Acceptance of the Knowing

Nikkibe here! K, this is my second fanfic. Brief summary if you haven't already read: starts contestshipping but ends advanceshipping. ADVANCESHIPPING FOREVER! I'll want a specific amount of reviews before I update my next chapter, of coarse flames are welcome! 1 review per reader tho, unless its passed a week, then u can add another, get it? ;D anyway, I'll start…


Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon, if I did I would make a HECK of a lot of changes…

Don't panic, don't panic. Pull yourself together May Maple, you can do this. 5th times a charm… right? May thought as she stumbled into the pokemon center lobby. She spied a certain green haired boy leaning against a pillar smack dab in the center talking to a blonde. The blonde had a neat ponytail wore a simple green sundress, white flats and a white sparkle colored neck bandana. The outfit really brought out her yellow/brown eyes. (I really dunno anything about what brings out the eyes and that sort of stuff so im kinda making up stuff as I go along ^^") Confidence rolled off the girl in ways, something May envied more than her hair at the moment. Just relax, go up to him and be out with it already!

May took a big step towards them. Oh no! No, no, no! She crouched behind the bench next to her, palms sweaty, heart pounding and mind racing. Why cant I just ask him out! I can't result in hiding all the time! Why can't I be as confident as the girl standing next to him? Please, Arceous, just let me have three minutes of confidence! OK, May, get out there and do it!

May withdrew for hugging her knees and stepped aside while her target was too engrossed in conversation to see her slowly slip towards them with her last ounce of confidence. The blondey nudged Drew lightly in the ribs when May was a few feet away. It took all her might for May to say as unaggressively as possible, "Hi Drew! Who's your friend?"

"Oh, hey May. This is April. She's a new coordinator. In fact, she's better off than you are." Said Drew with his ever so popular smirk applied smugly on his face.

"Right. So Drew, I-" started May.

"April! Your pokemon are ready! Sorry it took so long. I'm a bit behind schedule!" called Nurse Joy in her usually pleasant voice. With that she dropped 4 pokeballs on the counter and disappeared through the swinging white doors behind her. Not this again! Whenever I try to ask him something has to go wrong doesn't it! Thought May. She was ready to explode behind the fake smile she wore.

"Well, that's my queue! I've got some training to do, see ya at 7 tonight Drew!" April flicked around so her dirty blonde hair whacked May on the nose. May sneezed a couple times while Drew watched the newbie's figure pick up her pokeballs and disappear around a corner, not missing a single bouncy step.

"So, Drew, where are you going with… um, Avril was it? At seven? Tonight?" May had a weak point of curiosity, always has, probably always will.

"Why would you want to know May? Is someone a little jealous?" leered Drew.

May swiveled on her heel and crossed her arms over her chest in a huff, desperately trying to hide the blush creeping across her face, "N-no! I just-just thought I would… challenge and crush you to a battle as a warm-up before the contest, but apparently you have other plans so it's not like it'll kill you to tell me where your going…" Prompted May, her own quick thinking surprised her; she would have to keep a journal of all these comebacks. May turned her head slightly to find Drew was making an attempt to leave, so she twirled around and shouted, "and where do you think you're going!"

"If you must know I'm going to get ready for my date tonight at Resión de Poké, this new sophisticated Italian restaurant that just opened up down the street." Drew called over his shoulder while he exited through the automatic doors at the front of the Pokemon Center.

"Wait, what did you mean by sophisticated!" screeched May, but Drew was already half way down the path leading towards the hotel across the street he was staying at. May was ready to scream into the sky until she cries. Instead, she sensible walked to her room with her last piece of sanity and locked the door behind her. She flopped onto her bed and took off her shoes, thoughts flapping through her head like a flounder in shallow water. She turned onto her stomach and attempted to clear her mind. Her chain of thoughts went as such:


Calm down me… now… what could I do to prevent it, or rather, to make the next one with me?


Will I just CALM down and THINK! There has to be something that Drew cant stand that will make him notice me more! But what, WHAT!

Hmmm… what if I put on this REALLY cute dress-

Nope, I don't have a dress.

Well then what about-


Hey! I just cut me off-


See I did it again!

Just shut up and listen! Drew hates jealousy! If I could somehow get Drew jealous I could SO win him over! PERFECT!


So who to ask?


I disgust myself sometimes… hey wait! No, he wouldn't agree to it…


Ash idiot!

Oooooooh, well you wont know until you try, so why not at least ask?


Oh come on smarty pants just do it, he's your best friend, he'll understand!

Well… I guess I'm right, it wouldn't hurt to try, but I cant tell him why I'm doing it or he might feel hurt… hmmm… this has to be my best, okay, my ONLY plan yet, but still, its good.

May recollected herself and stood up when she heard a knock on her door, "May? Are you in here? If you are then we're going to dinner, ok?" it was Ash, perfect!

So how do u like it? second fanfic and I don't think its too bad so far so… anyway I wont upload again unless I get 5 comments, the instructions are above so… HOPE U ENJOYED!