead and you expect me to just let you go just like that," the one called Hatchet grunted with his effort to keep hold of Jazz.

"Wait," Laura said suddenly. Jazz looked down at her. "You were dead?"

"Yes he was," Optimus said as he stood. "Jazz, Ratchet is right. You need to be checked."

"But, but," Jazz stammered. "I have to stay with Laura."

'Oh sure,' Laura grumbled mentally. 'Use me as an excuse.'

"I will watch her."

Laura looked up, surprised. Prowl had just volunteered to watch her? Something about that seemed off.

Apparently she wasn't the only one to think so. Prowl was getting some really weird looks from the other mechs standing around.

'Great. Now I have to get introduced without my shield. All well, I did see this coming.'

Laura sighed softly, resigned to her fate as Optimus agreed to have Prowl watch her, while her and Ironhide help Ratchet…'Again, I'm slightly confused as to what is the correct name.'… drag Jazz off somewhere.

As soon as they were out of sight, Prowl was bombarded by the remaining mechs, making Laura yelp and dive to hide behind Prowl.

Questions were thrown about in English and that strange language Laura had heard previously.

"You're name is Laura, correct?"

Laura jumped, not expecting to be spoken to. She looked up into the face of an orange mech.

"Uh, yeah," she answered.

"I'm Blaster," He responded. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too," she cautioned.

Laura chewed on her lip, not sure what else to say, when she noticed that there were still four mechs pestering Prowl.


'Real intelligent Laura,' she scolded mentally.

"Not sure what to say," Blaster offered gently.

"Not a clue."

He offered the girl his hand and it took her a moment to realize he wanted to pick her up. Hesitantly, she stepped on. Blaster was careful in lifting her up, to which Laura was grateful for.

There was silence between them for a moment, before Laura worked up the nerve to ask, "Um, how come I didn't see you with them?"

She gestured at the other mechs, still hounding Prowl.

"Oh, I was over in my work area, when I heard Jazz," Blaster explained, moving slightly away from the crowd. "So how did you meet Jazz anyways?"

"He kinda just showed up," she explained. "Like he was expecting me. Of course, according him he was."

"Jazz was expecting you? How's that? He was dead until some unknown time ago."

"I have no clue how or why. But he was. He said it had something to do with my memories."

"Memories? Like what?"

"I don't know. I lost them."

Laura's shoulders sagged in defeat and grief. The loss of her memories was really starting to bug her. As well as the loss of her glasses.

Blaster wisely chose not to comment, seeing how the subject was starting to depress the human in his hand, so he changed topics.

"So," he said, catching her attention. "Since you know me, I might as well introduce you, or at least point out to you who is who."

"I would be most appreciative of that," Laura responded smiling. "Considering my original plan was to hide behind Jazz."

This got a laugh from Blaster.

"Alright," he said with a chuckle. He then began gesturing to the crowd. "You've already met Prowl, I assume."

Laura nodded.

"And Ironhide?"

Another nod.

"And of course you know Jazz."


"Well, Optimus introduced himself, and the mech who grabbed Jazz is Ratchet. He's our medical officer."

"How come Jazz called him 'Hatchet'?"

"It's a nickname. Not that Ratchet likes it very much. You seem frustrated."

"Jazz keeps calling everyone by one thing and they have different names, so I don't want to insult somebody by calling them something I'm not supposed to."

"Understandable," Blaster said. "If you ever get confused, feel free to come to me or speak with Prowl, since he's the second in command."

"EH! Really?"

"Yep. Now where were we?"

"Ratchet," Laura supplied.

"Right. Thank-you. Now, the green mech talking to Prowl is Hound. He's our resident tracker. He's really friendly and very nature loving."


"The two next him, the red and the gold ones. That's Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. The red one is Sideswipe and the gold is Sunstreaker. Fair warning now, they are our resident pranksters. And they are not above pranking humans. Also, whatever you do, please avoid touching or in some way dirtying Sunstreaker."

