Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z

Chapter 1: A normal day…or maybe not!

"Na na naa na na, you can't catch us!" A young, black haired boy 'sang' as he narrowly avoided the blue eyed boy.

"Yeah! We'd just like to see you try…HA! And we thought you said you were getting better!" A girl with a short boycut hairstyle said, as she ran after her brother.

"Oh, yes I can, just you wait!" The blue-eyed boy replied as he chased after his two friends deeper into the forest.

Almost a year after Cell was defeated by the oldest son in the Son household, twins were born. After the death of the much loved husband, father and friend, Goku, the birth of the twins was a joyous occasion for family and friends alike. It brought back happiness in their lives.

After battling Androids and inter-galactic warlords and warriors, it was a nice change for everyone; although looking after two Saiyan twins wasn't that easy either. And when Trunks was added to the mix, well, let's just say that the baby sitter was lucky to be left alive, ignoring his/her sanity of course.

And well, that brings up another topic for discussion: Trunks Vegeta Briefs. He was six months and a few days older than the twins and to him, the birth of the twins was the best thing that could have happened to him. He had found two new friends he could play with!

So, what you ended up with was the trio; Trunks, Goten (the older one of the two twins) and Chiyo (the youngest by 5 minutes). Now, the trio was quite the group! At the age of six months (Goten and Chiyo) and one year (Trunks), they had managed to destroy the 'indestructible' Gravity Room three times and blow up Master Roshi's house five times. Yes, they were quite the group but that all changed one day before the twin's birthday.

On the 30th of August, one of the most tragic events that could have ever occurred, ocurred. This event destroyed the hearts of the Son family and their very close friends.

-Flashback Thing-

The 30th of August started out like any other normal day in the Son household. Goten and Chiyo had both woken up quite early and had gone down to breakfast, hoping (like they always did) that today would be the exception to 'The Rule'. What rule though? Well…

"No you two! You know you cannot eat until everyone is at the table. It's called having manners and I thought I taught you two better than that!" Chichi said, as she started laying out the food on the table. "Go, wake up your brother and tell him it's time for breakfast."

Rushing up the stairs, the two had gone. Appearing in Gohan's room, they found him still fast asleep.

"Oh, great! Now what do we do?" Chiyo asked.

"Well, we need to do something different of course! On Monday, we poured ice cold water on him." Goten remembered.

"That's right!" she shouted as she too, remembered their past 'wake-up-Gohan' methods. "And on Tuesday, we threw him out the window…" she paused, thinking, "Too bad he was already awake on Wednesday."

"At least we got to wake him up on Thursday by shooting ki blasts at him." Goten said.

"But Goten, that doesn't help us figure out how we're going to wake him up today." Chiyo said, getting back to the first discussion.

"We could try what we did yesterday." Goten said, struggling to think of something as well.

"Nah, too boring. I know! Maybe we could pour boiling hot water on him!"

"I guess its good enough for today. Next time we see Trunks, we'll need to make sure we ask him for ideas." Goten replied. He then went and got a bucket and filled it with warm water from the tap outside.

Trying to make it hotter, Chiyo boiled it with a ki ball and together they…

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Gohan screamed as he shot out of his bed. "Hothothothothothothot hothothothothot hotHOT!"

The twins stood in the doorway, watching with identical smirks on their faces. They looked at each other and then turned towards Gohan. "Come on Gohan, it's time for breakfast." They said in perfect sync.

'Food? …FOOD' Gohan thought and without a second thought, he rushed around, getting ready as fast as he could so he could go down to breakfast. In his rush, he completely forgot about the boiling water incident.

15 minutes later

"Thanks mom"

"Thanks mommy"

"Thank-you mom"

"Well, you are all very welcome." Chichi said to her children before she turned to Gohan. "Gohan, why don't you take Goten outside to play for awhile? I'll have Chiyo join you AFTER she helps me clean up around here." Chichi said before gesturing for Chiyo to follow her into the kitchen.

"But mommy…"

"No buts missy! Now come along. I will not have my only daughter frolicking around and doing that fighting thing the other two do. You will NOT be a hooligan…you WILL learn to be a proper wife! Do you understand me" Chichi shouted, finishing her small rant. "Now, why don't you carry the plates over there to the kitchen dear?" she said pointing to a pile of a hundred glass plates at the corner of the table.

"Yes mommy." Chiyo sighed as she got to work.


The morning had passed relatively quickly and before you knew it, Bulma and Trunks were landing in the yard in a black helicopter.

"Hey, Aunt Chichi!" Trunks said as he ran across the yard to great Chichi.

"Ohhh, hello Trunks and Bulma. It is very nice to see you again!" Chichi said as she walked towards her two visitors.

"Hey Bulma!" said a voice behind them. "Goten and Chiyo are out near Icuras' nest, Trunks, if you want to go see them." Said Gohan as he flew outside from his bedroom window (where he was studying after playing with Goten and Chiyo for an hour after breakfast).

"Ohhh, COOL! Bye mom, Aunt Chichi, Gohan!" Trunks said as he turned, and flew off towards the forest where Icuras' nest was located.

Flying towards them, he saw Icuras giving Goten and Chiyo a ride on his back.

"Hey Chi, isn't that Trunks?" Goten said as he noticed Trunks on his way to them.

"Trunks?...ohhh, wow! TRUNKS! Hey Trunks! Over here!" she shouted as Trunks flew closer over to them. "How are you? We haven't seen you in ages!" she continued.

