This story is for yukinothekoneko's July contest.

Here are the rules for the contest:

1. Any and all fandoms are accepted.

2. You must commit to the month of July.

3. Each chapter must be at least 100-1,000 words.

4. One of the genres must be Comedy, Gender Bender, or Boy x Boy.

5. Talk about the challenge in the first chapter.

The chosen Genre for the story is... (Drumroll please) GENDER BENDER!

Please enjoy. ^^

Disclaimer: D. Gray Man and Ouran High School Host Club do not belong to me.

Screw the cookie scoreboard, give yourself a cookie.

AUTHOR NOTE! Shisha means, dead man.



I paced about the room I had been given as I thought about what to do. There had to be some way to get back to the future... There had to be!

Something pulled me back to the past, so it had to be able to push me back forward. I huffed, then walked out of the room and started wandering the halls of the order.

It was quite odd, that I had lived with being near such places all my life, but found myself completely lost here.

I eventually stumbled upon the hall that led to Komui's office and was about to turn back when I noticed something slumped on the ground. I carefully walked towards the object, then when I was close enough, I recognized it as Miranda. She was sleeping by the wall, underneath where her Innocence was still embedded.

I looked at her curiously, then silently walked over beside her and sat down. She didn't move an inch. I glanced up at her Innocence, then reached up to just touch it, and when I did, it was like it was a third eye. I blinked in surprise and pulled my hand away quickly. Then, it occured to me.

Her Innocence was the same Innocence in my left eye.

It made sense. Her Innocence started acting funny eleven days ago, and that's when I arrived. Her Innocence was pulling west, 'cause that's where I was. Her Innocence had a double will, because there were two of the same type of Innocence in an incorrect time.

Man, I hated paradoxes.

I sighed, then pulled my knees to my chest, wrapped my arms around them, then rested my chin on my knees.

I felt oddly serene for someone who was... well, going through what I was. Maybe I was finally accepting the fact I was stuck here... NO! I wasn't stuck! I just... just... had to, uhh, find a way back? No, I HAVE to find a way back. It's not a question of if I will or won't. I have to.

"Es tut mir leid..." I suddenly heard Miranda mutter in her sleep. So she was German...

"Es war nicht Schuld, Miranda. All dies... ist eigentilch alles meine Schuld. Ich bin dejenige, leid tut..." I stated quietly to her.

I hid my face behind my knees and stayed like that, fighting to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over my one good eye.

I never realized it, but I actually did miss everyone. I mean, I never thought about it, but if I were to never be able to see them again, I would be really lonely. I actually was lonely. I couldn't talk with anyone here... or else I might change the past.

I suddenly heard some kind of melody, and an odd fluttering noise. I ignored the melody and looked up to see what was fluttering. I blinked (winked?) in surprise to see Timcanpy fluttering in front of me.


An idea suddenly hit me, I could use his recording capabilities to send a message to the others! But... What if he showed it to someone else in the order? Damnit. Damn. It. ALL.

My shoulders slumped, then I realized Timcanpy wasn't leaving and the melody was still playing. I instantly recognized the melody as the one I've heard before. I rolled my eyes. I didn't give a damn about that stupid song anymore.

Timcanpy stared(?) at me and I glared at him in turn.

"Go back to your master. Stop annoying me." I whispered to him bitterly.

He stayed there, then zoomed to my ear, bit it, then hovered out of reach as I slapped a hand over my mouth to keep from screaming and waking Miranda. I glared at the orb and he started flying backwards.

I chased after him, then realized he was leading me to the source of the music. I stopped following him to kill him, but it was too late, I was in front of the room the music was coming from... in a way. It was an empty room, but there was a giant white glowing object in it. Timcanpy flew right into it and disappeared.

I tenatively stepped through the white object, then found myself inside the white city from my dream. "Holy hell..." I breathed out as I looked around. I quickly pinched my arm, then winced and said, "Alright, I'm not dreaming, and this place is real."

I gained a new interest in finding the source of the music, which I already had a pretty good idea on who was playing. I eventually found the right door. It wasn't that hard... Timcanpy was fluttering outside it. I walked over, and once Timcanpy saw me, he flew inside. I peeked into the room and saw Allen look at Timcanpy surprised, then say, "Timcanpy! I've been waiting for you; I still don't have the song entirely coded."

"Coded?" I whispered to myself. Timcanpy opened his mouth and projected a odd circle thing that must have been the song. Allen smiled then grabbed a pen and tablet that had been laying near, and started writing notes on it. Timcanpy suddenly closed, then hopped on the keys, making a strange mixture of notes vibrate through the room.

