-Me- Hello my fellow fan fiction people this is my Thirty first story. I strongly suggest that you read the other thirty in order before you read this one otherwise you will not get it. Here is the order. Cool Zim, The Stacker that came from the Stars, Zim and Gaz together at last, Zim's First Love, Zim's Future, Army Zim, Zim's Worst Nightmare, Zim and Fruit what a pair, Dib's new Alley, Amethyst's weird cruse of Doom, The Return of the Stalker that came from the Starts, Pool of Horrors, Talent show of Doom, Grand prize of RJ Doom, Halloween Terrors Combined, Annoying new job of Doom and New challenges, Maybe a New Alley for Dib, Kierra's grand entrance, Jump in the line home alone dance party, A day with Amethyst, Thanksgiving interview, When Dance Dance Revolution and Waffles Meet, Zim's one little Slip, It'll be the end of the world invaderzimfannumber1and Amethyst's 1st and Most Horrible Almost X-Mas Ever, Christmas Eve Shopping Spree and The Most Wonderful X-Mas Ever, Amethyst and Kierra's Worst Day Ever, and End of the Year Sleep Over, and Friday the 13th Valentine Stalker, Bloody Poision Pineapple, and Heart and Arrors. They are all really good so don't worry I don't own Invader Zim or any of the songs in here I just own all of the newest characters in here. EnjoySetting 1 The Castle

Setting 1 Walking Towards the Skool

Jason and his parents just came back from a parent teacher conference at Will and Paige's School.

-Elijah- Well that school was a big bust.

- Celeste - I don't know Elijah I thought that there were some good qualities at that school.

- Elijah Blood Fang - That is your way of saying it was not right at all. They were too picky about the children that go there. I mean Jason is intelligent and all but not that intelligent. And all those extracurricular and high score requirements. Not to mention the pay. No defiantly not it.

- Celeste - Well I think if he challenged himself enough he could do it.

-Jason- Mom we already have enough to worry about I don't need to try and do everything I can just to stay in a school. Maybe I should just be home schooled. Yep let's explore that and not tour another school.

- Celeste - Now Jason you can't be home schooled.

-Jason- But if I'm home schooled then I won't hurt another mentor.

-Elijah- Look sport what happened in the past happened and it was terrible, but it wasn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself. And we may be able to teach you a lot in home school but we can't teach you how to make friends.

-Jason- I had friends and I ruined everything.

-Elijah- No they ruined everything. And you will find the right mentor someday. No one can ever replace the one you lost but…

- Celeste - Now let's not discuss sadness. Plush you said you liked this town when you came back from your expedition of this neighborhood.

-Jason- No I said I thought the party I saw while I was here looked like a lot of fun.

- Celeste - I am not giving up on this we are trying to adapt to a new school and life.

-Elijah- Well are there any more on our list deer?

- Celeste - Yes there is this one. (She said showing him the last one on their list of School.)

-Elijah- Were they don't even know how to spell the word right. (He said looking at the brochure)

- Celeste - (She took it away from her husband and read the good qualities about the school.) Don't give me that look it says hear that the teachers are kind, unique, and caring. That's a good thing.

-Jason- I don't know can't we just go home and try again tomorrow night or maybe never.

- Celeste - Now come on Jason how about this if we don't like this school we'll pack up and find another state. No one ever said we had to move to Texas. And to sweeten the pot if we don't like this school you guys can go on a father son outing if you know what I mean.

-Jason- Really we can oh thanks mom. (He said hugging her.) Can we go even if I do like the school?

-Elijah- If your mother does not mind unpacking by herself.

- Celeste - Of course I don't mind you know how much I love my way of unpacking. (She said with enthusiasm.) But remember you two you have to be careful.

-Elijah- We will be now let's give this Skool our best try. (They knocked on the door.)

-Mr. Elliot- There you are I was wondering when you would get here.

-Elijah- Howdy Mr…

-Mr. Elliot- Elliot' the name telepathy and teachings the game.

-Elijah- Well howdy Mr. Elliot we apologies for being a little tardy but let me be the first to introduce myself. I'm Elijah this is my wife Celeste and our son Jason.