"Dare I ask why?"

"He is very vain. And he has tried to squish humans that have dared to so much as accidentally kick dust onto him."

"Avoid Sunstreaker like the plague, got it."

Blaster had to chuckle a little at that. He then continued.

"The blue and white mech next to them is Mirage. He works as a spy for us and has an electro-disruptor which can make him invisible. So if you ever run into an empty space, it's probably him."


"And that's those. There are more of us around base if you would like me to show you some of them," Blaster offered.

"I would like that a lot," Laura said. "But you may wish to inform Prowl. I don't want to upset him or cause any trouble by suddenly disappearing."

Blaster nodded. That was a reasonable suggestion. Blaster walked over to Prowl.

"Prowl," he said. Obviously not loud enough, for the four others still had Prowl's attention. So Blaster repeated louder, "Prowl."

This got Prowl's attention, as well as the others. Prowl's optics shuttered a few times, as if blinking in confusion, at the sight of Laura in Blaster's palm.

"Yes, Blaster," he said.

"I was wondering if I could take Laura around to introduce her to the others," Blaster said.

"That is if she stays," the one Blaster had pointed out as Sunstreaker sneered.

"I am fairly certain Jazz isn't going to let that happen," Prowl muttered, remembering Jazz's out right refusal at dropping Laura off when Ironhide had suggested it. "As for introducing her to others…"

At that moment, there came a squealing of tires. The group turned to see what the noise was. Jazz came shooting into the area. Ratchet was hot on his wheels.

Upon seeing the group Jazz shot forward and transformed, and yelled, "Where's Laura?"

"Right here," she piped up.

She let out a yell when Jazz scooped her up from Blaster's hand and whirled around to face Ratchet.

"Don't jump me, I have a human," Jazz cried.

Ratchet slid to a stop scowling at the shorter mech.

"Cheap shot," Laura cried from within Jazz's grasp. "This is a complete and utter cheap shot!"

"I agree with the shouting human," a regal voice said from behind Jazz.

Laura attempted to twist to see which of the newly named mechs had spoken, but she could not. With a grumble she pouted, sending Jazz a scowl over her shoulder.

"Jazz," she said, drumming her fingers against his servo… 'Add another word to my already long list of unknown vocabulary. Geeze, I may as well start making a log and handing it to Jazz for definitions.'

"Yeah, Baby-girl?"

"Don't call me Baby-girl," she responded automatically, and then continued, "You were dead up until how long ago?"

"About five months," he offered nonchalantly.

"Uh-huh. Wouldn't it make sense to get checked out to make sure everything is functioning properly?"

"See," Ratchet exclaimed. "Even the human gets it!"

"Baby-girl, stop siding with the medic," Jazz whined. "Don't you know medics are evil?"

"Don't call me Baby-girl. And they are a necessary evil, so deal with it! And if you don't mind, I would like to be put down."

The mechs watching the interaction ranged from being amused to being confused.

Jazz looked like he was about to give an argument, so she interrupted him, saying, "Don't you dare start. You've been dragging me around since we met, talking to me in riddles about why you were even there to get me, so can you do me this little favor and get checked out so I don't have to worry about you keeling over suddenly?"

There was silence for a moment, all of the contemplating her words, and the riddles that lay within them. Except for Jazz. He stood contemplating how he was going to survive with Laura siding with Ratchet.

The answer was: he wasn't.

Kitty: Okay. That chapter was kinda weird, but I liked it.

Jazz: I hate you.

Kitty: Why?


Kitty: Well what did you expect to happen when you showed up at the Autobot base? Cookies?

Jazz: (simmering) I hate your logic.

Kitty: Yeah, I know. Anywho, R and R peoples. Flames will be ignored. (Shouting into the distance) Happy? You guys are not getting burned this time!

Mudflap/Skids: YES!

Kitty: Toodles.