Allen sighed, then said, "You want me to play?" Timcanpy seemed to nod, then Allen sighed and said, "Fine." He set the tablet aside, then prepared to play as Timcanpy opened his mouth again.

Allen started playing the melody, completly unaware of my presence, and I was surprised when he started singing to it.

"Soushite bouya wa nemuri ni tsuita
Ikidzuku hai no naka no honou
Hitotsu~ Futatsu to~
Ukabu fukurami itoshii yokogao
Daichi ni taruru ikusen no
Yume~ Yume~
Gin no hitomi no yuragu yoru ni
Umare ochita kagayaku omae
Ikuoku no toshitsuki ga
Ikutsu~ Inori wo~ Tsuchi he kaeshitemo
WATASHI wa inori tsudzukeru
Dou k kono ko ni ai wo
Tsunaida te ni KISU wo...


I had a feeling he was going to repeat the lines, so I followed along to the best of my ability and gradually grew louder to equal his voice in volume. He suddenly stopped singing, then stopped playing when he heard a voice still singing along.

I closed my mouth and stared when I realized my mistake and Allen looked right at me.

"Umm... I can't explain?" I asked more than stated.

Allen crossed his arms and frowned at me. "It's rude to spy on people." He stated coldly, obviously still upset about earlier. I didn't mind, it was the perfect way for me to stay unattatched.

"It's rude to let your golem bite people." I calmly countered.

"Timcanpy bit you?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"Would I really lie about that?" I asked sarcasticly.

"I don't know; would you?" Allen asked, adding sarcasm to his sentence as well.

I gave him a blank stare and he started fidgeting under it. "Really? You just asked me that? Think about it; would there really be any use in me lying about Timcanpy biting me?"

"Well, no..." Allen answered, "But that still doesn't explain why you were spying on me." He fixed a fierce glare on me and I returned it.

"Because I was chasing that chicken of a golem to kill it. It led me here." I answered, motioning my head towards Timcanpy.

"But... Tim knows not to lead people here!" He suddenly whipped his head towards Tim and asked him, "What were you thinking?"

I blinked in surprise as he actually waited for an answer from him. "You do know he's a golem and he can't answer you, right?"

Allen turned to me with a surprised expression. I cocked an eyebrow, wondering if he actually forgot that. That is, until he asked, "How did you know that? Timcanpy's the first golem you've seen since getting here."

I stood still for a moment, then replied, "I've actually seen a few, and none of them have talked, so I guessed Timcanpy couldn't talk either."

Allen gave me an incredulous look, but accepted the story. I silently sighed in relief when Allen turned away.

"Why did you sing along?" Allen asked me as he gathered up his materials, meaning his back was turned to me.

I was silent a moment, then said, "It was a nice song. Did you write it yourself?"

Allen remained silent as he turned towards me, thhen walked passed me to the door. "I should show you the way back to the order now." He whispered. I was slightly shocked to hear some sadness in his voice.

I quickly walked to catch up with him, then matched my pace to his. I glanced sideways to see he had a vacant expression on his face, probably lost in thought. I sighed in relief since that meant we wouldn't have to talk.

"Why did you sing along?" Allen suddenly asked.

I shrugged, a bit disappointed about the non-existant silence, then said, "I don't know. It was just... too hard not to sing along. I'm actually regretting singing along because you caught me." My shoulders slumped at that statement.

Allen chuckled, then said, "Don't. You were actually pretty good."

"Really?" I asked, looking towards him, then looking away and adding, "I mean, I don't really sing much because of all the hunting I do for Akuma." Not to mention training my disciples. I added mentally.

"Well, you should sing more. Just not my song." Allen stated.

"Why not? Your song's really nice." I asked.

"Because my song is the key to the ark and a lot of things. No matter who sings it, it has a lot of power." Allen answered.

I thought about what he said for a moment. 'The key to the ark and a lot of things...'. "If you don't mind me asking, what is the ark?" I asked, completely clueless.

Allen gestured around vaguely with his right hand and said, "This town. Weren't you wondering how a white portal led you to a town?"

"Not really. With how crazy my life is, I tend to not question some things. Although, I really should start." I stated, the last sentence mostly to myself.

Allen chuckled, then said, "We're here." He opened a door and I saw it led back to the order. I stepped through and he followed, shutting the door behind him.

"You know, coming back to the order after being in the ark makes the order seem really dark and gloomy. As if it wasn't already." I stated.

"Lots of people tend to say that." Allen stated with a sweat-drop as we walked out into the hall.

