A/N: Clarifications & Thanks

At the request of the whispering voices I have agreed to clarify a few points:

First off Tai's character seems to be all over the place. In this fanfiction he appears to betray Kari's trust numerous times and he keeps doubting how rational his decisions are. In my fanfiction he doesn't mean to upset Kari nor is he trying to choose Davis over her. In this fanfiction it pays more attention to the brotherly style relationship between Davis and Tai because of this he's going out of his mind with worry. Therefore, his thoughts and decisions are very confused which is why he struggles acting like the leader.

Secondly, the digiegg of miracles is fuelled by Davis' need to save Ken. This is why the digiport opens in his bedroom and stops the sand and sun in the desert (etc).

Now for a little bit of back story (made up by me). The crest of kindness was hidden from the darkness (like it says in the series) but Ken couldn't access it because he was enslaved by the darkness. Therefore, the whispering voices gave it the ability to turn it into the digiegg of miracles (again seen in the series). After Davis agreed to help wormmon get Ken back to normal it triggered the digiegg of miracles to come into existence. Due to the fact that the digiegg of miracles is made up partially of the whispering voices they have a strong connection with it.

The field of sleep was created by Lord of Darkness. In this fanfiction Lord of Darkness describes himself as being "quite literally your worst nightmare". Lord of Darkness was born from the dark ocean and uses it's power to bring fears and nightmares to life. He is neither human nor digimon but just a product of the darkness. This is why in the digital world his power is limitted so he can only create a field of sleep but can't actually hurt or scare any of the digidestined enough to stop them looking for Ken.

The portal to the dark ocean leaks out all the colour and light. This is how the dark ocean manages to always remain cold and colourless.

In Davis' dream and before he enters the dark ocean he hears Ken saying he's "sorry". This isn't a figment of Davis' imagination. What Davis is actually hearing are Ken's last words before he tries to commit suicide. The reason he keeps hearing it is because of the connection between them.

Also Davis can enter the cave and (to an extent) use his digivice but the other digidestined can't. This is because the digiegg of miracles is fuelled by his emotions and connection with Ken which penetrates the barrier of the cave where Ken and wormmon are held captive. However, the small amount of power the digidestined's digivices should have is being (unknowingly) taken by Davis because the digiegg is using it's power to help Davis.

Despite all this even veemon can't digivolve in the dark ocean. This is because to digivolve the digimon need both light and the strength of their partners to digivolve. In the dark ocean there is no light so none of the digimon can digivolve.

Obviously in the first task Davis is confronted by fake veemons. For this reason none of them can digivolve and (although programmed with veemon's memories) they are incapable of knowing veemon's opinions (or any opinions) so can't answer his last question.

The reason Darkness challenges Davis to 3 tasks is because he wants to learn more about Davis. He is confused why his attack (which never fails) doesn't work on Davis. He doesn't percieve Davis as much of a threat but he wants to know why his attack didn't work. Also there is a childish element to Darkness' that craves entertainment which he recognises Davis can provide. The first 2 tasks are for Darkness' entertainment but the final one is where he is convinced he has tricked Davis.

During the second task the others manage to contact Davis briefly. However, the whispering voices are made up of light energy and are in a world made up of darkness. Their power weakens more and more as they stay in the dark ocean and to maintain their energy they are forced to stop using their power to create communication with Davis.

The voices can't communicate with Davis when he starts the task as Darkness is using his powers of evil to block out anything not part of the task. Even in the digital dimension task, he taints it with painful darkness to block out the whispering voices.

When Davis agrees to the third task he is sent back to the real world. In the real world he is forced to give the others back the power of their digivice's so the others can once again use them.

At the beginning, before the tasks, Darkness' nightmare mirage attack doesn't work on Davis initially because he refuses to be afraid and his belief that everything will work out protects him. However, when Ken tries to comitt suicide he starts to lose his self belief because he is helpless to stop Ken.

As Davis gives back the power he borrowed the others are forced to witness the worst moments of their life because Davis has witnessed his. This is because the digiegg of miracles had been feeding off their digivices which created an emotional link between him and the others. His pain was divided into the eleven digivices - forcing each digidestined to experience some of his pain.

Davis is left in a position where he feels helpless. Now that his digivice had returned to normal it seemed pretty much useless. However, the digiegg of miracles once again reacts to Davis' emotions and reaches out for the crests/digieggs of the others to combine with his own crests. This wakes Ken up and gives Davis the power to help him.

Now The Only Thing Left To Do Is...

Thanks Immortal Fallen Radiance I really appreciate your reviews and because of this I dedicate this fanfiction (my first ever fanfiction to you)