Hey! Alrighty guys, this is my second fic, first try at the twins :) I really just wanted to have something out for their birthday which is today, so here you go!

Yes, this is the twins, and it's rated T just to be safe, so if you don't like boy/boy twincest goodness, feel free to NOT read, seriously :)

*insert obvious disclaimer here*


It was their tradition.

No matter what day it was; whether it's a Monday or a Saturday, the Hitachiin twins would wake up at exactly 6:09 a.m. on the ninth of June, and lazily greet each other as they always did upon waking.

"Good morning, Kaoru." The older twin would brush a stray hair out of the said younger ones amber colored eyes, and in return Kaoru would snuggle closer to his brother in their shared bed.

"Good morning, Hikaru." Then, with identical smiles plastered across their faces, they would grab each others hand underneath the sheets before whispering the same two words to each other like they did every year.

"Happy Birthday!" Hikaru laughed slightly and pulled Kaoru even closer to him, holding the younger one against his chest. Kaoru, very satisfied with this position, began to play with his brothers hair while smiling into his shoulder.

"We should probably get up.." Kaoru said after a few minutes, although he made no move to do so.

"Yes," Hikaru mused with a smirk, "We probably should." The two stayed in comfortable silence for another few minutes before Kaoru slowly detangled himself from his brothers arms and sat up, the sheets pooling around his waist. He felt the bed shake as Hikaru hauled himself up before snaking his arms around Kaoru's waist and resting his head lazily on his shoulder. Hikaru let out a breathy sigh, making Kaoru stiffen at the feeling of his brothers breath on his skin. "Kao?" Hikaru murmured, head still resting in the crook of Kaoru's neck.

"Yes, Hika?" Kaoru glanced at the clock confused, it was now 6:30, which meant that they should be down in the kitchen eating pancakes that were positively drowned in maple syrup, not still in the bedroom.

Kaoru could practically feel his brother smirk against his skin as he replied, "We're 18 now."

Kaoru twisted his head to look down at his brothers smiling face, raising an eyebrow in question. "And?"

Hikaru laughed against Kaoru's neck, and seeing his brother smile made him smile as well, even though he was oblivious to what exactly he was smiling about. "Do you know what that means?" Hikaru stared into his younger brothers eyes, noticing the confused and slightly amused look he had.

"No.." Kaoru paused, waiting for him to continue.

Hikaru tilted his head up until his lips ghosted above Kaoru's ear, and his fingers tightened even more against his twins hips. The younger shivered as Hikaru all but purred into his ear, "Age of consent."

Kaoru's head snapped in the direction of his brother, staring at his mischievous smile obliviously until the meaning of his brothers words dawned on him, making his face turn bright red in shock. "Hika-" The words were cut off when he was forcefully pushed back down on the bed, his head hitting the pillow with a thud, and all he could do was stare wide eyed as the eldest smiled impishly before lowering his head towards his.

At 8:00, when the Hitachiin twins should have been in the foyer with their parents fawning over whatever new things they had gotten, Kaoru could only find the energy to stare at their clock sleepily before turning over and brushing a damp piece of hair out of his unconscious brothers eyes and smiling to himself, 'Who needs traditions, when I have you?'

Reviews make my smile, so if you favorite, please tell me why! :)