Marvel owns the rights to Sabretooth & Birdy, all others are my creation.

Reviews and constructive criticism welcome.

As usual, Creed had recovered swiftly and fully, though his eyes were still mismatched. The doctors had seemingly frowned when he had suggested spearing his other eye to get a matching pair. He enjoyed staring down strangers when he was out in public and it didn't take much to make small children cry around him. He had started working again, which made him a happier man to be around when he would come home, much to Birdy and Emma's relief.

The latter was lightly dozing under the covers of the bed. Victor had not come home for dinner from his romp through the woods and Emma was through waiting for him now that his headaches were seemingly resolved. If he was hungry, he could heat up his own damn dinner.

It wasn't a sound that awoke her but a smell. It was wild and refreshing and crisp. A pressure on the bed made her turn but too late, Creed was on top of her, pinning her under the sheets. She had begun to notice the yellow iris turning a tinge green recently, but in the darkness it was hard to see it, all she saw was mismatched glowing. He was feral and excited about something.

"Hey lady, I got some nasty things I wanna do to ya." He purred in a vicious way.

"Will you take a shower first?" She asked calmly already knowing the answer.
