
The blonde girl smiled. This was the best vacation ever!

It was spring holidays and the young girl, her three best friends and her older brother had gone sailing in the Mediterranean Sea. Everything was simply perfect. Midori yawned and stretched her body a little. She hastily grabbed her One Piece manga before it could fall into the water, but the girl couldn't dwell on the fact it didn't fall, because she was thrown into the sea.

Her angry and surprised scream echoed over the sea.



Suzu sat at the point on the rail where Midori had been herself just moments before. She surfaced and glared at her. If she wouldn't have had to breathe, she would have growled.

One day Midori was going to kill her.

While she laughed at her soaked friend, some strands of her dark brown hair fell in her face. A moment later Suzu joined her in the ocean.



Keiko and Miu chuckled.

"You know Suzu… now I understand why you always throw us in the water. It's really fun!" Keiko said. Miu only chuckled. She'd never been a very verbal person.

Splash. Splash.

Now there were four girls in the sea.

"Hmm… Keiko's right." said my brother with a mild chuckle.

"RYU!" we all protested.

"Get us out of here!"

He smirked and looked like he was thinking about something really difficult.

"OI!" Midori screamed. "Get us out!"

He chuckled again and grabbed her outstretched hand. Each of them was pulled back at the ship.

Back on the ship Midori started handing her friends wash cloths to dry themselves. First she handed Keiko one who instantly started drying her unruly reddish-brown locks and she threw another at Suzu for kicking her into the water. She grinned in satisfaction, as the wash cloth hit her face with a loud 'smack'. Keiko laughed, while Suzu chased after Midori to get revenge.

Miu on the other hand only smiled mildly as usual and took a third wash cloth for herself to dry her silver blond chin length hair.

In the end there was only one cloth left which Midori took after she had successfully escaped Suzu and her new attempts to drown her. Okay… maybe Miu had stopped her and talked her into a game of chess. Chess-obsessed-chick…

The blonde girl shook her had and dried herself like the rest of her friends.

After that everything went back to normal. Suzu and Miu played chess, stopping Suzu from doing something stupid, Ryu was checking their course and Keiko was reading her cheesy romances.
She smiled relaxed and went back to her former position at the rail grabbing her manga to read further.

'It's really perfect…Hopefully it will get a little more interesting and adventurous' I leaned back against the rail 'sadly that's highly unlikely'

She sighed.
When you read the One Piece mangas too often, it had to be normal to get bored on a normal, uneventful sailing trip.

Let's be honest! This was going to be everything, but a power straining or fascinating vacation. Her former contentedness to be here on this ship slowly but surely subsided into mild dissatisfaction.

With an annoyed groan the blonde let her head sunk back onto the rail. The other were right, her expectations were simply too high and like always she was in her own way again.
As they could survive a storm and get out of it without a scratch like the strawhats?

She heaved another sigh. Our 'human' world was so boring.
To live in One Piece would be much more interesting! And adventurous and funny and…!

A sudden scream pulled me cruelly from my own little world.


All four girls jumped to their feet looking slightly irritated, though alarmed.

Neither of them had recognized the dark clouds now fully shutting out the sun and the fast rising of the waves.
They were in the middle of a storm. A very big storm.
"Shit!" Ryu cursed.

"What happened?" Keiko fought her way over the deck.

"We lost contact to the cost guards!"

"We're so fucked up…" Suzu meant breathlessly.

Finally everybody had reached the only man aboard and for a moment it seemed like they wanted to say goodbye for the last time, as a bad premonition in the back of their minds suggested.

They continued standing there unmoving, as their bodies, already knowing the inevitable was going to happen, refused to listen to their brains. At least none of them was saying something sappy.

All of sudden Midori was thrown forward and crashed like the other girls against the rail, yet they had no time to recover, because another stronger wave hit the boat and they were thrown overboard.
In the last moment they could grip the rail, but they were barely hanging and Ryu was too far away to get to them in time…

Miu's hand slipped and when Suzu desperately tried to rescue her she lost her grip too. Seconds later they were both swallowed by the sea.

Midori stared wide-eyed at spot they had vanished and only registered Keiko's scream on the sidelines.

Luckily her older brother was finally able to grab their hands and to prevent them from joining the other two. First he lifted his little sister back up on the deck, while she was still standing under shock. At the moment he leaned back down to also pull Keiko back, a jolt went through the entire ship and both were thrown overboard.

Wide eyes stared back at the sea, her mind not able to compensate the situation. A sob left her throat and was instantly swallowed by the storm. Seawater splashed into her face mixing with silent tears of anger and worry.

This moment, this whole trip felt like a bad movie scene and the worst thing was that….
She was alone.
Alone in this terrible storm and so lost…

Because of her state she didn't recognize the great wave sweeping over the ship, before it was too late. With a strong push her body was thrown over the rail.

She sunk fast.

Underwater currents pulled the blonde girl deeper and deeper. The air was brutally pressed from her lungs and circled in the form of bubbles higher and higher. Back to the surface.
From this perspective the sea even seemed peaceful…
She tried to leave her eyes open, while the burning in her lungs grew and grew.
Black spots appeared in her vision until every feeling in her body died down and she lost consciousness. However, she was able to register a last thing before everything went black.

Glowing water swirls had sucked her in.

A man dressed in a blue and white uniform leaned over the girl feeling her pulse.

Shoulder length blonde hair darkened by water stuck to her unnaturally pale face. The girl shivered in her oblivious state . She must have been shipwrecked, though the man couldn't identify her clothes -He'd never seen clothes like that- and yet she was definitely no pirate.

He pulled his hand back and lifted her up. With fast steps he carried her to the infirmary.

On his way there he came by a big man wearing a suit and a white coat with the word 'justice' on his back.

"I fished her out of the water, Vice Admiral!" He answered at the questioning gaze.