Disclaimer: Twilight is the creation of Stephenie Meyer.

AN: This story is based upon the characterizations and events developed by Pace is the Trick in 'Away from the Sun' and 'Changing: A Love Story', my deepest appreciation to my wonderful beta for allowing me to dabble in her universe.

Chapter One - January 1928

"Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy - in fact, they're almost incompatible; one emotion hardly leaves room for the other. Both at once can produce unbearable turmoil..." Robert Heinlein

This was good. Life was good.

Carlisle lay with Edward curled up on his chest as they watched the stars float against the canopy of the evening sky. They had finished unpacking their possessions in the new house and spent the evening investigating the forests surrounding their new home town of Oberlin, Ohio.

It had been time to move - to give Edward the opportunity to commence a field of study or to find an occupation; to interact with humans in a way other than his predatory experiences from earlier in that decade. But they also needed a break from the upheaval in their lives, and especially in their relationship.

The choice of Oberlin was a result of a finely balanced compromise. Each had specific requests that went beyond the basic need for adequate hunting grounds and a lower than average number of clear, sunny days. Oberlin was one of a handful of cities that met those two requirements, so it came down to the couple's other specific needs to determine if the town was suitable.

Perhaps not surprisingly, Carlisle's first request had been to practice in a hospital. That was quite easy to meet. In 1925, the township had seen the opening of a large facility, the Allen Memorial Hospital. Even more fortuitous, the floods in the year prior, the influenza outbreak, and the war had left the hospital short of trained medical personnel, most specifically doctors. After perfunctory inquiries, the hospital administrators were keen to accept Carlisle, and declared him a godsend when he indicated that he would happily take the night shifts.

Carlisle's second request was that they have access to cultural activities. Initially, this seemed odd to Edward, but Carlisle insisted that they both needed to be seen out and about in the town at social events to reduce the chance of questions or suspicions. After being pressed further on the matter, Carlisle admitted that the town's movie theatre - "the Apollo, they show talkies every night, Edward!" - and the local music conservatory provided wonderful opportunities for the couple to surreptitiously date. He was still getting used to Edward's return and wanted to "do things properly this time."

Likewise, Edward's first request was no great surprise to Carlisle. If they could not live by an ocean or lake, he wanted to be in easy running distance of one. This detail had initially posed some concern. However, on further investigation, they found that Lake Eire, the southern most entry point to the Great Lakes, was only ten miles north of town.

Oberlin had one other critical factor for Edward: it was the home to a pinnacle Music Conservatory, for which he had been invited to audition (and, he hoped, be accepted in its masters program). During his time away from Carlisle and subsequent recovery, he felt he had lost connection with his music and wished to focus on reclaiming that passion.

And so it was that some four weeks after the decision was made, they were now settled in their new home, lying on the lawn stargazing, both with careful expectations of this new start and its ramifications for them individually and as a couple.

Edward looked up from his position on Carlisle's chest and, kissing his lips lightly, raised a matter he had been keeping from Carlisle. "I have finished the new identity documents," he noted.

Carlisle's mental reply was that they really didn't need them straight away, but it was reassuring that Edward had it all sorted out.

"There was one detail in the cover story that needed some modification but otherwise it was pretty standard," Edward continued.

Carlisle frowned at the statement. "What detail? Is there a problem?"

They had decided that this time they would be half-brothers who, due to the influenza, had no surviving family and chose to live together as bachelors. (Edward had reverted back to his original surname of Masen while they were apart and had continued to use it even after his return. While it caused Carlisle some pain, he was happy to accept it if it meant having Edward back.)

"Well, we will have to be full brothers, not half, seeing as my name is now Edward Cullen." He looked down into Carlisle's eyes, trying not to get overwhelmed by the significance of the decision. He truly did not know why he had held out on this for all these years; they had returned to being a married couple in every sense of the word about a year or so after his return, but a part of him still felt undeserving of his husband's name. The move to Oberlin was in no small part his chance to start anew, and give Carlisle everything he wanted.

Carlisle froze, locking his gaze. "Really? Edward Cullen?"

The younger vampire nodded. Carlisle grabbed him in a fierce embrace and kissed him passionately. This was the last step of Edward's return to him, one that he had not dared to hope would happen so soon. His whispers of "thank you!" and "I love you" soon became sighs and moans as he showed his husband how much he truly loved him.