Disclaimer: Don't own Twilight. Sucks for me :(


Nessie POV-

"NO!" I looked up to see Aniko in the room and the other one staring in shock at the one that was crying. Ok what the hell is going on. "Umm….excuse me?" I said looking at the two little midgets.

The one that was dressed in black glared at me. "Do you have any idea how old we are?" Umm nope not a clue.

"I'm going to enjoy this." Aniko said smirking. What I wouldn't do to whip that smirk off of his face.

"And what do you mean by that?" I tilted my body to face the side of the bed they were standing at.

He smirked even more."Tell her"

I looked back over towards the two little midgets and looked at the one dressed in black.

"Ha don't look at me I aint telling you, ask the perverted little angel." Ah that little brat! I glared. Ugh my throat burns!

"Fine!" I said.




I rolled my eyes. "Seriously!"

"Hey, you're the one who kept going." He smirked. I mumbled something about boys, smirking, evil ass vampires, running up my blood pressure. Why do I have to deal with this! Hmm I really got to pee right now let's get this over with! I looked up to see them looking at me.

"What?" I said looking at all of them.

"You do realize we are vam-" Started Aniko. Now he says something.

"Yea Yea shut up!" Smart ass! Why are we even having this conversation? I thought I was a prisoner not some damn guest tied to a bed for fun… how do I get out of this? "What did you want Aniko?"

He smirked and sat on the bed. "The boss wants to see you."

"Boss?...you mean the creepy big 'I will be back!' looking dude?" (GG- hehe terminator!)

He shook his head. "No" He looked at the twins, then back at me. "The twins will unchain you and show you around this room." He looked at them. "Ange! Diable! No fighting! Watch her!" (Ange- Angel; Diable- devil/demon; in french)

French? Now I'm back to being a prisoner. Sigh. Wait, I am not being babysittered by babies!

"You, will get dressed and meet us with the twins, of course, down stairs when you're done. I'm sure you're just a little bit thirsty."

I arched my brow. "And I should agree to this because….."

"Ha…" He moved up the bed closer to my face. I turned my head. He whispered "Because if you don't it might be the last face you'll ever see."

I tightened my jaw and turned to face him. "Fine! Now, GET-OUT!" Jackass…

He smirked but got off of the bed and left.

In the Hall

Aniko POV-

Why do I always have to check on the prisoners?...She is kind of cute though. I shook my head and I walked out of the room. What am I thinking she belongs to a-a dog! I turned down the hallway and bumped into a night watchman running down the hall. "We have gotten word of a couple lost in the woods near here." Hmmm I guess hiring them wasn't a waste.

Interesting I guess the parties starting? "Did you tell the boss?" I said.

"Yea, I was told to invite them in…for dinner" He smirked.

"Hm delightful" I smirked and asked him to show me where they were.

Cullen House

Jacob POV-

I was sitting at a restaurant in the middle of nowhere but trees. I was there with the Cullen's at another of their bloodsucking friends place with Leah and Seth. "Why do they get to go out and we have to wait here." I said.

"If I have to tell your ass one more damn time that you don't need know…" Said Rose.

"If you would tell me…"


I growled.

I felt Bella touched arm. "Jake it's going to work."

I looked at her. "Fine"

Bella POV-

"I know you want to protect her, and kill every last one of them right know. But…you have to restrain yourself." Like I am.

"I don't know how much more I can take! Bells." He looked at me.

Sigh. "Me either. Edwards got me on a leash as it is."

"Ha and you're punishing me!"

She glared. Same old Jake. "Oh whatever, you'll get over it!"

"Ha after I get you back!"

"Oh no no no no!"

"Oh yea. Its gona happen"

"Jacob Black don't you even…"

Emmett walked over to where we were."Edward and Esme should be getting closer. I just checked with Alice." I looked at Jake. I could tell we were thinking the same thing. I squeezed his hand and walked over to where Alice and Jasper where sitting at the Bar holding hands. "Jasper…does she see…"

He let go of her hand and grabbed my arm to lead me to a booth. He sat down on one side and me on the other. "Alright, well you see here, Alice saw Reneesme chained to a bed and she made a decision to a guy about going to see the boss behind all of this mayhem." Said Jasper.