-Mr. Elliot- Well it is absolutely positively wonderful to meet you Jason.

-Jason- Ah hello Mr. Elliot. (He shakes his hand.)

-Mr. Elliot- I love it when new students come in fresh blood to brighten up the skool. I love it. (He said letting go of Jason's hand.)

-Mrs. Bitters- So do I but for a different reason.

-Mr. Elliot- Oh hello there Mrs. Bitters. (Jason hid behind his mother.)

- Celeste - Oh hello Mrs. um Bitters. I don't see your name on our info sheet.

-Mr. Elliot- That is because she teaches the 8th grade and I teach the 6th grade where your son will be learning.

- Celeste - Oh good…

-Mrs. Bitters- And why do you say that. Is your son not good enough for me? He certainly does look interesting. (She said grabbing Jason.) Kind of emo actually sharp looking teeth.

-Jason- Oh ignore those and I am not emo. I just have my own personality no abnormalities here.

-Mrs. Bitters- You sure about that. What is with the scare?

-Jason- I don't like to talk about it and I am completely positive now could you put me down please. (He said glaring at her and then all of a sudden she obeyed.)

-Mrs. Bitters- Hmm curious. But back to the matter at hand you come from a mix family how will the other students react to you?

-Jason- Wait you mean there is still racism here?

-Mr. Elliot- Of course not. Here we believe that everyone should live in peace and harmony.

-Celeste- (Celeste noticed that her son was a little weak so she gave him a drink.) Here sweet heart. Anyway I am glad you think that way Mr. Elliot.

-Mrs. Bitters- Of course everybody loves this touchy feely teacher but I believe in a fear tactic of teaching. And this one seems to need to toughen up.

-Elijah- My son is fine the way he is.

-Mrs. Bitters- You think you can protect him from the harsh doom ahead.

-Elijah- I know I can…

-Mr. Elliot- Now now let's not start a fight here. Excuse me for a minute I need to talk to my colleague. (He said shoving Mrs. Bitters away from Mr. Fang.) Kreeblim what are you doing?

-Mrs. Bitters- What? I'm having fun with this.

-Mrs. Elliot- I don't care if you are having fun or not. I want Jason to be my student. Having new students in the class is a welcome that I look forward to every day. And you will not ruin this for me. Now please leave.

-Mrs. Bitters- I don't want to leave and you can't make me. Ever since I lost a bunch of my unique students I have been wanting to meet new children. So understand my feelings and back off.

-Mr. Elliot- Fine you can stay but quit trying to scare him.

-Mrs. Bitters- Ok spoil sport. You know sometimes you trust me just as much as I trust the earthlings which is still not very much with the exception of some.

-Mr. Elliot- (He rolled his eyes and turned back to the Fangs.) I am so sorry about that Mrs. Bitters promises she will behave right Mrs. Bitters?

-Mrs. Bitters- I will try.

-Jason- (He laughed a little.)

-Mrs. Bitters- Looks like I made the shy newby laugh is that a good or a bad thing?

-Jason- It is a good thing. I am still terrified of you, but I think the interaction between you and Mr. Elliot is funny. Also when you are my teacher I think I can handle you.

-Mrs. Bitters- We will see about that.

-Celeste- On a lighter note Mr. Elliot what is your teaching style?

-Mr. Elliot- I believe in teaching students about the good inside of everyone. Particularly the abilities of the brain. It would be so incredible if we could all unlock our full potential and be connected threw telepathy then maybe we could all get along.

- Celeste- Oh I am all for that. I wish families could stop being so petty and learn to look past their differences for the sake of the next generation. But no they have to be stupid and kill all those who are different and then there is the moving and the…

-Elijah- Celeste not here. (He said calming her down.)

- Celeste- Right um sorry about that Mr. Elliot I just got done reading a good history book and sometimes I get carried away with my emotional ties to reality.

-Mr. Elliot- That is fine Mrs. Fang. By the way that is an interesting last name where did you say you all were from?

