It was busy as usual as Deadpool sped down the freeway in a red pickup truck. The afternoon sun shown brightly, but Deadpool was too busy whistling "Old McDonald" to notice.

After whistling several rounds of the song, the mercenary got bored and began talking to himself. "Ooo! Radio!" he said excitedly, taking both hands off the wheel to turn it on, only to realize that it was broken. "Whoops! I forgot that I smashed it last time during a traffic jam! Oh well!" He then began rifling through the glove box. "Candy, gunpowder, spent bullets...candy!" Deadpool grabbed the candy, spilling the other items in the glove box and swerving. Several cars beeped at him. He stuck a piece of candy in his mouth. Discovering it to be stale, he threw it out the window, where it hit and cracked another driver's windshield. "Ooops, sorrrry!" the mercenary cried out the window.

Up ahead, he saw a man on the side of the road. The homely man had his thumb stuck out.

Deadpool rubbed his chin mystically, as though scratching an imaginary beard. "Yes, I suppose that might be true. I bet this guy is the main character!" He laughed manically. "So I'd better pick him up. After all, what's a story without ME in it?" The merc with a mouth wrinkled his nose. "And besides that, he might know something about Wolverine." Following many hours of bothering the X-Men, he had figured out that Wolverine had headed down here to Texas. But they wouldn't tell him why exactly Logan was here. And he was dying to find out. Plus, he had a bone to pick with his "favorite" X-Man.

The hitchhiker in question was of medium-height and muscular, with orange hair that could pale a construction cone. He put his thumb down as Deadpool reached over and opened the passenger-side door. "Well, come in, main character! Don't be shy!"

The man crinkled his brows in confusion. "I didn't catch that."

"Aw, never mind. What's your name?"

The stranger shook his head slightly and remained silent.

"Fine. You know, I actually like the quiet and homely type. As for me," he said, pointing at himself with a flourish, "you can call me Deadpool."

"Hmm, interesting. Take me to the Motel Pomerta?"

Well, this guy wasn't wasting any time. "Don't worry, I'll take you to your destination! Deadpool's Cab Service NEVER fails." He tipped an imaginary hat.

The orange-haired man stared at him blankly, clearing his throat and saying, "It would be good if you could start the engine."

Deadpool pouted underneath his mask. "Aw, you don't want to play any games? Not even Parcheesi? I LOVE Parcheesi."

"No. Can we get moving?"

The mercenary's voice gained a dark tone. "Fine, be a party pooper. See if I care." Deadpool pulled off the side of the freeway, pressing the gas pedal to the floor. The tires sounded like screaming kittens as the rubber burned on the asphalt. "I'll get you to your destination, all right. We'll be lucky if we get there alive, though."

The stranger said nothing.

Though Deadpool had driven like a bat out of hell, Rorschach had safely been dropped off about half a mile from the motel at his own request. At least the driver of the pickup had stopped his drabbling when Walter made his motives clear. Although at the end of the trip, Deadpool had insisted on a tip. Not knowing whether he was joking or not, the vigilante gave his "cabby" several dollars.

Walter had put his face on behind an empty building and was now walking to meet Wolverine. He wondered if his friend would be already at his motel room. That was a very good possibility. After all, it was five o'clock in the evening, and they had parted at ten that morning.

It had taken Rorschach a long time to get himself a ride. Long, tiring hours of standing on the side of the road sticking his thumb out had left him tired and exhausted. He knew, however, that it would only take a few hours of sleep for him to get his energy back.

Then it would be time to get to work.

He had no idea what he was going to do once he had helped out Logan, but just serving justice to criminals again was going to feel good. Already he felt a little tingling of excitement.

Rorschach pulled his trenchcoat closer to himself. A cool breeze was blowing, whipping his trenchcoat around and almost pulling the fedora off his head. It was rather chilly for this time of year, especially for Texas...

A red-and-black blur dashed out from behind a large tree. Upon collecting his "tip," Deadpool had ditched his red truck and stealthily followed the stranger. The mercenary had watched as Walter had put on his face and walked away... He had been right all along.

A weirdo this strange could be none other than the main character.

And Deadpool was about to find what this guy was up to...

The half-crazy mercenary began walking silently behind the stranger, getting so close as to almost touch him. Just as he was about to take the man off-guard, he turned around and grabbed Deadpool's arm with a purple-gloved hand. "Why did you follow me?" Rorschach demanded gruffly.

Deadpool looked at Rorschach's hand, then his trenchcoat, his swirling mask, and fedora. He pulled out a katana from the hilt on his back with his free hand and slammed it into the gloved hand. "Rock, paper, scissors," he said gleefully. Deadpool slid the katana up to Rorschach's neck. "Scissors always win," he hissed seriously.