"I'm fine. Now, come on. I didn't come around here to talk to you!" Trunks replied haughtily as he flew downwards, following Goten who had jumped of Icarus and ran into a sheltered area where he had placed the food that his mom had packed.

Hey! Why you…." Chiyo said as she too hopped down from Icuras, trying to reach Trunks so she could get him back for saying what he did.

Landing on the ground, she ran towards Trunks and Goten, who were now stuffing their faces with food. As she was running, she thought of something, 'hmmm…maybe if...'

She ran up to Trunks and…

"Tag your IT!" she said firing a ki blast at him. The blast wasn't strong, just enough to shock the person but not enough to keep him, Trunks, down for long.

"This might actually be fun…last time we played ki tag was a whole week ago! Isn't that right Goten?...Goten…GOTEN! CHIYO!...uhhhh..." Trunks thought for a moment and then, "You guys better run fast, I'm getting way better at playing this than you are!" Trunks shouted as he ran into the forest, where, no doubt, the two twins would be hiding from him.

You see, ki tag was a game that Chiyo, Goten and Trunks had made up two months ago with the help of Gohan. The rules were that if you were 'it', the only way to tag someone was to ki blast them. You had to be within twenty metres of the person, but no closer than 5 metres if you were 'tagging' another player, as then the blast would shock the target too much if they didn't dodge in time.

Trunks spotted the two up ahead of him and once he was within the required distance, he aimed a ki blast at Goten, who was closer.

-End Flashback Thing-

"Na na naa na na, you can't catch us!" Goten 'sang' as he narrowly avoided the blue eyed boy and ran further into the forest.

"Yeah! We'd just like to see you try…HA! And we thought you said you were getting better!" The girl with a short boycut hairstyle said as she ran after her brother.

"Oh, yes I can, just you wait!" Trunks replied as he chased after his two friends deeper into the forest.

After an hour of playing, Goten, Chiyo and Trunks were all getting very hungry. Deciding to call it a day, they stopped playing and turned around to return to the house.

Awhile after walking through the trees, bushes and past the animals that resided in the forest, the trio ran into what looked like a large bush on fire. Not realizing that there actually were bushes on fire thanks to a fire breathing dragon that lived closed by, the trio walked up to examine the bush that seemed to be growing rather rapidly.

Trunks, being the first to realize it was what it seemed to be, shouted at Goten and Chiyo, who were actually going closer to look at the 'magnificent site' to get away from the bush and start running.

Yelping in shock, the twins turned around and began to run towards their home. Trunks who was behind them noticed something up ahead. They were trapped. There was no way out and Trunks couldn't even fly them out as the tops of the trees were also on fire. The bush fire had spread around the clearing in the middle of the forest and now, how were they going to get out?

"This way! Look there's an opening!" Trunks heard Goten shout. They all followed Goten's line of sight, and saw that there was indeed an opening from where they could escape. Running towards it, they saw that it was right next to the stream.

"This is probably the one of the streams that branched off the river in your back yard. If we follow it, we should be able to make it back to your house. Come on guys!" Trunks yelled as he ran through the opening and started following the stream, followed closely by Goten and Chiyo.

It was then that tragedy struck. Chiyo was behind both the boys and had tripped over a thick branch half buried in the ground. Losing her balance, she had fallen into the river. She screamed.

The current was too strong for a girl her age, even with her Saiyan abilities. Realizing Chiyo wasn't behind them anymore, the other two turned back to see Chiyo being pulled towards the fire by the rivers current. Quickly jumping to action, they ran towards her and tried to pull her out. After many failures, they started shouting for help. In that time, Chiyo had floated closer and closer to the fire, and what was worse was that she was getting tired and couldn't keep her energy up. She was slowly drowning.

Getting desperate, Goten and Trunks ran towards the general direction of the house to get Gohan and their moms to help them…

The Next Day

Because of the previous day's events, the 31st of August (the twins' birthday), was completely missed, no one was in a celebratory mode and in all honesty, the birthday was forgotten by everyone in the rush.

A Week Later

"NOOOOOO! NO no no no no no no no No! I refuse to believe it! My baby is fine, she is probably just hiding. She is not dead, I tell you. You'll see. Goten go check in your room again. I bet you she's sitting where she normally is, studying just like the sweet little girl she is." Everyone stared at each other. Chiyo was known to be the girl that just couldn't sit still. Her studying...now that was laughable! "I tell you, she was probably just staying with the animals in the forest for a week. MY BABY IS NOT DEAD! Do you hear me…she's not dead, she can't be…she just can't…" Chichi broke off and started sobbing uncontrollably.

It had been a week since the forest fire and once Goten and Trunks had managed to reach the house, everyone was quick to help. While, Chichi called Krillan and the other s to help put out the fire, Gohan had flew Goten and Trunks back over to the place that Chiyo had fallen in.

They had desperately searched for her and after the fire was put out completely, the others helped as well but there was no luck. They had looked everywhere for a whole week but they didn't find her.

Vegeta had said that maybe the brat got burned in the fire. While, it was safe to say that Vegeta got hit multiple times with a frying pan after that, it went unsaid that Vegeta was probably right. A body had not been found after all.

Chiyo was presumed dead.

A/N: Huge thanks to my beta, santified! ...ohhh, and please review (I would really like to know what you think of the story!)