Disclaimer: Okay, if you don't know that I do not hold one of the coolest cartoons ever in my 'awesome stuff I own' belt, we might need to send you to special school.

I stayed back and waited for the dust to settle, I saw Dani throw the tallest halfa across the room. I shared a mischievous look with Danny- with-a-Y, and then went back to watching Vlad Plasmius get his but handed to him by a little girl.

"I never got to thank you for the homecoming!" she yelled rather sarcastically, as she formed and blasted energy plates at the fruit-loop. Unfortunately, he dodged every one of them, and he wasn't shy about it.

"Ha! You missed me!" his words were cut short when a small, bony, undead fist nailed him I the chest, knocking the wind out of him. It crashed him to the wall one final time and I could hear an aura of defensiveness leave all three halfas in way of a sigh. It was finished. Danny relaxed his shoulders and I put a away my hover-board and weapons. My feet brought me over to the older Phantom and I rested a hand on him. He looked up at me with a small smile. I never noticed how much taller I was then him. It was weird because my last boyfriend was a lot shorter than me, also.

"Guess that'll teach him to pick on a defenseless girl!" She said to fill in the gap that needed to be filled.

"There's no such thing," I replied to her as Danny and I strolled next to her, all of us ready to face the ghost if he was stupid enough to try again. Danny's face suddenly turned serious.

"Get Danielle out of her, Valery." He eyed me like he was trying to get some message across, "I'll…be right behind you." Ah, now I understood. A large smile found its way upon my face and with a glance at Dani, I flew out the hole in the wall, knowing full-well I could hear everything the two of them would say with my handy-dandy Fenton Phones. The kid, followed behind me. I heard…

You really know how to work the system, don't you?


Dang! I thought. I was trying to fix the buds while keeping an eye on Danielle. The ecto-girl was giggling.

There! I got it!


Well, you could always tell her… but I'm afraid I'd have to counter such slanderous accusations by revealing your little secret!

Huh? I could feel my mouth start to hang open at this. Dani was in front of me. She put her finger to her lips in a shushing motion and slowly disappeared.


Danny shouted, and I couldn't tell which 'her' her was referring to.

"Dani!" Oh yeah… that 'her' "That was awesome! Dani?" He looked around, unable to find her, and noticed me for the first time. I was just floating there, trying to think about the two halfas' secrets. In other words, I was zoned out! "Valerie!" my eyes snapped to him as he floated closer to me, I suddenly found it hard to breathe. "Where's Dani?"

I felt like exploding.

Hey, don't kill me! I've had so much work to do lately! As I type this I'm overcome with guilt for not finishing my annotation of 'How to Read Novels like a Professor' (which inspired me to start a book called Anna-Maria, which will probably never get finished). Anyway, I know it's short, but so were the rest of the chapters! Still, sorry, I'll work on that, I was planning on finishing up the episode here, but that seemed like a good place to stop.

On a lighter note, I want to know what you think of the Danny/Valerie relationship. I know that can't be together, but should Valerie be in love with Danny in either alias? I want to know if I should continue in this direction. That's the beauty of posting chapter-by-chapter, feedback.

Like a Victorian novel!
