Disclaimer: I don't own White Collar...and with the way season 2 is going, I'm glad!

A/N: I know it's been a while guys, and I'm sorry, but I got hit with major writer's block and it took me a while to work out how I wanted to reveal the big baddie. So now, at the end of this chapter, you will know who is behind it. The title of this chapter is inspired by the Red song, "Come to You in Pieces" Please enjoy and review!

Looking For You

Chapter 4: Come to You in Pieces

Someone was screaming and Kate winced as the pain returned full force, causing her to whimper. The screaming immediately stopped and someone was running a hand through her hair. She wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, but the touch was familiar, just as the fading scent on the pillows had been and it beckoned to her.

Forcing her eyes open Kate found herself looking up into a pair of blue eyes that she had beginning to wonder if she would ever see again. Tears filled her eyes and then she heard the bedroom door slam open. "Neal," she whispered as tears filled her eyes and her arms flew around his neck where she buried her face and cried.


No sooner had the name left his lips then Kate was whimpering and wincing in pain. He cut off even though he was tempted to shout her name from the top of Mt. Everest, not wanting to cause her any more pain. Instead he reached out and gently stroked her hair as he used to when she was sick and had a headache. Almost instantly he saw her face begin to relax. After a moment he saw her brow furrow in confusion and then he was watching her struggle to open her eyes. Holding his breath, Neal watched as her eyes slowly fluttered open and his blue eyes met hers. He saw her eyes begin to glisten and smiled down at her as the door behind him slammed open.

"Neal," he heard her soft, musical voice whisper before her arms were around his neck and she was crying, her hot tears wet against his skin.

His arms were tight as he held her close, face buried in her hair. "I'm here Kate, I've got you," he whispered, causing her tears to fall faster.


Peter sat with June as Neal walked into the kitchen and they heard him go upstairs. "How has he been, really?" June asked.

"Before we found out that Kate was alive? It was almost like Neal wasn't there anymore. He was lost, wouldn't talk, wouldn't eat, and there were nightmares. But now that he has hope, he…"


The agent was bounding up the stairs, gun drawn. He ran straight for Neal's room, kicking the door open and charging in, gun pointing everywhere. But when he looked to the bed, and saw Neal there holding Kate, he holstered his weapon and walked over. Resting a hand on Neal's shoulder he let himself take it in. June came running in soon after and looked at the scene in front of her.

'What's going on?" she asked. "What's wrong? Is Kaylie alright?"

"Her name is Kate, that's what's wrong." Peter bent down so Neal would hear him whisper, "I'm going to go call El and Dr. Kensington."

The con man nodded and his partner walked out into the hall. Pulling out his cell phone, he pulled the card out of his wallet and punched in the number. "Hello?" a familiar voice asked on the other end.

"Dr. Kensington, it's Agent Burke. We've found Ms. Moreau. Can you come over and examine her? Make sure that everything is okay?"

"Of course Agent Burke. I'll just need the address."

Peter gave it to the man and was told that he would be there as soon as he could get away from the hospital. Both men hung up and then Peter dialed home. "Don't tell me Peter, June wants you to stay over for dinner," El said when she picked up, a slightly joking tone in her voice.

"Not quite. El, it's Kate. She's here. Somehow she ended up here," her husband muttered, pacing in the hall, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm on my way over. How is she? How's Neal?"

Peter peeked in and saw them in the same position, June standing by silently. "She seems to be okay from what I can tell and Neal isn't letting her go for anything."

"I'm not surprised. Just hold tight, I'll be right there."

Peter hung up and stayed in the hall, watching the scene in front of him.


Kate pulled away after what seemed like an eternity and looked up at Neal. "I can't believe that you found me," she whispered.

"You're in my bed Kate…how could I not find you?" He gave her the Caffrey grin and she felt something inside that she hadn't in a long time. After a moment though his face turned serious. "Why didn't you wait for me?" he whispered.

"I was scared they would take me away again and that you'd never find me," she murmured.

"You could have been killed jumping out of that window."

"I know, but I needed to buy you more time, and that was my only option. They had guards at my door and I couldn't get to the air vents in my condition."

He didn't press the subject any further and just contented himself with having her in his arms. "Is your head still hurting?" Neal looked down and saw her barely nod. Looking up he gave June a pleading expression. "Can she have something, please?"

"Kensington is on his way Neal, I think it would be better to wait until he checks her over," Peter said as he walked in. "He might even have something better than what June has."

"Hello Peter," Kate murmured, looking at the man. "Please, don't tell your office you found me. I don't know…"

"I'm not telling anyone Kate. We'll find out who did this."

"I know who did it. Not his name, but his face. I saw him in the hospital, and he was there when Fowler and I made the deal for Mentor, but he didn't talk at all, just whispered things in Fowler's ear," she said hurriedly. Neal pressed a finger to her lips and Peter came closer.

"We'll take care of it once you're recovered," the agent said and she nodded. "Now, I'm going to go downstairs and wait for my wife and our dear friend the doctor."

