Is it me? Or Is it true that I BULLY Kei TOO MUCH?

Since i hace done my fair share in bullying Kei, Hikari deserves a lil bullying as well~

PLZ Note: I know you all love my stories and add me as your favourite stories but review plz O.O I get more favourite story than reviews. I'm a sucker for them .

Life as Newlyweds: Arguments

(Hikari's story)

Kei Takishima is what every women depicts as a perfect husband,

He's kind-splurging all his heart and soul to his beloved wife

He's loving-succumbing to his wife's frequent tenacities

He's patient-to his wife ever horrific density

He's a working man, a successful multimillion dollar businessman to boot.

And, he is handsome, charismatic and suave- the God of Sun Apollo, in the flesh.

So why does his adorable little wife has so many complaints when she was- so obviously- bestowed with a treasure?

The current Mrs. Takishima turned onto her side of the bed as she gazed at her husband's clean cut features.

There was something bothering her and she had been deliberating it for the past few days. Hikari knew her husband wouldn't like it but she had too voice it out. It was something important –to her-and she knew Kei would –somehow-understand. And, she was counting on that when she braced herself on her shoulders and spoke softly into his ear, "Kei…"

"Hmm?" his eyes were not open but his lips curved into a lazy grin.

"Are you awake?" Hikari's fingers unconsciously tread along her husband's bare arm. "Do you want me to be?"

"Well, yes…actually. There's something I want…" she murmured uneasily. His eyes flutter open suddenly, revealing deep brown pools that made her breath catch and her heart thumped fanatically. An amused look crossed his face as he scrutinized her. "When I'm stronger," he said as he gathered her into his arms.

"Not THAT!" Hikari gasped as she wriggled out of his embrace.

He eyed her with curiosity and spoke softly, "Then what is it that you want, my love?"

With her overheated face, she stared into his eyes and declared, "I want a job,"

Only to be smacked in the face by his words-word, "No."

To be continued

Is it ok? will continue as soon as possible...My Major project in torturing Hikari ~!