Len slumped over, exhausted. The effect of ecstasy and blood loss mixing to test his consciousness. He felt the warmth of a tongue gently caress his neck, taking up the blood that was now pooling above the two puncture wounds. Len allowed a slight shiver to shake his body. He rested his head on the shoulder of his lover.

"Len? Are you alright?" Len nodded, flattered at the concern in the question.

"Just tired," He mumbled. His lover laughed a little, leaning back to let Len rest.

"What do you think Rin would say to me right now?" Len forced his eyes to flutter open. He contemplated the question.

"Nothing nice, that's for sure." They both allowed a small giggle to escape at that. Len sighed, content with staying just like this. This moment. He loved Kaito, and Kaito loved him.


"UP! GET UP! Len!" Len felt the gentle sting of a pillow making contact with his skin. His face to be exact. Instead of following the command he was given, he turned over, hiding his face in the bed sheets. This only succeeded in one thing; further angering of his twin.

"Len!" She was practically screaming at him. "Len! GET UP!" Make that literally. She took a hold of his ankles, pulling on him till he started to slide towards the floor. Len began flailing, and his twin relinquished her grasp. "Get up." Len glared at her angrily, but complied. He started toward his closet to get dressed for the day, as Rin exited the room. He chose a simple white sleeveless tee, with a yellow tie. He moved to his dresser next, fishing out a pair of black shorts, and decided to company the outfit with black arm warmers, which he wore a little below his elbow. This, oddly enough, was a very typical Len outfit. He always wore something to this effect. He had noticed that Rin, too, often wore similar clothes. They never planned it, but they usually matched. This in mind, he vacated his room, descending the stairs and entering the kitchen, where he noticed Rin cooking at the stove. He took note of her outfit. She had chosen the exact same clothes, except for the fact that she was wearing a black skirt, instead of shorts, and instead of a tie, she had a yellow bow.

"I'm making eggs." Len waited until he was sure Rin was devoting her complete attention to her cooking, and allowed a shiver to go up his spine. Food that Rin prepared was rarely, if ever, edible. In fact, as Len recalled it, one of her dishes had attempted to devour him while Rin wasn't looking. He couldn't prove it though, so the food wasn't convicted of its crime, much to Len's dismay. He opted to feed the substance that Rin was currently burning to their dog when his sister wasn't looking. The dog would eat anything, even living Jell-O. He sat on a barstool, and forced himself to keep from gagging at the plate of black eggs covered in sugar and tomato blood. No, not salt. Sugar. No, not ketchup, tomato blood.

"Thanks Rin." He forced a smile to plaster itself on his face. She smiled back at him, truly, innocently. Len loved Rin for that. How straightforward and innocent she was. It seemed like nothing could pierce her little shell of happiness. A boyfriend broke up with her; "Oh well, he wasn't my type anyway." Our country is going into war; "It was bound happen sooner or later." Someone died; "They're in a better place, smiling down on us." Rin, so optimistic, filled the other half of Len. They were twins, but they were opposing reflections in the mirror. Optimism against Pessimism. Loving and Cold. Real, Fake. Len was the bad side. Always. He was abruptly pulled back to his senses when the scent of the unidentified living food wafted into his nostrils, literally making him gag this time. He quickly checked for any sign of Rin, and, when he found none, he tossed all the food to the begging dog. The dog, obviously not possessing taste buds, scarfed all of it up before Rin returned with her school bag in tow. She glanced at Len's plate, nodding her approval after seeing it cleaned. She gave Len a quick hug, said her farewell, and was off to school. Len made sure she had traveled to a point that was out of sight, before he pulled out the carton of eggs, and started cooking them. He watched them carefully, so as not ot have a repeat of his sister's morning-time disaster. He wondered what Rin would be doing at school for the next two hours. He would join her after that, and they would accompany each other to the remaining classes. Len had set it up so that he wouldn't have to go to school all day, but he would still graduate. It was nice, having two extra hours; the house all to himself. He finished the eggs, taking a fork out and eating them strait from the pan. He didn't see the need to waste any more dishes than he had to. After finishing the edible morsel, he chose to move to the living room. He welcomed the soft plush of the pillow top couch. It soothed his sleep-fatigued muscles. He let his eyes close, resting, but refusing to allow his consciousness to depart. He honestly hated getting up so early, but he did it so he could give Rin company. That was the least he could do. He was in a constant state of trying to repay Rin. She loved him, so unconditionally, no matter what he did; she was always willing to forgive him. For that, she deserved every luxury. Len, lost in his thoughts, only barely noticed that he was dozing off. He commanded his body into a sitting position. Sighing, exhausted from the effort, he used the remote to turn on the T.V. He hardly noticed what he was flipping through, but he eventually stopped when he recognized a familiar film. It was Phantom of the Opera. He always loved that movie and its powerful plot. The scorned Phantom always struck a chord with Len's heart. He had always favored the Phantom over Raoule. He watched the scene playing out. The movie was about half over, which was perfect timing for Len. He relaxed and watched the men and women as they enjoyed their masquerade, and grinned gently when the Phantom crashed their spectacle. He sang the songs under his breath, singing himself to sleep.