-Elijah- Well I am from Alabama and then I met Celeste in New Orleans and we just moved from um Los Vegas. We are kind of drifters.

-Mrs. Bitters- Sounds more like you have something to hide.

- Celeste- No we don't Elijah worked a blood bake that burned down so we had to move.

-Mr. Elliot- Oh that is an interesting profession do you do anything else Mr. Fang.

-Elijah- I earned some money at the casinos I have a knack for gambling.

-Mr. Elliot- I know someone who lives in Los Vaegas his name is Rudolph Fang and oh my gosh…

-Elijah- Yep that is my brother funny he never mentioned you, but he did say we should try this town out now I know why.

-Mr. Elliot- Well if you talk to your brother tell him that I said hello. Also since we use code names he probably won't know what you are talking about at first.

-Elijah- Oh so it is an online thing that explains it. I told him to stop meeting people over the internet and don't worry I have my ways with my brother that ombray can't keep things from me for long.

-Mr. Elliot- Well here is the class room where I will be teaching your son. This is the cafeteria, the gym, and our assembly hall. What do you think?

-Celeste- It is nice what kind of students do you have here?

-Mrs. Bitters- We cater to all kinds of weirdos here especially my self-proclaimed best paranormal investigator student.

-Jason- There is a paranormal obsessed kid here?

-Mrs. Bitters- Not just obsessed he has made it his sole duty to protect the earth blah blah it gets him into a lot of fights. Our principal is not a fan of his antics nor is his pet beaver.

-Jason- Your principal has a pet beaver that is different.

-Mrs. Bitters- You seem to be eager to change the subject why is that are you afraid of what goes bump in the night and those who are trying to stop it. (She said getting very close and scary like in Jason's face.)

-Jason- Well I… (Just then Ricky broke in threw the window and attacked Mrs. Bitters.)

-Mrs. Bitters- What get off of me. (She threw him off and towards Mr. Elliot. Ricky attacked Mr. Elliot and bit his arm.)

-Jason- No Ricky stop. (He grabbed the monkey and calmed him down.)

-Celeste- Jason Freddy Fang what is Ricky doing here? I am so sorry Mr. Elliot and Mrs. Bitters are you two alright I… Oh my dear Mr. Elliot you have blue stuff all over your face Jason get my doctor supplies from my purse and clean his arm off.

-Jason- Yes ma'am. (He grabbed her stuff and began to clean Mr. Elliot's arm.)

- Celeste- Jason is something wrong (She noticed he had a weird look in his eyes.)

-Elijah- There is nothing wrong Celeste here Jason let me take that moist towel let from you.

- Celeste- Right I will bandage up that arm is looks bruised and injured.

-Mrs. Bitters- What do you mean are you a doctor of some kind? (She said getting up and cleaning herself off.)

- Celeste- As a matter a fact I am.

-Jason- Mom Mrs. Bitter's let's not fight it is my fault for not remembering to lock Ricky's cage.

-Mrs. Bitters- That still does not explain why he attacked me or Mr. Elliot.

-Jason- You have been very threatening all night and you were the one that threw him at Mr. Elliot.

-Principal Coville- What is going on here?

-Mrs. Bitters- Oh Principal Coville nothing is going on we were just.

-Jason- It was my fault Sr. my monkey thought that Mrs. Bitters was going to hurt me and he attacked. I did not mean for anyone to get hurt.

-Principal Coville- It takes a lot of courage to stand up to your enemies but a great deal more to stand up for what is right and own up to when we make mistakes. I like that in a student. So Mr. and Mrs. Fang have you decided if this Skool is right for you?

-Elijah- It is Jason's decision not ours.

-Jason- I think it is the right one.

-Principal Coville- Excellent now come on Mr. Fang you and I have some paper work to sign.

-Jason- Mom is Mr. Elliot going to be alright?

- Celeste- He will be fine as for you we will have a talk about teaching Ricky better manners when we get home.

-Jason- Can I still you know?

- Celeste- Yes.

-Jason- Sweet.

-Celeste- Also what happened a minute ago I saw your eyes are you ok.

