At last, the final chapter. I´ve really been struggling with it. It´s not what I wanted but this is as good as it gets. I hope you like it. And thank you for reading and reviewing.


Damon slowly woke up, his entire body was acing, and he knew this feeling. He knew why he felt like this, he just couldn´t put his finger on it right away.

"Vervain." He mumbled. And then the fear hit him. Savannah, and Elena, where are they? He grunted as he struggled to get up from the couch. He was still weak from the vervain so it took him considerably longer than it used to, to get up the stairs to his bedroom, where his worst fears were confirmed.

His bed was empty and Savannah and Elena were nowhere to be found. Where the hell was Stefan? He slowly made his way to Stefan´s bedroom only to find him passed out on his bed. He shook him violently trying to make him wake up, but Stefan only groaned in response. Damon gave up knowing that if his brother had been injected with the same amount vervain as he had, it would take yet another couple of hours for him took wake up since he was considerably weaker.

Instead he went to the kitchen to get some blood and help him get rid of the last effects of the vervain. If someone had kidnapped Elena and Savannah and was smart enough to drug both him and Stefan with vervain it meant that they knew what they were and also their weaknesses.

After having emptied three bags of blood his brain finally seemed to get back at normal. Not having a better option he picked up the phone and called Alaric.

"Damon, now really isn´t the best time."

"Okay then, I´ll call back in a couple of hours to tell you that Savannah and Elena are missing. Bye bye then…" He didn´t even get the chance to really finish the sentence before Alaric cut him off.

"WHAT? What happened? Who took them?"

"If I had all the answers I wouldn´t have to call you, would I? Just get over here. Now." Damon hung up the phone just in time to Stefan standing behind him with a painful look on his face.

"They are gone? Why are you just standing here? We have to find them!" Every single word made him cringe with pain.

"Well they are not here that´s for sure, and even though they were pissed last night I don´t think they injected us with vervain just to leave. And why I´m just standing here is because we can´t just run around the town searching for them."

"Who took them?"

"That brother dear is the million dollar question." Damon gave him his famous smirk.

It took about 15 minutes before Alaric came barging through the door.

"Okay, WHAT happened?"

"Forgotten how to knock, have we?"

"Not funny Damon. What happened to Savannah and Elena?"

Damon told him about last night's events and how both he and Stefan had woken up drugged with vervain only to find the girls missing.

"So what do we do now?"

"Well Ric, I was thinking about FINDING them."

"Let me rephrase that for you. How do you suggest we find them? Have we any idea what so ever of who took them?"

"My money is on your dear wife."

"Isobel? But why?"

"I don´t know but something tells me that she isn´t too pleased with who Savannah and Elena chose as boyfriends."

"But Isobel would never…." Damon cut him off before he could finish.

"Yes she would. Why do you try so hard to forget what she is? She´s a vampire. She does whatever she wants to whomever she wants. She doesn´t care about anything she doesn´t want to care about.

"So how do we find them?"

"Find the most expensive house that´s up for sale or foreclosure, preferably just outside the city. That is probably where Isobel lives."

"Are you sure?" Stefan asked.

"No I´m not sure but I don´t see a better idea. Unless you have one because if you do, please speak up and enlighten us…" Stefan slowly shook his head.

"That´s what I thought. Ric why don´t you do some googling."

Alaric found three houses that matched what Damon said.

"So how do we do this?" Alaric asked. "Do we spilt up and take one each or do we go together on everyone?"

"I say we split up to try and save some time." Damon said. "I have no idea what Isobel want´s by it sure as hell can´t be good."

They split the three locations between them and agreed to keep in touch during the whole time. Stefan and Alaric arrived at their locations only to find them empty and sealed with no signs of anyone being there for a very long time.

Damon however had a lot more "luck". It didn´t take him long to realize that this was the place that Isobel used as her home while she was staying in Mystic Falls. And from what he could tell from outside the house there were two strong and steady heartbeats inside. He pulled out his phone and texted Stefan and Alaric.

"Found them." Just as he was about to put the phone back in his pocket he felt a sharp sting and then the burning feeling of vervain being injected into his body.

"Again… what the hell…" And then everything went black.

When Stefan and Alaric arrived at the house minutes later Damon was nowhere to be found.

"The son of a bitch went inside on his own." Stefan growled.

"I´m not so sure about that." Alaric held up Damon´s phone.

"We need to get in there NOW. If they got to Damon too this really can´t be good." Stefan started to move but was stopped by Alaric.

"You can´t just come barging through the door. If they got Damon, we are most likely outnumbered. Remember, we want to get people out of there not get caught in there."

Stefan gave him a nod. "Right, got it. So how do you suggest we do this?"

"I have no idea. Hey what the hell, why not just knock on the door and take it from there?"

Once again Stefan gave him a nod and gratefully accepted the stake and vervain dart that Alaric handed him.