Len woke to the Phantom screaming at Raoule about Fine Horses. He glanced at the clock on the opposite wall, then jumped up, realizing that he would soon be late. He had forgotten commercial breaks. He leapt up the stairs, at least two at a time. Reaching the top, he slammed through his door and snatched up his bag. He jumped down the stairs, not bothering with the T.V. He was out the door, sprinting in the direction of the high school. He ran through the gates, pulling his shoes off before he even got through the doors. Thrusting his feet into his slippers, he raced to his classroom, bursting through the doors right as the bell rang. He quickly took his seat, gathering his lost breath. Rin looked at him quizzically, but didn't get the chance to question him, because the teacher stepped through the door. Haku, a friend of Rin and Len's, shyly stood up and took the class through the typical routine. They all sat and took out their homework. Nobody noticed the young, blue haired man standing behind the teacher, at least not until the teacher brought him into attention. He cleared his throat.

"Class, I'd like you all to meet Kaito, our new student teacher. He'll be helping around the classroom for the rest of the year, so give him a warm welcome."

'Kaito' blushed and came forward, bowing slightly to the class. Len noticed the awkward looking smile on his face, so strange, and yet, so true. It hit him with more impact than even Rin's smile did. Len had to catch and discourage himself from staring at the blue-haired individual. He chanced a glance at Rin, hoping she wouldn't see the emotion that he was sure was shining in his eyes. To his surprise, he found that she seemed to have the opposite emotion written on her face. She didn't like this guy, that was evident. The teacher started class, collecting their homework and assigning their pages. Len obliged, opening his textbook to the correct pages. He then let out a quiet groan. They were going to start the energy unit. That was all fine and dandy, for just about anyone else in the class besides Len. Science in general was his worst enemy, but Energy, with all the equations and measuring systems, it was a migraine waiting to happen. Len, trying to be optimistic, skimmed through the first page of the reading. He could feel the heaviness of his face dropping. Ek=...what? What did Ek even mean? Len scowled angrily at his book, as though that would cause it to change the foreign equations into something he could comprehend. It, of course, failed. Len, admitting defeat, raised his hand, his eyes begging the teacher to assist him. The balding man was helping another student at the moment though, so he sent mister blue and awkward to Len instead. Len watched with curiosity as he made his way to the back of the classroom, where Len was seated. His curiosity soon turned to horror as the man tripped and hit his head on the corner of Len's desk. Helpless and confused, Len leapt to his side, helping him into a sitting position.

"A-Are you okay?" There were now twenty-four sets of eyes on them. Kaito nodded, smiling at Len, despite his obvious pain. His hand covered his forehead, where he had undoubtedly collided with the table. "Are you sure?" He nodded again. Kaito stood, trying to regain some respect.