-Jason- I don't know it was that blue stuff it smelled like blood and I…

-Mr. Elliot- What are you two talking about?

-Jason- Oh nothing Mr. Elliot how is your arm?

-Mr. Elliot- It is fine wish I could say the same for my shirt though.

-Jason- I could fix that for you I know how to sow and make outfits. I am the best at making girl's cloths. By the way is there a sowing club hear?

-Mrs. Bitters- Hahah a boy that likes to sow you will get picked on for that.

- Celeste- I taught him how to do it thank you very much.

-Mrs. Bitters- I knew it you are a mom's boy.

- Celeste- No he and his father have a great relationship too. I just believe that everybody should have their hobbies regardless of gender.

-Jason- Can she ever get along with anybody.

-Mr. Elliot- Not really and as for you. Thanks for breaking up the fighting earlier I can tell that you like everyone to get along just as much as I do. I bet you are going to be a great student.

-Jason- Thanks Mr. Elliot I will try not to disappoint you.

-Mr. Elliot- Oh don't be sad if you have trouble with your studies I can always come over for tutoring.

- Celeste- That won't be necessary I work at the hospital all day and Elijah has night shifts and the blood bank so it would be hard for you to find time to tutor my son if neither one of us are there.

-Mrs. Bitters- Like I said before something to hide.

-Elijah- The paper work is done and I would appreciate it if you laid off my family Mrs. Bitters. (He said staring at her.)

-Mrs. Bitters- Whatever you say…

-Elijah- Come on you four the time has come for us to hit the trail. (They left.) That was too close that women makes me very annoyed.

- Celeste- I agree with you on that she knows how to rattle my bones.

-Jason- I got her and so did Ricky. (He laughed a little.)

-Elijah- Sport don't gloat about that victory. We need to keep an eye on her. As for Mr. Elliot I like him but I still wonder how he knows my brother that will be an interesting conversation. Anyway Celeste take Ricky home Jason and I have some flying to do. (He turned into a bat and so did Jason and they flew off.)

- Celeste- You are not the only ones. (She took out a broom and road it home.)

Setting 2 Back in the School

-Mrs. Bitters- Does anyone be sides me have a head ache.

-Mr. Elliot- I have one but it is because you did not listen to me and kept starting fights why…

-Principal Coville- Kreeblim Hoo-Lan get in here.

-Mr. Elliot- Yes Broxholm of course. (They ran into the principal's office knowing that Broxholm was not amused. Once inside they removed their disguises.)

-Broxholm- Why were you fighting with those humans out their Kreeblim and you Hoo-Lan you got hurt and talked about telepathy again.

-Hoo-Lan- Sorry Broxholm but to be fair this one started it.

-Kreeblim- I was just trying to stick to my character.

-Broxholm- I told you that scaring the children will keep them away not encourage new ones. We are trying to mold the minds of the human youth and if you keep scaring them away we will have no one to mold.

-Kreeblim- Don't talk to me like that you were the one who left me on earth the first time. Do you know how much that hurt? That is something I can never and will never forgive you for. The only reason I work for you now is for the good of this mission that Krepta came up with.

-Hoo-Lan- Please you two don't fight we already have enough problems on our hands.

-Broxholm- You are right Hoo-Lan after all you are injured and almost blew your cover. I thought you said your disguise produced human blood.

-Hoo-Lan- Must be on the frits again. Regardless of what happened I liked that boy he seems to be just what this school needs.

-Broxholm- His father got threw that paper work fast and I like that. However, that monkey will not be allowed back I don't want another disturbance like that when school is back in session. As for you Kreeblim I am sorry I left you on earth the first time but circumstances were out of my control.

-Kreeblim- Thanks for the apology and let's hope it does not happen again.

-Peter- Um excuse me Hoo-Lan…

-Hoo-Lan- Krepta what are you doing here?

-Peter- I couldn't find your house Hoo-Lan you gave me directions to the Membrane house.

-Hoo-Lan- I did let me see that. Woops this was the map I was supposed to give Faith so she would know where not to go. I mean anyway come on Krepta we have important stuff to do.

