Everyone stood in a line looking down at all that lay before them. Peyton stood with Keith in her arms and with Lucas' arm around her waist. Sawyer was, naturally, with Jamie.

"Everyone got a sled?" Julian asked, grinning.

There was a chorus of 'yeahs' and shouts.

Peyton turned to Lucas. "You take Sawyer down first. I'll stay with Keith for now. He's too small," she chuckled.

"You sure?"

"Of course. We can take it in turns," she replied, kissing him quickly.

Brooke was sat in front of Julian, Clay with Quinn and Nathan with Haley. Mia and Chase shared a sled next to Skills who had taken Jamie. Lucas took Sawyer's hand and walked her to a sled. He sat down and patted in front of him. Sawyer looked down nervously and then back to her mother. Peyton walked over and bent down with Keith.

"It's okay, baby girl. You're daddy will look after you, I promise. You'll have fun and I'll see you when you come back."

Sawyer still wasn't convinced. She looked around and pointed. "Jamie come?" she asked.

"Sure, Sawyer-Bear. Hey, J-Luke. Your cousin needs you!" Lucas shouted.

"Coming!" he shouted immediately. "Sorry Uncle Skills, but Sawyer needs me," he said nonchalantly.

Jamie walked over and sat down in front of Lucas. He opened his arms out in front of him. "Come on, Sawyer," he encouraged.

"Go on," Peyton said, touching her back softly.

Sawyer took another moment and then sat down in front of Jamie who put his arms around safely.

Brooke looked over at Peyton and then Haley, who all shared the same look of pure amazement.

"Okay, guys! On three!" Peyton shouted. "One! Two! Three!"

Everyone pushed off at the same time and sped down the hill. Sawyer screamed in pure delight and Peyton smiled at the sound of her laughter and screams.

Peyton's smile grew when she saw Nathan and Haley. Haley laughed all the way down and when they landed in a heap at the bottom, Haley was genuinely happy and it warmed Peyton's heart.

Everyone slowly made their way back up the top, laughing and pushing each other jovially.

"Take a ride with me, Peyton Scott?" Lucas asked her smirking.

"I'll take Keith," Nathan offered. Peyton nodded and smiled as Nathan took his godson and held him in the air. "Hey buddy!" Nathan said brushing his nose against Keith who giggled.

"What about Sawyer?" Peyton asked.

"I think she's okay," Lucas laughed, inclining his head to the side. Peyton followed his gaze and joined in his laughter. Sawyer was climbing all over Skills who was trying to get her sat in front of him.

"GO!" she turned and screamed in Skills face who just sat with a look on his face that had everyone in hysterical laughter.

"Will everyone else quit laughing and get ready to go? This kid is nearly as scary as P. Sawyer!" he shouted.

"Hey!" Peyton protested. Lucas nudged her and she sat in the front of their sled, glaring playfully at Skills.

Lucas sat behind her and put his legs either side of her. He wrapped his arms around her waist tightly and pulled her into his chest. "I love you," he whispered, as he placed kisses on her neck.

"Show me what you're made of, Scott," she teased as Nathan shouted to get everyone ready.

"Here, right now?" he whispered, huskily.

"Lucas Scott, you are so bad," she said laughing.

On Nathan's shout of three, Lucas pushed off. Peyton screamed as snow flicked up at her. Lucas laughed. As they reached the bottom, he pulled on the side of the sled and sent them skidding off at the bottom. They both fell off the sled and landed tangled together in the snow.

"Luke!" Peyton screamed, laughing. They both scrambled to their feet. Lucas lightly slapped Peyton's ass and she squealed as she ran back up to the top of the hill.

Lucas took Keith and Nathan sat with Jamie. Peyton grabbed Brooke's hand and dragged her off in the direction of Haley. Peyton pulled her away from Skills and dragged them both to the free sled. Haley and Brooke burst out laughing when the realised what Peyton's plan was.

"We won't all fit!" Haley shouted, laughing.

"Sure we will!" Peyton replied as her and Brooke sat down.

"Come on, Tutor Mom. It won't be the same with out you," Brooke said, smiling.

"Fine, but you guys are nuts!" she replied as she sat in front.

They all screamed as they flew down the hill. They were the only ones who didn't manage to bring the sled to a stop themselves. Instead the front dipped slightly into the snow and they were all thrown off in one heap.

"Peyt!" Lucas shouted. "Are you guys okay?"

He watched as Nathan jogged over to them. He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard all three women break out into laughter. Brooke pushed snow from her face and the others brushed themselves down.

When they all got back to Lucas, Peyton took Keith from him again. They decided to head back towards the house and play there as Sawyer was getting tired and they were worried about Keith getting too cold despite being wrapped up in multiple layers. The girls all walked off ahead and Lucas dropped back. He nodded towards Skills and Clay who made their way over to him.

"I need you guys to help me with something. I started it yesterday but I need you to help me finish it," he said, quietly.

"Sure," Clay replied.

"Yeah, Luke. Anything man," Skills answered.

"Okay, lets go," Lucas said excitedly as he set off at a jog.

The girls had gone back inside to change Sawyer into some dry clothes and feed Keith.

"Thank you, for making me come out today. I actually really needed that," Haley confessed.

Peyton draped her free arm around Haley's shoulder. "Well we needed you," Peyton replied.