His hands now free, Rorschach took Deadpool off-guard and kicked him in his balls with his foot. As the mercenary knelt in sudden pain, the katana he had been holding clattered to the ground. Rorschach picked it up, cocking his head as he examined it. "Hurm, interesting." He threw it back on the ground. "Not very effective, though."

Deadpool grimaced under his mask and slowly got up. "Boy, did you ever get lucky," he said in a pained voice.

The stranger with the swirling black-and-white mask glared at him. "Not luck. Skill. Now why did you follow me?"

Deadpool pointed a finger at Rorschach. "Hey! I should be asking YOU the questions, not the other way around! For example, why do you have a taco on your face?"

"Taco on my face?..." the other said. Then he realized that Deadpool was talking about his face. "Oh. Haha."

Deadpool picked up his katana. "So are you a so-called hero? What's your role?"

"Role? You make no sense."

"Aw, never mind. We both know that you know where Wolverine is, so why don't you take me to him?"

Rorschach shrugged. "Why should I? You attacked me. That gives me no reason to help you." He began walking away. Deadpool began walking rapidly beside him.

"I'm just going to follow you anyway," the merc with a mouth grinned.

"Hurm," the other replied. "Fine. As long as no one is hurt."

"Oh, I won't hurt you," he replied viciously. "When I meet up with Wolverine though... boy am I going to rip him a new asshole. Thinks he can hide from me, can he?" the mercenary said, talking to himself now. "Well, that clawed freak's got another thing comin'."

Rorschach blatantly ignored him, so Deadpool just muttered incoherent words, growing quite bored with the other hero's unresponsiveness.

They walked this way for some time until they reached, on the side of the road, an adobe brick building with columns. A blinking red sign next to the road informed them that this was the "Motel Pomerta." It also informed them that there were vacancies and free breakfast.

Rorschach looked at the sign. "Hurm. Here we are."

"He's probably in the hotel room already. Let's check in." They both entered the motel. The sight of the two vigilantes scared the half-asleep desk clerk wide-awake. "What room is Logan staying at?" Deadpool said menacingly.

A few minutes later, Rorschach found himself knocking on Wolverine's room. The X-Man was quite surprised to see his "favorite" ninja standing there. He smacked himself on the head. "Oh, Wade. What the hell are you doin' here? I got my own problems without you messing everything up."

"Hurm." Walter looked from the mercenary to Logan and realized that the two must have a deep past.

"You know what I'm here about, Logan. You botched my mission!" Deadpool came into the room and pulled out a katana. "And you're going to pay for that."

Wolverine sighed, an irritated scowl forming on his lips. "Dammit all, that was weeks ago. Besides, both you and I know that I did the right thing. If you'd succeeded, there would have been serious hell to pay."

"I know. And maybe I don't care."

Rorschach cleared his throat. "Please. No fighting. No blood is necessary to be shed."

Deadpool snorted, giving the other masked vigilante a glare behind his mask. "I don't have to listen to what you say," he twirled his katana, "Taco-face." With that, he rushed at Wolverine, stabbing him with the sword.

Wolverine stared at the sword sticking out of his stomach. "You should know better than to try that," he said. He pulled out the katana out of his skin effortlessly. The wound was already beginning to heal. "This is pointless, Wade," he growled. "You know we won't be able to kill each other."

Deadpool huffed. "Fine. Forget it. But I just want you to know – I hate you and I will always hate you and I will NEVER lend you money to buy cheese puffs." The mercenary stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. But then he popped back in the room. "And to all you readers out there – I'll be baaaaaaaaaack!"

The door slammed again as Rorschach took a seat on one of the beds. "Is he delusional?"

"Very," Wolverine growled. "He believes we're all part of a bigger plan. Like we're in a book that people that read or something. And he's very dangerous. I advise that you stay away from him."

"Hmmm, what a fascinating conspiracy theory..."

"Yeah, well, I didn't come down here to discuss conspiracy theories with you. Can we get to work?" He passed a map of the city to Rorschach.

"We should start here, here, and here, in the desolate crack streets. Places where slime are most likely to hang out.

"Places where people would know about slime."

So Rorschach and Logan are off to the bars to pick fights! Yay! :D Things are going to get a lot more interesting from here on out. Especially when Rorschach's mission with Wolverine is finished. Thanks to Captain Deadpool for suggested the idea of Deadpool picking Walter up. This chapter would not exist without him! So thanks again. Thanks also to turtlegirl42, who wrote various bits and pieces of this chapter when I got stuck. A thank-you also to everyone who has reviewed/story-favorited/story-alerted this bold crossover. Also, as a final note, I have never written Deadpool before... so bear with me if our favorite merc with a mouth is a bit OOC. Though I think I have him nailed... Please review!