-Broxholm- You can't keep secrets from us for much longer Hoo-Lan you know the truth will always find it's way out.

-Hoo-Lan- I will keep that in mind. (He and Peter left.)

-Kreeblim- Well I have to be getting home too. I will see you tomorrow.

-Broxholm- Drive carefully.

-Kreeblim- You too. (She put her mask back on and left.)

-Broxholm- There are you happy Daget I apologied to her now get off my back. (He said talking to his beaver who just kept rolling his eyes.)

Setting 3 walking down the street

-Hoo-Lan- Alright Krepta now remember when we get to my house you will have to behave.

-Peter- What do you mean behave and why are you injured?

-Hoo-Lan- That is not important right now. Just make sure that when you see Faith and Hope you try to get along and I will make Faith get along with you.

-Peter- Wait I am meeting them again tonight. Oh no maybe I should head home.

-Hoo-Lan- No Krepta stop avoiding them. I know the last meeting you had with them did not go over too well, but I will make you and Faith get along even if it kills me.

-Peter- It is not you who are endanger of getting killed. (They open the door and Hoo-Lan takes off his disguise.)

-Hoo-Lan- Girls I'm home.

-Hope- Hoo-Lan you are back and AHH! (She hide behind the couch.)

-Faith- Hope what is wrong? YOU! (Her wings came out and she grabbed Peter.) What are you doing here human and why is Hoo-Lan injured did you do this to him.

-Hoo-Lan- Faith wings and put Krepta down this instant.

-Faith- But, he hurt you.

-Hoo-Lan- No a monkey bit me now put him down.

-Faith- (She dropped Peter.) What do you mean?

-Hoo-Lan- First of all I meant gently.

-Faith- He will live for now.

-Hoo-Lan- (He rolled his eyes.) Anyway as I was saying Jason had a pet monkey and it attacked Kreeblim and then me.

-Faith- Serves her right for making me wear all of those girly dresses all the time. As for you Hoo-Lan glad you got bandaged up did the new kid do that?

-Hoo-Lan- His mother did. He is quiet the unique child. He is emo, dark, but also seems to have a caring side. You would like him although I don't think he is right for you.

-Faith- What why do you always do this. I told you I want to explore the universe first before I start dating and it will be my choice who I date.

-Hope- Haha… that means she is thinking about it and I wish we could go to the school you teach at Hoo-Lan he does not go to it does he.

-Hoo-Lan- No sadly Krepta does not attend my school. As for the idea of you attending it, maybe someday my darlings. Now let's all get ready for the party.

-Faith- Wait he is coming with us.

-Peter- Yes I am Hoo-Lan invited me. Hope you don't have to keep hiding behind the couch.

-Faith- She can stay were ever she likes and I will never trust you no matter what Hoo-Lan says.

-Peter- (Pyro rubbed herself against him.) She sure seems to.

-Faith- Hmm maybe you have some cat nip or something like that.

-Peter- (He petted pyro and she purred in his arms. At the sight of this Hope came out from behind the couch.) I really like this fire cat. Her name is Pyro right?

-Hope- Yep she was our Aunt's (She started to feel sad remembering what happened in the past.)

-Faith- Let's not discuss that um Hoo-Lan you said we would get to go to Skoodge's party right?

-Hoo-Lan- Only if you promise to keep a better eye on your sister this time.

-Faith- I tried to, but when all of the humans ran out of the house in a panic I lost sight of Hope and she got pushed out the door by the humans. I looked for her all night. It was one of the scariest experiences ever. I don't want to ever almost lose my sister again. Which is why while we are there I will keep an eye on you.

-Hoo-Lan- Faith I said get along with Krepta.

-Faith- I promised to nothing now let's get into costume. I will be Miss Martine, Hope you can be Star Sapphire. (She said pushing buttons on her portable disguise machine control. The machine came on to her and Hope and dressed them in their cosplay.) Here human pick which ever one you like. (She threw it to Peter.)

-Peter- Ok. (He chose Wonder over Yonder.) I guess I will Wonder over Yonder.

