A/N: This one has been in the making for quite a while now and is one i'm sort of proud of. I would like to hear your opinions and if you spot anything that's off or could be improved, please tell me. Other than that, hope you enjoy reading this. Oh, and notice the warning

WARNING: This story has been rated M. The reason is the relative fair brutality of chapter 3! You have been warned!

The night is silent. Not exactly something he's used to. Nights like this always end badly. Still, at least this way he'll be able to notice things that are amiss a lot easier. Like for instance the sound of the footstep of someone in high heels just behind him. He knows that someone very well.

"This is my city, Princess. What are you doing here?" his voice the menacing Bat.

"This is my city now too. Or haven't you heard? I've been married to Bruce Wayne for quite a while now" she accepts the teasing, her smile gracing the silent night.

"Is that so?" he asks with a grin, turning to face her.

Her face assumes a teasing expression as she moves towards him and stops mere millimeters from him.

"It is so. Or do you require convincing?" she asks with a sly grin.

"What did you have in mind, Mrs. Wayne?" he reflected the slyness back with his own grin.

That was all the information she needed. It meant he was sure there was no one and nothing around to see or interfere with them indulging in each other's passion. Just as her arms found their way around his neck and before her lips managed to find his, he grabbed her and leapt for the shadows with the only distinct sound being his cape flapping. Their lips met in a flurry of kisses, their arms traveling up and down each other's body. Though silent, their passions raged unrelenting, their bodies indulging in the lack of distance between them. They didn't like being apart from one another. No mission could be over quick enough if it wasn't a joint venture.

Their passions quelled for now, their lungs were finally allowed to grasp for air freely.

"I've missed you, Princess. Quite a bit, in fact" he breathed out through a most satisfied smile.

"The feeling is mutual, Dark Knight" she confessed in a manner that hid just how neurotic she was the last few days during the mission without him. After all, if he knew just how much his absence affected her, she'd never hear the end of it. Well, he probably already knew, but no way would she give him the pleasure of seeing her admit it. "So what did I miss?"

"I've been forced to promise not to tell you what Alfred is preparing for your arrival back home. Gotham has been slightly more restless since you left, but nothing dramatic. Joker still hasn't popped his green hair out of whichever hole he dug himself into after escaping Arkham. Don't know how long that's going to stay that way. I might have some late nights soon. So far this one's been quiet. Too quiet" he said those last words in an ominous tone, as if the words themselves weren't ominous enough.

"You're expecting trouble?" she asks, her concern slight, but noticeable.

"It's an unwritten rule of Gotham. A quiet night generally means that something big is being planned or prepared. Quiet nights generally don't end too well around here" he spoke in a tone that didn't convey much relief to Diana's worries.

"Do you want some help?" she asked, even though she was sure she knew the answer.

"No need, Princess. Besides, you're probably tired. Go get some rest. I promise I'll comeback in one piece" he tried to reassure her.

It took her quite a while to agree to fly off to their home, partly because of the concern his words had sawn in her and partly because she didn't want to leave his embrace just yet. Eventually though she lifted from the rooftop and made her way towards their home, leaving him to continue his patrol.

On her way however, she was stopped by the sound of an explosion somewhere down below. She was sure Bruce had heard it too, but he had made his way in the other direction, so it would be some time before he came to the scene. She flew down to a rooftop from which she could observe the situation best. She couldn't see any injured people, merely a blown up bottom floor of a fairly artistically designed building.

Suddenly her scream cuts through the skies, as she finds herself on her knees, entangled in a net that courses an electric current through her entire body. She tried to fight it, but her muscles were not responding. While not strong enough to kill her, or even incapacitate her, the shock net was still strong enough to override her own body's neural impulses.

She hears some steps in the shadows. These steps aren't those of someone trying to hide his presence. From the shadows emerge a purple suit, white skin, green hair, demonic eyes and a wide menacing grin filled with yellow teeth. The Joker has finally crawled out of his hole and made an appearance, in his usual overly theatrical manner.

"Whoopsie! Wrong do-gooder. That was intended for Bats. But since we don't have a reserve net, I guess we'll just have to settle for you" his voice alternating between comic and menacing. "Have to admit though, you are tough, lady. That charge would have knocked Batman right into next Thursday. I guess we'll have to try harder with you. Crank up the juice, Harl!"

He shudders as he hears his wife's scream for the second time.

"Diana!" he yells with all the air he has in his lungs. Moving as swiftly as he can to where the screams originated from, he doesn't know what to expect. His mind couldn't even start processing the information. All he could think about was how to get there faster.

When he arrived to the rooftop, he could see the fire brigade tackling the fires in the building down bellow, but there was no sign of her anywhere. No sign of anything anywhere near here. That's not right. He knows that dreadful sound came from here. Even if he wasn't sure, this is the best vantage point to observe the flames, so obviously if she had landed to see what's going on, this would be the place. He looks around, Bruce Wayne urging him to a frantic scan of the environment, but Batman forcing him to adjust to his surroundings and calmly assert the situation.

That's when he notices it. Diana's tiara. Lying on the ground.

He rushes over to pick it up and falls down on his knees, stunned at what he sees along with the tiara on the ground. A Joker card.

"Rargh!" he roars out as he slams his fist into the card, denting the brick beneath it.