"Moyashi-chan! Ray-chan! Komui has a mission for you two!" A familiar voice called out from behind us. I turned and saw Lavi running towards us. He stopped in front of us and panted a moment before saying, "Komui's waiting for you in his office."

"A mission already?" Allen stated, which was pretty much the same thing I was thinking.

Lavi nodded, then ran off again and said, "I'll see you when you get back!"

"Well, let's get to Komui's office." Allen stated a bit tiredly.

"But didn't you just get back from a mission?" I asked him as we walked down the hall.

"Yeah, but it's pretty normal to get them this often." Allen stated as we turned into the hall where Komui's office was. I saw Miranda was still slouched against the wall and her Innocence was still stuck.

"She's gonna catch a cold..." I muttered to myself. I caught Allen looking at me surprised out of the corner of my eye, then I turned to him and asked, "What?" He turned his head away and said, "Nothing."

I rolled my eyes as we walked into Komui's office, but I immediatly became wary of everything in the room.

"Ah, Allen, Ravenel, welcome! How's you're eye Ravenel?" He suddenly popped out of a pile of papers and asked me.

"Peachy." I answered.

"Well," He said, grabbing a manilla folder and tossing it to Allen, "There's your mission info. It's basicly a possible Innocence recovery. Good luck."

Allen turned to leave, as did I, but not before I grabbed a dark green blanket from on the couch. As I walked out into the hall, I placed the blanket on top of Miranda and turned to follow Allen whom was watching me.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"Nothing." He answered, turning away.

I rolled my eyes, then followed him.

After a five hour train ride, most of which Allen and I were asleep, we ended up in Holloway. Not the same Holloway where almost all the Walkers years from now would be buried, but the Holloway in Bath.

"Toma should be meeting us at the station." Allen stated as the train slowed.

"Toma?" I asked.

"The Finder." I nodded in understanding, then stood up as Allen did to get off the train. It was strange for me to be participating in history. It was also boring and unnerving. It was boring, because I knew what chain of events was going to happen, but, it was unnerving, because any second, I could disrupt that chain and somehow never be born.

Allen and I walked out of the door on the side of the train, (Even though we had entered it by jumping on the roof) and we saw the finder right away. Unlike in my time, Finders here were required to wear white robes/cloaks.

"Mr. Walker, good to see you again, but, who's this?" Toma asked Allen as we approached.

"Raven." I answered for him.

"Ah, good to meet you Miss Raven." He greeted me a bit nervously.

We started walking towards somewhere and Allen and Toma talked. I tuned them out as I looked to the left. Probably five miles away was enough Akuma that my Innocence was actually picking up on them. I can normally only spot a level one akuma from a mile away, but five miles? And with how bright it was... Something about that number of Akuma was fishy.

I bumped shoulders with someone and looked to my right. It was a man in a tux and he tipped his hat as an apology. I nodded in acknowledgement, then turned my head forward to find I had lost Toma and Allen.

I sighed, then said, "Great, just great." A thought suddenly occured to me. I could go take care of the Akuma now and meet up with Allen in two hours tops.

I looked around one last time to make sure Allen wasn't around, then I quickly started heading to the North of the town. I got to the edge of a forest and did one last look-around, then sprinted into it.

Even through the thick foilage and tree trunks, I could see the rust colored glow. After about Twenty minutes when I was only about a mile away, I could see the levels of their souls and it made me stop dead in my tracks.

They weren't level ones, nor were they level twos... They were a mix of level threes and fours, and as I stood there, I realized they were slowly getting closer. And they were in the hundreds.

"Maybe I should've brought Allen..." I stated to myself nervously.


"The Innocence is suspected to be south of here near an old farm. It's long since been abandoned since the soil lost its fertility, but plants have suddenly started growing within a mile radius." Toma told Allen.

"So why do you need us?" Allen asked.

"Well, the plants regrow after being cut, and we were hoping that some Exorcists would be able to cut through them fast enough to recover the Innocence." Tome answered.

"Sounds simple enough as long as no Akuma show up, right Rave-" Allen stopped mid sentence when he turned around and saw Raven wasn't there.

"We lost her." Toma stated, surprised.

Allen sighed, then said, "Toma, you go ahead to the farm, I'll find Raven and meet you there."

Toma nodded, then said, "Don't forget, it's directly south of here."

Allen nodded, then turned back to look for Raven.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LINE BREAK

I looked between the Akuma, and where the town was, and estimated the Akuma were four miles away and I was three away. They must have been approaching the town as I had been approaching them. I estimated about eighty minutes before the Akuma reached the town, and to sprint back and get Allen and get back to the Akuma would give us only about forty minutes.