-Faith- (Hope laughed and Faith tried not to but she could not help it.) Haha well at least you are good for a laugh. Haha

-Hoo-Lan- Yes how delightful now it is my turn Faith I think you will enjoy this. (He used the machine and then came out as Glossaryck from Star vs the Forces of evil.) Does anybody have pudding.

-Faith, Hope, and Peter- Hahahaha

-Faith- Yes see Hoo-Lan I told you, you would like Star vs the Forces of Evil. Now come on let's all go to the party.

Our heroes were at the castle dressing their wounds. Julie was patching up Zim's side and he was struggling.

-Julie- Zim hold still.

-Zim- What does it matter Julie we lost?

-Julie- Zim stop talking I don't want you to bleed to death.

-Zim- Well I don't care I deserve it. This is all my fault and... Ow! (He said as Julie finished her patched job and squeezed too hard,)

-Julie- Sorry, but your done.

-Zim- You're right Julie we're all done. We failed. Let's just face it we never had a chance we're scum.

-Julie- OH JUST SHUT UP ALREADY ZIM! (She said as she slapped him.)

-Zim- Why thank you Julie that is all I deserve. (He said with tears in his eyes.)

-Random Music-Story of a heart in need
Playin' on my T.V. screen
Will I sit back and watch it fade?
There's gotta be a better way.

Love is more than what you feel
Love is action, love is real
Break your silence, turn the key
And be the change you wanna see.

So get ready, come on everybody
Are you ready to:

-Julie- No you don't Zim. (She said as she hugged him and they both continued to cry.) Please don't give up I know we will find away to bring Amethyst back.

-Random Music- Stand, for what you believe in
Stand, for all that is right
Stand, when it's dark all around you
You can be that shining light.
Stand, when troubles come calling
Your gonna be alright
Stand, just reach deep inside you
And be that shining light.

-Zim- (He shoved Julie off of him.) HOW! You tell me how Julie. That's right you can't because it's impossible.

-Julie- No Zim it's not. And please you have never given up before. So don't give up now Amethyst is counting on you.

-Random Music-I feel the earth shake, raise my voice
I have my soul, I have a choice
I feel it burning, I want more
So what am I waiting for?

So get ready, come on everybody
Are you ready to:

-Dib- Julie is right Zim no matter how many times your stupid plans failed you never gave up. So don't start now, because where is the fun in that?

-Random Music- Stand, for what you believe in
Stand, for all that is right
Stand, when it's dark all around you
You can be that shining light.
Stand, when troubles come calling
Your gonna be alright
Stand, just reach deep inside you
And be that shining light.

-Zim- First of all filthy human my plans were always genius just like me, and second of all Amethyst counted on the wrong person, because I am a nothing but a pathetic failure. I failed her don't you guys get it. I can't do anything right. Half of our team is gone. Doom is back. And worst of all Amethyst is gone forever. SO YOU TELL ME WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO? NOTHING. (He said as he threw a rock.)

-Random Music- Stand, for what you believe in
Stand, for all that is right
Stand, when it's dark all around you
You can be that shining light.
Stand, when troubles come calling
Your gonna be alright
Stand, just reach deep inside you
And be that shining light.

Oh Stand

Stand, for what you believe in
Stand, for all that is right
Stand, when it's dark all around you
You can be that shining light.
Stand, when troubles come calling
Your gonna be alright
Stand, just reach deep inside you
And be that shining light.

Stand, for what you believe in
Stand, for all that is right
Stand, when it's dark all around you
You can be that shining light.
Stand, when troubles come calling
Your gonna be alright
Stand, just reach deep inside you
And be that shining light.

-Shadow- Ow! (He said as he came out of the rubble.)

Dib- What the who are you?

-Will- It's Shadow see. (He said showing them the locket.)

-Julie- But how?

-Shadow- Where's Amethyst?

-Kierra- (She came out of the rubble too.) Isn't it obvious Shadow Doom got her?

-Zim- Kierra you're o.k.

-Kierra- More or less so where is everyone?

-Julie- Doom got them.

-Kierra- Oh this is just great first Doom possesses my master with that stupid dark crystal and now he takes...