"Where did Lucas, Clay and Skills go?" Quinn asked as she looked at the window, only able to spot Nathan, Jamie and Julian.

"I don't know. I figured they were behind us," Brooke shrugged.

"Do you think they're okay?" Peyton asked, concerned.

"They'll be fine. Skills probably thinks he heard a polar bear or something," Brooke said and they all laughed.

Twenty minutes later the boys reappeared. Lucas walked into the house.

"I've got something to show you," he said to Peyton, holding his hand out to her. "You too, Brooke."

They exchanged a look and then squealed in excitement. Haley and Quinn followed, intrigued by what was going on. Nathan walked over and took care of Keith.

Lucas led them to a small enclosure that wasn't entirely visible from the house.

They rounded the corner and Peyton gasped. "Luke," she moaned, looking at him lovingly.

"I thought I'd let you have that good day back," he said quietly.

"Peyton, do you remember when we built one of these?" Brooke said as she ran over.

"She does," Luke answered for her. Peyton was looking over at the fort the boys had built with tears in her eyes. "The day of the school shooting, to keep Peyton awake I asked her to tell me about a good day. She told me about that snow day when you two built a snow fort and how safe she felt that day. So I built somewhere safe for you," he finished.

Brooke's eyes matched Peyton when the story was told to her. She ran to Peyton and threw her arms around her neck. "I love you, P. Sawyer."

"I love you too, B. Davis. Hoes over bros," she added at the end.

Brooke pulled away and looked at her. "Not any more. Now its hoes with bros," she laughed and Peyton joined her.

Peyton let go of Brooke and ran to Lucas. She snaked her arms around his neck.

"I am still so terribly in love with you," she said, as tears filled her eyes.

"Good, because you're everything to me, Peyton. I love you," he replied before pulling her into a deep kiss. "Now get your asses into your fort!"

Peyton and Brooke laughed and crawled in through the entrance and found Haley already sitting in there.

"It does feel safe in here," she mused. Peyton and Brooke looked at each other smiling before both jumping on Haley and hugging her.

"We love you, Haley James Scott," Peyton said. "And we're going to make sure you always feel safe."

Haley sniffed. "I love you guys! I really do."

Later that afternoon everyone but Brooke and Julian was lounging around inside. Sawyer and Jamie were asleep on one sofa and the others were scattered around on the floor.

Peyton looked up as Julian and Brooke walked back inside. Peyton turned her head slightly when she saw Brooke and she smiled.

Brooke held up her hand and shouted "we're getting married!" Sawyer and Jamie both awoke with a start.

Peyton jumped to her feet and ran to her.

"I'm so happy for you, Brooke!" she said, laughing. "And you," she said as she turned to Julian, "just made the best decision of your life!" she smiled, hugging him too.

Everyone got to their feet and hugged and congratulated Brooke and Julian.

Lucas had snuck out to the kitchen and emerged carrying a bottle of champagne. "I think this calls for a toast!" he said as he popped the bottle open and everyone cheered.

As glasses were passed around, Haley held her hand up. "No, thank you." She turned to Nathan who nodded and smiled. "I guess this is a good time as any for this."

"Hales?" Lucas questioned.

"Get out!" Peyton shouted.

"Tutor Mom that's amazing!" Brooke said as they both ran and hugged her.

"What's going on?" Lucas asked, annoyed that he didn't get it.

"I'm pregnant, doofus!" Haley said, laughing.

"You are?" Jamie asked, standing in front of his mother.

"I am, buddy. And I think you're going to have a little sister," she said, her eyes welling with tears at the happiness her friends felt at her news.

"You think it's a girl?" Nathan asked, shocked.

"I think it is," she replied, happily as Nathan picked her up off the ground.

They all stood, talking animatedly about all that was going to come in the coming months.

"So, Mr Baker, directing extraordinaire," Peyton said, looking over at him. "What's your next move?"

"Well that depends on Lucas," he replied, looking over at Lucas.

"Why me?" he asked, wiping his mouth after taking a mouthful of champagne.

"Well, it depends on whether you still wanna make that movie of ours?" he asked, grinning.

Brooke smiled. When Julian had first told her that was what he wanted to do if this movie sold, she told him to ask Lucas and that she thought it was a great idea.

Lucas was shocked and looked over at Peyton who stepped to his side, placing her arm around his waist. His hand dropped to her hip and he looked down at her. She smiled and kissed him and that was all the persuasion he needed.

"What do you say, Luke?" Julian asked again. "You wanna make a movie with me?"

"Yeah," he replied, smiling. "Yeah, I think I do. Let's make Ravens!"

Once again the house was filled with cheers and congratulations. Peyton stood on her tip toes and pulled Lucas down by his collar to kiss him. He reciprocated, lifting her off the ground and pulling her as close as possible into him as their friends laughed and celebrated around them.

A/N: And that is the end of the road. I'm sorry it's shorter than the others but I always had it in mind to end it this way. Thank you to every single one of you who has read and reviewed, or just read and been a quiet part of the journey, I hope the finale didn't disappoint. I'm sad to be finishing this story, I've loved writing it and hearing from you all, but I think it's safe to say you'll see me around soon. As always, let me know what you think and I'd always love to hear from any of you about future stories! Thanks again!