Without another word Peter turned and walked out, leaving the couple and June. The older woman smiled and headed for the door. "June, wait." Walking over she saw Kate holding out a hand and Neal looking puzzled. "Hi. Kate Moreau."

Giving the young woman a warm smile June reached out to take Kate's hand and the shook. "It's very nice to meet you Kate. Now, do you two need anything?"

"I think we're okay," Neal said and Kate nodded as well. June just continued to smile.

"Alright. I think I'll go keep Agent Burke company. Just give a shout if you need something."

June left, pulling the door partially closed behind her. Looking down Neal saw a very worn out Kate looking up at him, and he smiled down at her. To him, she had never looked more beautiful. He reached up and gently massaged her temples and she gasped in delight as the pain in her head eased up somewhat. "You always were better than any over the counter Tylenol we could buy," she murmured, eyes closing and Neal leaned down to kiss her.

"Go ahead and cat nap for now, but after Kensington takes a look at you, I want you to try to eat some of the food that June had me bring up." He watched as she nodded and slowly drifted off. Once he was sure she was asleep Neal readjusted himself so he was sitting against the backboard and she was cradled in his lap.

A little while later he heard a door open downstairs and hushed voices. A few minutes later there were soft footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall until Elizabeth Burke was standing in the doorway, smiling at the two people in front of her. Neal smiled as she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hey El."

"Hey Neal. So, this is the infamous Kate Moreau. How is she doing?"

"Major headache, but other than that she seems to be fine. I'll properly introduce the two of you later when she's awake," he whispered. Kate stirred momentarily before settling back down.

"That's fine. Peter told me that Dr. Kensington should be here in about ten minutes at the most and then we'll be sure that she's fine."

"Good, the sooner, the better. I just need to know that she's safe for now."

"She's with you Neal, and she's not lost anymore. Of course she's safe," Elizabeth said and Neal couldn't help but smile up at her. "Now, how about I go down and help June's maid with dinner? I'm guessing you're hungry."

"A bit," Neal admitted sheepishly. Smiling, Elizabeth stood and turned when the tray caught her eye.

"For Kate?" Neal nodded and she picked it up. "I'll take it down and keep it warm for her. Just relax Neal."

Before she left she walked over and gently ruffled his hair before she walked out the door and he heard her footsteps retreating downstairs. There was still an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach, but Neal also knew that unless whoever had done this wanted to lower themselves from the sky and onto his terrace, they would have to go through three people who were very protective of him and the woman in his arms right then, and that gave him some peace and reassurances.


Elizabeth returned downstairs, but was shooed out of the kitchen with the promise that dinner would be ready as soon as the doctor's examination was over. Joining Peter and June in the living room she smiled at them and sat next to her husband. "Kate's resting and Neal looks happier than I've ever seen him," she said as Peter wrapped an arm around her waist.

"But he's going to be on edge until we find out who did this, and I can't use any of the agents because any of them might be the one who blew up that plane," Peter said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What about Lauren and Clinton? I mean, they were at the hospital trying to help find her, right?"

"Yes, but if they were involved in any way, then they would have been helping so that they could find her and either make her disappear again or try to finish what they started with the plane. But that still doesn't explain why she's still alive. Why did they get her off that plane?"

"I know that I'm not a federal agent, but what if you relied on Neal's friends for this one?" June brought up. "Like Mozzie, and that nice girl Alex?"

"That might be our only option. Although there is one idea that might work, but I need to talk it over with the lovebirds once Kate wakes up."

"What's that?" But before Peter could answer his wife someone was ringing the doorbell. Standing, Peter walked over and discreetly checked who was outside. Once he saw that it was Kensington he opened the door and let the man in.

"Thank you for coming doctor. Kate is right upstairs. Just follow me." Peter led the man up the stairs and June and El rose from their seats in the living room to follow right behind the doctor. When they reached the bedroom the four found both young people sleeping peacefully on the bed. El and June couldn't help but smile, and while he would never admit it, Elizabeth could see a tender, comforting look in Peter's eyes when he looked at the two. No one moved and so El walked over and gently shook Kate's shoulder and she opened her eyes, looking at the woman fearfully.

"It's okay Kate, my name's Elizabeth, I'm Peter's wife. We were able to get a hold of the doctor who looked after you at the hospital and he came over to make sure that everything is still okay. Can you maybe sit up a little?" she asked, voice soft so as to hopefully not have to wake Neal too.

Nodding, Kate carefully sat up, but didn't attempt to pull herself from Neal's arms. "He'll wake up for sure," she murmured in explanation and El nodded, pulling back and allowing Dr. Kensington to get closer.

"Well Ms. Moreau, you certainly had us at the hospital worried," he said as he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled out a penlight. "Can you just follow this for a few moments?" he asked and she nodded, watching as he moved it side to side and up and down. "Very good, now just try to look at Agent Burke over my shoulder." She did as told and the doctor nodded. "Excellent, it seems the concussion is healing nicely. And these look like clean bandages," he said, noting the wraps on her head.

"They are, I changed them a few hours ago," June said.

"Did everything seem alright?"

"Fine. They were bleeding a very small bit, but nothing too bad."