I sighed, then steeled myself and started sprinting towards the Akuma. My fingers twitched as I waited for the right moment to activate my Innocence and dark clouds gathered overhead. My shoulders ached as the Innocence on them wanted to be activated, but I couldn't reveal myself here.

Closer and closer, step after step, beat after beat, my body became anxious as I neared the Akuma and saw the souls become more defined. Lots of Akuma were there. In the hundreds, but not quite a thousand were there.

Lots of level threes, most likely to be used as pawns if needed, about a third were level fours, and there was one unfamiliar soul, a level five possibly? There were rumors in my time about finding one every blue-moon, but I never thought they were true.

As my feet pounded against the earth, I estimated it was only seconds before I ran into the first onslaught of Akuma.

Sweat was already running down my forehead, this was undoubtably more Akuma than I ever had to face. There was a group of hundreds of level threes found once during my time, and I had helped kill them, but I only got somewhere in the seventies.

I saw the sadistic, twisted face of a level three Akuma between the trees ahead, and I knew it was now or never. I chraged towards it and it noticed me a moment too late, for I had already activated my Innocence on both arms and cut it in half.

When I jumped over it as it exploded, I saw the entire army just as they noticed me. A Noah was high above where I was at and she cocked her eyebrow at me. A bunch of Akuma blocked my view of her and I quickly looked around as I was surrounded.

Well, it's just as you said, it's now or never. The Noah inside me stated calmly.

I barely moved just in time to avoid an attack from a level four, then proceded to attack the Akuma closest to me as half the army ignored me and continued towards the town. I cursed under my breath as an Akuma rammed into my back, knocking the breath out of me, but I knew to keep moving or I'd die.

As I dodged and attacked, succesfully decapitating many Akuma and severely wounding others, I saw the Noah had stayed and was now watching, as if it were a show.

I really should've brought Allen.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LINE BREAK

Allen sighed in annoyance, Raven couldn't have gotten far, right?

He had decided to start at the northern most part of the town and work south to try and find her, but it was a large town. Allen looked up as a guy in a top-hat approached him.

"Excuse me young sir, you seem lost, can I help you?" The man asked.

Allen smiled and said, "Yes, I'm actually looking for someone. She has white hair, is wearing a red sweater and black pants-"

"And looks sort of like you?" The man interrupted him.

"You've seen her?" Allen asked, surprised at his stroke of luck.

"Yes, I bumped into her earlier, she seemed lost in thought and only returned to reality when I bumped her. She seemed lost too, then seemed to notice something and hurried into the woods for some strange reason." The man explained.

Allen looked towards the woods, surprised, then turned toawrds the man and said, "Thank you." then he hurried off.

The man stared after him a moment, then continued on his way and smiled to himself, "Tourists."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LINE BREAK

I flew back against a tree and heard something crack. Whether it was the tree or another one of my bones, I didn't know.

The Akuma numbers were lowering, but they were still quite high. I had killed about a hundred in no time and another hundred at a slightly slower pace, then ended up killing a hundred more in twice the time it took me to kill the second batch of a hundred. I had less than a quarter of the army that stayed behind left, but I was feeling exhausted.

Jumping away from the tree just as a level four flew through it to try and attack me, I swirled around and decapitated two level three that were near me before a level four flew into my side and crashed me through seven trees before I got out of its grasp.

I stumbled away from it, then conjured up some lightning, thanking god Allen wasn't around to see that little ability of mine, then had it strike many of the Akuma around me. About thirty fell to the ground before exploding.

Well, four hundred down, one hundred to go. Then about five hundred more.

I looked around to see which Akuma would attack, but none of them were making any aggresive moves. Exhausted as I was, I raised my guard since it was quite a suspicious action. Suddenly, I heard clapping and looked up to see the Noah from earlier descending towards me on an umbrella.

My eyes widened when I saw who it was. I had never run into her, but her picture was in the order. She was Rhode, Noah of Dreams.

This couldn't be good...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LINE BREAK


ACCEPTABLE: Rotten eggs, Tomatoes (of any rotten or unrotten condition), soft fruits, dirt, plants, roadkill, and corn.

UNACCEPTABLE: Coconuts, potatoes, shit, live animals, or anything exceeding ten pounds.

That is a list of acceptable and unacceptable things to throw at me for this being late.


*Deadly serious voice* Accept the apology or Lupus dies.

Also, if you accept it, when I finish this story, (eventually) I'll add a bonus chapter based on the poll on my profile page. (Note, who you guys choose will determine the stories path once she returns to her time)


(Hopefully Raven will be back in her time before valentines day...)