"What why would she do that?" Jake said. I turned to look at him.

"Go on Jasper."

"Well the guy told her if she didn't it'll be the last face she'll ever see."


"Jake outside! Now!" He ran out the door. Damn it. "Seth is your sister following him?"

"I'm on it!" he ran out of the house.

"Here's the ear piece…Catch!"

"Jasper!" We looked at Alice its time. We got up. "what do we have to do?"

"Well for starters catch up to Jake. Edward and Carlisle still don't know who's behind this but there sure it's a vampire. The only problem is we still don't know what they have Reneesme for? Carlisle's caught up to them…"

"Wait. Why is he out there…"

"He couldn't stand being away from Esme and to keep Edward at bay. There a likely chance he'll react just like you did earlier when he see Nessie. He just keeps his emotions at bay for along as he can stand it. Bella."


"Shall I continue?" I nodded. "Ok- " She froze. "They captured them…"

In the hall

Nessie POV-

Don't scream, Don't scream, Don't scream!

"Why is this pink?" I asked Ange

"I think it's horrible" said Diable

"Do you always have to say what comes to your mind first?" I asked pulling at the dress. I was still in the room with the twins. I was trying to take up as much time as I could. I went in the closet.

"Yes, yes I do. Now pick a damn dress!" I turned around.

"Don't rush her!" said Ange

"Stay out of this!"

"You don't tell me what to do!" I shook my head.

"Look she's only doing this to by time!"

I took out a sleeve less dark purple dress and a pair of black tights and a pair of gray flats. I can run easier in this than just a dress. "I'm to take a shower."


Jake POV-

What am I doing?

Jake! Wait up!

Go away Seth!

You can't get rid of me that easy Jake.

I turned around and stopped running.

What happened?

They've been captured.


Wait… He transformed and started talking into a earpiece. "Yea. Ok here he is." He threw it at me. I changed and plugged it into my ear.

"What do we do?"

"Hey Jake! Its Emmett. Where yall at it time to play!"

"Where should we meet?"

"Stay where you are Edwards on his way!"

"What! I thought-"

"He came back! There can't be three people going it'll blow it! Plus we need him help us communicate with you so you three are going to be working together. Me, Rose and Alice are going in through a new by river and Leah, Jasper and Bella are going to try and get to Nessie."

"So we're the bait."

"Yea Yea, You get all the fun!. I'm going to join you when we get pass the doors then Alice and Rose will take care of the rest."

"sounds like fun!"

"Ha just keep your mic. On and look for Eddie…Oh and watch your back, you can tell the difference between us and them right?"

"Haha trust me the eyes are a dead giveaway, beside the intent of trying to kill me." I shook my head.

"Over and out, then." I looked at Seth.

"That sounds like fun. So when are we going to tear them to shreds."

Whooosh! "As soon we get close enough." Edwards home! He looked at me.

"Nice to see you to. So you all set."

"Does it matter? Lets go." I told him, I was about to turn around then I saw that Edward had in two earplugs. "Whats with the-"

"Hold on…They just invited them in-"

"Whats happing?"

"They don't know what we are…yet? He's asking if they would like to stay the night and they'll drive them out to the bus station tomorrow.." He looked up confused.

"Well isn't that…nice." I looked back even more confused.

"Are you kidding me! This is exactly like a horror flick! No offense Edward but this is the whole "I want-to-suck-your-blooood!" He started moving and holding his arms out in front like a zombie.

I looked at Edward. "Looks like it just turned into a stealth plan."

"I'll tell Alice, Emmett and Jasper."

"What about Bella?" I crossed my arms

"Ok I'll tell everyone." He glared.

Nessie POV-

I was being lead down the stairs when caught the scent of something that sent both my throat on fire and my stomach growling. I balled my hands in a fist to calm my hunger. We came to two double doors that opened to a humungous dining room. The middle…wait DARK ages have nothing on this room. Wow!

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