"Alright. Now Ms. Moreau, are you in any pain?"

"Just a little," she admitted and the doctor nodded, reaching into his bag and pulling out a syringe and a small bottle.

"It's a very mild painkiller. Won't knock you out or anything," he promised, rubbing her arm with an alcohol wipe and then inserting the needle, pushing the plunger in. Kate felt a chill running through her veins, but sure enough the pain started to ease again.

"Thank you," she said and he nodded.

"You can rest now; I'll speak with the others out in the hall."

Kate gave him one last nod and smile before settling back down in Neal's arms and closing her eyes, quickly drifting off. Neal's arms instinctively tightened around her and El and June smiled again. Peter ushered them out and closed the door behind them. "What's the prognosis?"

"She's recovering very well for someone who just jumped out of a third story window last night. I'm not too concerned; right now it's just a normal healing process. You have my card, so if anything happens or you think something is wrong you can give me a call. Now, I'm going to assume that I should not be informing Agent Fowler that she has been found?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Correct," Peter said. "We don't want anyone to know that she has been located at this point."

"Very well, I will keep it as secret as I can, and throw off anyone who might be getting too close…for now. But surely you must have realized that she cannot live in this house for the rest of her life?"

"I have, but for right now, until we find out who tried to kill her in the first place, we need to make sure that the wrong person doesn't find out that we have her here."

"Alright Agent Burke. Well, I must be getting back to the hospital. As I said, call me if you need something, and if not, I would like to check in on her in a week."

"That's fine doctor," June said. "My door is always open to you. Thank you." He nodded before walking back downstairs and they heard the door open and close again. "Now, how about I go check up on dinner? Would you two like to dine downstairs, or up here?"

"I'd like to stay up here," Elizabeth spoke up and Peter looked at his wife in surprise. "Just in case they need anything. Besides, we can eat out on the terrace so we don't disturb them."

"Well, you two go in and get comfortable and then I'll be up in a few minutes with dinner," June said before turning and going downstairs. Leading his wife back into the room Peter walked with her over to the couch and sat down with her, pulling her into his arms, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"He's gonna be okay Peter," Elizabeth murmured, looking up at her husband.

"I know he is. As long as we find whoever it was that did this."


It was two days later when Kate felt like she was up to getting out of the apartment. Peter had talked to her and Neal in that time that he thought it might be best if they took Kate into the office, discreetly, so that she could try to identify who it was that had come to visit her in the hospital. And it had not been an easy task to convince her extremely protective lover.

"No, absolutely not Peter," Neal protested.

"Neal, we need to find out who did this."

"And if we take her in there and whoever this guy is sees her? She'll-"

"She'll have us there to protect her. It's a guy, so it's not Cruz or Diana, and she said it's a Caucasian man, so it's not Jones either. The three of them will be there as back up."

"It's not good enough Peter," Neal said before Kate held up a hand to stop him.

"No Neal, Peter is right. We need to do this or we might not be able to stop whoever it is from doing this again," her quiet voice said and she smiled at Peter. "When?"

"As soon as you're ready."

And so that was why the three of them, including Elizabeth, were driving down the street in Peter's Taurus, heading for the FBI office.

"Kate, at any point you want to leave," Peter said from the front seat, "say the word and I will have you out of there. Elizabeth can drive you back to June's."

"I'm sure I'll be alright Peter," Kate's quiet voice issued from her place next to Neal.

The rest of the ride was quiet, Neal's hand firmly clasped around Kate's and Peter's resting gently atop Elizabeth's in the front seat. When they pulled up to the offices Neal and Peter got out first, opening the doors for the women and helping them out. Neal seemed to try to wedge himself between Kate and anyone he saw, just in case something happened. He could feel her tense next to him, and Elizabeth saw it too. Leaning in she whispered something in Kate's ear and it caused the younger woman to smile and nod.

"What did you tell her?" Peter asked as he and his wife led the way into the building.

"I told her not to be nervous, she has the best field agent and art conman on this coast protecting her, what's there to be scared of? You can tackle the guy and Neal can hit him over the head with a forged Monet."

Peter snorted as they got into the elevator and headed up to his office. "Kate, just stick close to us and everything will be fine," he said. Kate nodded and squeezed Neal's hand, who squeezed hers right back.

The doors opened and Peter led the way down the hall, Elizabeth right at his side and Neal and Kate trailing behind by several feet, so that she could observe at a distance. They walked up to the glass and watched El and Peter go in first. After a few moments they followed in and stood to the back.

It wasn't long before Neal felt Kate tense and cling to him. "I…I need to go to the bathroom," she murmured before hurrying out into the hall. Neal went to follow after her but El shook her head.

"I'll go," she whispered before following after Kate. She didn't have to go far because the girl was curled up against the wall not far past the end of the glass wall. Crouching down in front of her, El reached out and rested one hand on Kate's shoulder. "Who? Who did you see?"

"Whoever that was walking towards Peter…" Kate murmured and Elizabeth drew back in shock.

"Reese? Reese Hughes?"

A/N: DUN DUN ! Stay tuned.