Disclaimer: The only thing I own is the story idea and only some of the witty remarks. I own so little; so please don't steal.

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Denmark asks the question just as Norway buttons his nightshirt in the soft glow of the bedside lamp. "Do you want to do anything tonight?" He asks this frequently, every night, without fail unless they are in an argument or he is actually tired, which is not often. Norway glances at him, his fingers still lost in the blue-hued fabric as he slips a button through a buttonhole.


Usually, Denmark blabbers on about how they don't do it often enough and doesn't Norway love him? Because people in love do it and Norway is his favorite anyway and if he so wished, he could force himself on Norway and do it by force. But tonight, he just nods, looking actually agreeable for a night, and this acceptance is attractive. Norway thinks that if Denmark accepted his rejections, he'd get it more often. He'd like to retract his answer, but that might be seen as weakness and Denmark would never let him live it down. He slides the Nordic cross out of his hair, keeping his eyes on Denmark, who just slides into the bed without a word and lies there, without making come-hither looks or unnecessary whining. Norway thumbs the lamp off and crawls into bed.

Tonight, Denmark does not slide over to his side. He does not reach over and grab him, groping him in the process. Denmark actually just lies there, ready to go to sleep. How many nights has Norway prayed for this lack of attention, but now that he has it, he searches his mind frantically for what could have gotten the other to this state. "Den?"


"Are you mad at me?"

Denmark scoffs. "No. Why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know." Norway is usually the one with less words, with less contact, with less affection. Steeling himself with a deep breath, he rolls over to Denmark, reaching over the Dane's broad shoulders in a rare display of intimacy. He doesn't know who looks more surprised; him or Denmark. Maybe his face is still set in its apathetic mode. He hopes so.

"Tell me why you're upset, anko."

"I'm not upset!" Denmark snakes an arm around his waist and Norway feels the protective (selfish, unsharing at times) grip, and it is welcome in the midst of the warmth of the blankets and the closeness to Denmark he doesn't dare show to anyone outside this room, outside this bed - not even to Ice, who's family. A goofy expression plasters itself to Denmark's face. "Do you want to do something now?"

"No." Norway pouts, lightly (okay, not lightly) tapping his head against Denmark's cheek. "You can't get me like that." He hears Denmark laugh but doesn't hear the thought behind it; Finland was right, but I can't play this card every night or Nor will get suspicious. And to keep the ploy from seeming outrageously out of character, he shifts and envelopes Norway in a Viking embrace, ignoring the way the latter protests a storm about suffocation. When he finally relents, he feels the flush on his face, because as many times as he hugs Norway, does it with Norway, it always makes his heart race.

"You're my favorite, Nor. You'll always be my favorite!"

"Get some sleep, stupid brother." Tonight is out-of-character night, because Norway leans up to kiss him on the mouth and doesn't wiggle out of his grasp afterwards. The gesture makes Denmark laugh, and feeling Norway curl up at his side, he settles. It's this Norway he loves the most (not that he doesn't love every other bit of Norway, because he does), and it's this moment that he's fought decades for to save; and it's been worth every second.


Note: I love chaste DenNor bedroom scenes. I don't know why. Huzzah, summer! Who cares about failed physics finals, I sure don't!