-Julie- Wait say that again Kierra.

-Kierra- Now he takes...

-Julie- No the other thing.

-Kierra- Oh this is just great first Doom possesses my master with that stupid dark crystal...

-Julie- Yes I knew it. (She said as she began to look for something.)

-Zim- Julie what are you doing?

-Julie- Ah ha I knew they left the book behind Doom always greatly underestimated our race. (She said taking out the book that Silvia was reading before.)

-Zim- Wait a minute how can you read that?

-Julie- When you are a general you are supposed to know all languages. I just missed the Deamanata training O.K. Anyway according to this if this is the spell that Silvia used then I know how we can destroy him and bring Amethyst back.

-Zim and Shadow- What?

-Zim- Wait a minute how can we trust you and how were you brought back?

-Shadow- Well ah Amethyst kissed me.

-Zim- WHAT? (He said grabbing Shadow by the caller of his vest.)

-Shadow- Look in all fairness she did it to me and it was the only way.

-Julie- Zim we don't have time for this.

-Zim- (He dropped Shadow.) Whatever but he is not coming with us.

-Shadow- Oh yea I am. I want to help.

-Will- And his sister needs him.

-Shadow- Doom has my sister too?

-Will- Yes this is her's it fell off. (He said giving Shadow the locket.)

-Shadow- Oh Rachel. (He said running his hand down the picture.) Now you have to let me come.

-Zim- Alright fine you can come, but if when we find my daughter and you hurt her in anyway. I will make you wish you had never been born. You got it?

-Shadow- Yes sir.

-Julie- Alright now the only way to bring Amethyst back is to go see my younger brother.

-Tak- But, your brother was banished years ago for drinking and dealing with dark magic.

-Julie- Hey it was for the good of the Irken Empire and that drinking habit runs in my family. So there.

-Tak- Whatever how are we going to even get to him?

-Julie- Easy we'll call the Tallest and the Wisest, and have them send us the cornets and another ship and deactivate the security. (Julie and the others called the Tallest and the Wisest.) My Tallest My Wisest I...

-Wisest- Oh let me guess Doom is back.

-Julie- How did you know?

-Red- Because, he already destroyed Carnival.

-Purple- And we all had tickets to go their next week. WHY NO MORE DONUTS! WHY!

-Wisest- Get a hold of yourselves man.

-Julie- My Wisest I am sorry we failed, but we need you to send us another ship and the permission slips to go to Banshmentia to see Dash.

-Wisest- That is impossible. You know as well as I do Julie that a visit to see Dash is forbidden and also illogical. What if he is drunk again?

-Julie- Don't worry his wife Lilly will keep him in check. Please my Wisest as my sister you know our brother has the only thing we need to kill Doom and bring Amethyst back. She is the Scourge of the Universe now, and if we don't do something soon the universe will all be destroyed.

-Wisest- Fine this is your last chance Julie don't fail us this time. We are really all counting on you guys.

-Julie- Don't worry we won't fail you.

Setting 4 Zim's House.

-Skoodge- (He was still dressed as agent Furry from Marvel and working the music. The song was on the highway to hell. He was dancing to it and sing.) Living easy, living free
Season ticket on a one-way ride
Asking nothing, leave me be
Taking everything in my stride
Don't need reason, don't need rhyme
Ain't nothing I would rather do
Going down, party time
My friends are gonna be there too

I'm on the highway to hell
On the highway to hell
Highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell

And I'm going down on the Highway to hell… (He realized that Hoo-Lan was staring at him.) Oh hey Hoo-Lan (He said embarrassed as the music continued.) You were not supposed to see that.

-Hoo-Lan- Skoodge I know how crazy your parties can be after all I was there when you conquered Blorch.

-Skoodge- Well that was more like a pied piper party but I don't like to get into that. So Hope Faith it is so good to see you all again. And who are you?

-Hoo-Lan- This is Krepta.

-Skoodge- Oh so you are the human who put Hoo-Lan in the comma surprised Faith let you live anyway I need to talk to Hoo-Lan outside. (He grabbed Hoo-Lan and walked outside.)