Without hesitation Alaric knocked on the door and in seconds the door opened a revealed a smirking Isobel.

"Hello Ric, I was wondering just how long it would take for you to find me. I must say I am surprised it took you this long."

"Where are Savannah and Elena?"

"They are here; we were just about to have some tea. You are welcome to join us. But you´ll have to hand over the stakes and vervain first. Boys, Isobel said, and out of nowhere two very large muscular guys showed up. Please take their toys and show them into the parlor."

Stefan and Alaric reluctantly followed Isobel into the house. When the walked in to the living room both Stefan sighed in relief. Sitting at the large dining room table were Elena and Savannah, not happy but alive and well and that was all that mattered.

"Stefan!" Elena rushed towards him and threw herself into his arms. Stefan hugged her and held her thigh never wanting to let her go again.

Alaric watched Isobel as he slowly walked over to Savannah giving her a hug.

"Are you alright?" She nodded.

"Yeah fine. Where is Damon?"

"Yeah, where is Damon Isobel?"

"What did you do to him?" The rage in Savannahs was unmistakable.

"He´s fine. For now. Isobel smirked. But for how long depends on whether or not you are willing to do as I say."

Elena turned to face her.

"And what exactly is it that you want us to do?"

"Uh uh, first we have tea. Then we talk about what I want you to do." Isobel seated everyone around the large table. Making sure that Stefan got nowhere near Elena.

It was an awkward silence in the room as they all drank their tea; waiting for Isobel to explain just exactly it was that she wanted from them. With every passing minutes Savannah anxiety for Damon grew. Alaric noticed this and gently squeezed her hand.

Nearly half an hour passed before Isobel finally brought up the subject of her crazy demands.

"Sooo I guess you are all wondering why we are all here?"

"I know why I´m here" Stefan said. "The question is why are you?"

"Well, it has come to my attention that both of my girls have taken an unnatural interest in the Salvatore brothers. And we can´t have that now can we."

Elena´s dark eyes became even darker with anger.

"I am NOT you girl, you might have given birth to me but that´s the only thing you´ve ever done for me!"

"That´s not a very nice thing to say to your mother." Elena was about to make a snarky come back when Alaric shook his head at her.

"It´s not worth it." He said and Elena grew quiet. Isobel turned to Savannah.

"And you, I can see why you were drawn to Damon, you are just like him. But I always figured you were smarter than that. You should have run as soon as you realized what he is."

"You didn´t."

"I had my reasons. But we are not talking about me." By now Alaric was getting tired of her games.

"Then what are we talking about? I mean really? Why did you have your goon's drug Stefan and Damon and kidnap Savannah and Elena in their sleep? And where is Damon exactly?"

"Like I said, Damon is fine. I had to make sure you all took this serious. This isn´t something to take lightly. If you choose to live a life with a vampire it´s inevitable that you sooner or later have to make the choice of turning. I that is not a life I want for my girls. So I´m putting an end to this before it gets out of hand."

"You have nothing to do with any of our lives anymore." Savannah said her voice as cold as ice. "You gave up that right the moment you chose to leave us behind. You know I never EVER saw you as a hypocrite. You are actually saying that it´s okay for you to choose this life but not for me or Elena?"

"You don´t know what you are giving up."

"Maybe not. But if or when we make our choice, we make it because we want to live forever with the once we love. You left the one you loved behind." Savannah knew her words where hurting Ric and gave him an apologizing look. He nodded in response; he knew her words were true.

"Enough talking." Isobel turned to one of men she had working for her. "Please ask Mr. Salvatore to join us." He left the room only to return a few minutes later. Literally dragging Damon behind him, he was still unconscious, his shirt was ripped to pieces and there were dried blood all over him. Savannah drew a sharp breath and ran over to him. Trying to pull him out of the man's hands.

"What did you do to him?"

"Don´t worry about it, he will be just fine in a couple of hours. No please take your seat again."

"No thanks I think I´ll just stay here."

"Savannah dear, please take your seat again or I will have this nice man help you." Looking up at the large and clearly angry man she decided to get up by herself. "Now what was I saying. Oh yes I was just about to give Stefan and Damon a very important choice to make. Sam, please wake Mr. Salvatore. He should at least know his options."

The man she called Sam shook Damon violently causing him to grunt but slowly open his eyes.

"Damon, how nice of you to join us. Now here is what I want. You two get out of Elena and Savannah´s life and don´t ever come back. You will leave Mystic Falls and you won´t return again. Ever."

"And why would we want to do that?" Stefan asked.

"Because if you don´t this town will become my personal buffet, starting with all the people that our dear sweet girls care about. When I run out of friends and family I´ll just pick random people of the street and then… well I think you got the picture. But then again, you could always stay and do your best to keep everyone safe. But just know that every single drop of innocent blood that is spilled will be on your hands."

