Vanille's Hope

Chapter 1

It was two years ago, when it happened. I was fourteen years old when the fal'Cie changed my life forever... Everyone's life.

I was just a kid then... I thought it was Snow's fault for what happened when my mother died. But really, it was the fal'Cie. They're the ones who started everything.

Well, they're gone now. All of them. We survive on our own, without their help. Now it's just us humans on Gran Pulse with a few hundred thousand monsters to worry about.

Not like they're even a challenge anymore. Between me, Light, and Maqui, we can pretty much take on anything Gran Pulse can dish out.

Life's been boring since we rid it of the cursed fal'Cie and their Cieth. Any of them that we didn't get to first turned to stone.

But something's been missing... and I couldn't find out what it was before. But I've finally begun to realize it. I've felt this way ever since we woke from our crystal stasis on Pulse, two weeks after we defeated Orphan.

I tried to deny it. For two years, I succeeded... Everyone misses them still. But it was always different for me, and I'm finally admitting it to myself.

I love her. And I'd do anything to get her back...