-Hoo-Lan- Skoodge don't be rude to Krepta I already had to deal with one smeetlying today I don't need to deal with you. So how is everything? Has Julie told you anything you must share Skoodge!

-Skoodge- Calm down Hoo-Lan I need you calm when I tell you what Julie told me. First of all, Amethyst is dead.

-Hoo-Lan- What no Zim he was supposed to save her. This is all his fault why did he have to call her a mistake and get her captured. Crystal's sacrifice was for nothing all because of that stupid Irken. (His hand beams were about to come out. Skoodge grabbed his hands.)

-Skoodge- Now Hoo-Lan they are going to bring Amethyst back. Dash is going to do it.

-Hoo-Lan- No that spell is only temporary… (He said getting out of Skoodge's grip)

-Skoodge- Hoo-Lan stop it my niece can handle her Doppelganger and Doom.

-Hoo-Lan- No he is back after all the hard work we did. No that monster can never be allowed to return and destroy all the universe. (He shot his hand beams nearly hitting Skoodge who ducked then he fainted.)

-Skoodge- No Hoo-Lan I told you not to get over emotional come on let's get you to the lower part of the base.

Setting 5 The lower part of the Base.

-Faith and Hope- Skoodge what happened to Hoo-Lan?

-Peter- Calm down you two?

-Faith- Silence human. (She said worried about her dad who was on a table passed out.)

-Skoodge- Don't yell at Peter Faith. It was my fault Hoo-Lan did not take the news that Amethyst is dead going to be brought back to life by Dash and face her Doppelganger and Doom alone well.

-Faith and Hope- What Doom is back. (They both screamed and hid.)

-Skoodge- Shh girls everything will be alright.

-Faith- No it won't Skoodge you know who we are related to. Doom will come after all of us first. Me and Hope are not safe. Neither are you.

-Skoodge- Don't you think I know that. I know that I am Crystal's brother and Tallest Miamoto and Wisest Sapphire's smeet but for now we need to keep our heads calm. Hoo-Lan will wake up from his fainting spell any minute now and when he does he needs to see you girls acting ok. To make him feel better.

-Faith- But what are we going to do about Doom?

-Peter- I will take care of you guys at Hoo-Lan's house he does not know that Hoo-Lan is on earth. And I know all about the Universal Wars and how scary Doom can be however I don't understand why Hoo-Lan fainted at the thought of his return.

-Skoodge- Because Hoo-Lan was my dad's, their dad Oliver, Alex, Ivan and Doom's Mentor.

-Peter- What now it all makes since.

-Skoodge- Right so are you willing to protect them human regardless of the danger you know you will be putting yourself in?

-Peter- I am I want to protect all of my alien friends and family.

-Hoo-Lan- Well said Krepta.

-Peter- Hoo-Lan are you sure you should be getting up.

-Hoo-Lan- I will be fine Krepta come on girls let's get Pyro and you two to safety.

-Skoodge- Hoo-Lan wait don't worry I have full confidence in my Niece she can do it also I will keep in contact with you. Come over at any time if you want to talk some since into Zim.

-Hoo-Lan- What do you mean.

-Skoodge- He and Julie are hiding their feelings.

-Hoo-Lan- I am too mad and concerned about the future to worry about those two right now.

-Skoodge- Shoot I can see he is going to need some convincing anyway. (He hugged Faith and Hope.) It was great seeing you two be safe.

-Faith- You too Skoodge.

-Hope- Yah Skoodge don't get too distracted by your parties.

-Skoodge- Haha you know me I always find a way to be ok.

-Faith- Krepta thanks for offering your services to us and sorry I was mean.

-Peter- You are welcome. (He grabbed her hand and shook it.)

-Faith- (She whispered to him.) I have still got my eyes on.

-Peter- (He gulped.) Well would you look at the time we had better be going see you Skoodge. (They left.)

-Me- Well this chapter was really short, but I do know how to make it dramatic. So will Julie's plan work you will just have to see. Also look at my new drawings and I leave you all with these very true words ZIM WILL LIVE FOREVER!