Elena gave Stefan a terrified look.

"I´m not leaving you Elena." He said. "I love you. And I will always love you."

"I love you too." She whispered.

"Well it looks like you´ve made your choice then Stefan. Be prepared for the consequences. And what about you Damon?"

"Go... to... hell... Isobel..." It was just above a whisper but the message was loud and clear."

"Well well, I must say I´m not surprised. But I was actually hoping that you two would have learned something about love in the past 150 years. Okay, you´ve made your decisions, now this town is in your hands. For now, goodbye."

And just like that both she and her men had left the room and bolted the door shut from outside. Elena was in Stefan´s arms just seconds after Isobel left and Savannah was on the floor taking a closer look at Damon´s injuries. Alaric was just sitting there as the realization of what his sweet and loving wife had become hit him. Sure he knew she was a vampire and he knew what it meant. But actually looking into her once happy and compassionate eyes and seeing only anger, hate and evil, was something completely different.

"Guys, Stefan said. Do you smell that?"

"Gasoline, Damon managed to get out. She is going to burn us alive."

Just seconds later there was an explosion and there were flames everywhere.

"RIC." Stefan yelled. But there was no response; he was too deep in his own thoughts to see what was happening. Stefan let go of Elena, rushed over to Alaric and shook him. "Ric, come on snap out of it. We have to get out of here, NOW!"

Alaric snapped out of it and was suddenly aware of the danger they were in. Alaric, Stefan and Elena all worked together to find a way out of the room but quickly came to the conclusion that the window was their only option.

Savannah did her best to try and help Damon get up on his feet but he was just too weak from the vervain to even sit up by himself. She pulled him up so he was resting his head in her lap and gently stroke his hair, tears slowly starting to roll down her cheeks.

"Guys you know that as soon as we break that window oxygen will come in to this room and work as an accelerator." Alaric said.

"We have to get out. Now!" Stefan shouted and pulled the tablecloth from the table to cover Elena with."

"Damon, please please get up." Savannah was now begging him. "We have to get out."

"I´m sorry, he groaned. I can´t. I´m too weak from all the vervain." When he finished the sentence his voice was barely a whisper.

Alaric came over to them.

"Savannah, we are running out of time here, I`m going to have to brake that damn window any second now."

"Sweetheart, you´ll have to leave me behind."

"No! No way I´m leaving you here." She cradled him to her like he was the only thing on earth keeping her sane.

He reached up and brushed her tears away.

"You don´t have a choice. If you don´t go you will die."

"If you´re not with me I might as well be." The tears where falling faster now.

"Savannah, please…"

"No Ric! I´m not leaving him!"

Stefan rushed over to them.

"He needs blood. That´s the only way he´ll gain enough strength to get out."

Without hesitation she offered him her wrist.

"Here, bite me."

It took all of his will power not to do as she asked. But somewhere along the line he made a promise to himself never to feed off of her and he was not about to break it now.

"Damn it Damon! Get me something sharp. NOW!" Reluctantly Stefan handed her on of the knifes from the table and without hesitation she cut her wrist, she didn´t want to have to do it twice so she made sure the cut was deep enough. As soon as the blood started to pour from her arm Stefan turned away struggling with his own lust for blood.

She pushed her cut wrist to Damon´s mouth trying to force him to drink.

"Damon please please drink. I can´t lose you to. I love you, you promised me you would be here forever."

Hearing her saying the words I love you pushed him over the edge and he willingly drank from her wrist, careful not to take more than he needed. As soon as he stopped drinking her wounds begun to heal. He was still weak but got up on his feet. Kissed Savannah on the cheek and whispered in her ear; "I love you too."

Out loud he said "Let´s get the hell out of here."

In some miraculously way they all got out of the house safe and without any major damages, as soon as they reached a safe distant from the house they all just dropped down on the grass trying to catch their breaths.

Damon pulled Savannah close to him.

"You love me?"

She struggled with herself for a minute before answering.

"Yes, she whispered. I love you."

"That´s what I thought." He smirked at her. It was weak, but it was there.

"You´re an ass, and I really don´t like you."

"Yes you do. You love me." She was about to give him a snarky comeback but he silenced her with a passionate kiss that told her that he love her too. He broke the kiss and gazed into her eyes.

"After Katherine I never thought I could love again, but then you came a long and showed me that I had never loved her at all. Because what I feel for you I never ever came close to feeling for her. This is real; this is what deep true love feels like. And I love you, with all my heart and soul. You are mine and I´m never letting you go."

Tears slowly begun to roll down her cheeks again but this time it was tears of pure joy and happiness, and as she kissed him again the rest of the world just seemed to fade away.

There you have it. I hope I didn´t disappoint you guys to much. If you have an opinion please leave a review.

And last but not least. I would like to thank everyone that has read, reviewed, alerted and followed this story. Thank you.