"Um... What was your question?" Len, who had already crawled back into his seat, pointed to the page, but nothing in particular. Kaito looked to where Len was pointing, trying to find his question. Not finding it, he smiled nervously.

"D-do you mean the whole page?" Len nodded. "Okay, well, the unit is about gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy. You got that, right?" He sounded hopeful, so Len felt bad when he shook his head. "Oh, alright. Well, let's see... When you hear potential energy, what do you think of?" Len paused, thinking it over before opening his mouth to speak.

"Something that can happen, but hasn't yet." Kaito nodded, smiling at the progress.

"Okay, so think about this; I had the potential to fall before I did, didn't I?"


"Then, when I actually did fall, what kind of energy was that, when I was moving?"

"Um... Kinetic?" Kaito grinned at Len, who noticed his heart skip a beat.

"Yep! Think you understand a little better now?" Len reviewed the new information he had been given.

"... If it hasn't done anything yet, or it hasn't moved, it's potential?" Kaito nodded encouragingly. "And after something happens or moves, it's kinetic?"

"That's right! You've got it." Len couldn't help but crack a proud smile. He finally understood something about energy!

"Wow! Thanks! But um... Could you explain this too?"


The lunch bell rang just as Len finished reading through the assigned pages. He quickly gathered his things and walked with Rin to the cafeteria. He left her there, choosing to go out onto the balcony on the third floor instead. He never ate at the school. This was due to the fact that the school cooking was nearly as bad as Rin's. Not quite, but it was pretty close. Given the choice between the two, Len chose C, none of the above. He would tell Rin he wasn't hungry, then escape the world of school for half an hour. On this particular occasion, he managed to see Mr. Klutzy-yet-Smart on the way to his sanctuary. He was loaded down with pages of homework and journals that had almost definitely been forced on him by the lazy homeroom teacher. Len felt sorry for him, having to grade all those papers by himself. Before he could round the corner, Len witnessed one of his classmates move his foot in front of Kaito, causing him to fall face down, his papers spread out across the floor. Len, to his dismay, didn't have to debate before he went strait to Kaito's aid. He again picked him up off the floor, asking for his assessment on the damage. Kaito had his hands to his nose this time around.

"Ow... I'm fine... Just a big klutz." Len sighed. Usually, if a teacher fell, he would laugh, and walk away. Since when was he such a teacher's pet?

"You are not... Well aright, maybe a little, but this wasn't your fault. Someone tripped you." Kaito laughed, somewhat sadly.

"Well, I'm known for that too. I'm gullible, to say the least." That actually made Len's heart ache. To think how horrible people could be. Len started picking up the papers Kaito had dropped, glancing at them to give them a general order. "Hey, thanks again. You're the first person I've ever met that doesn't laugh at me when I fall. Thanks." Len felt his face get hot.

"It's whatever... You're the first teacher that actually helped me understand what I was reading. Believe me, that isn't an easy feat." Kaito allowed himself a chuckle. He took the papers that Len handed him. "Here, I'm gonna help you." Len picked up the other half of the stack that he hadn't given to Kaito.

"You don't have to do that! It's my job! And besides, you have to go to lunch!" Len shook his head.

"I don't eat lunch. Come on, these are heavy!" Kaito looked at him quizzically for a moment, but decided to make the best of the situation. He led Len into the teacher's lounge, and told him to put them on the desk in the far right corner. Len obliged, placing them in the center. Kaito mimicked Len's actions.

"Thanks... Sorry, but I'm curious. Why don't you eat lunch?" Len scowled.

"The food here is terrible!" Kaito seemed to understand this.

"Well, that's to be expected, but you could bring one..." Len made a face of disgust.

"No. My sister would insist on making it for me, and her cooking is like, twice as bad as the school's!" Kaito's eyes widened.

"Is that even possible?" Len nodded, then went into an in depth description of that day's breakfast.
