Better Than Revenge.

I am so sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I've been working on another story that's going to take a while, because I'm writing about Edward being the Ghost Rider and Bella being the girl he falls in love with. Based on the movie Ghost Rider...

I hope this chapter is good, I've wrote the first part awhile ago, but I couldn't figure out how to put the song into it, so I hope this works. I had it at first that she was explaining it to Alice using the lyrics as words but then changed to this in the last minute, so I hope it's not too bad.

Let me know please if I'm doing a bad or good job at this, I need to know.

Bella arrived at the Cullen's house later the next day after school. Edward was going to introduce them all to his new girlfriend. Bella shuddered at the thought. Why can't he just see? Bella wondered continuously. She and Alice where in Alice's room playing Bella Barbie. Alice dressed Bella in dark jean shorts with holes, a black spaghetti strap tank top with blue, yellow, and red heart all over it and little red bows at the base of the straps. She wore a little white lace halter that stopped mid-waist. Alice applied yellow nail polish and pink lip gloss and eye shadow. Her shoes where pink 3 inches all the way around flip-flops. Bella's hair was, instead of its wavy form, straight. She looked…hot. Well, she had to if she was going to scare away his newly found girlfriend.

Bella and Alice went down stairs and waited in the living room with the family waiting for Edward. When he and the chick came threw the door, Bella almost had a coronary.

It was the same girl that stole him from her in summer.

He swore he wouldn't tell anyone about her.

She was the same girl that was out to get Bella; the same girl who is Bella's worst Enemy.


As soon as Tanya saw Bella she smirked. Bella knew that smirk it was the: I win, you lose smirk. Bella's insides lurched and she ran off.

Edward didn't come after her like she hoped. Alice did. Bella slid to the ground against the wall in the kitchen.

"Bella," Alice said sliding down next to her. "What happened?"

"That was Tanya." Was the only thing Bella said, making Alice confused. Alice has never met Tanya, because they don't go to the same school and she's never heard of her before.

"Explain please?" Alice asked. Bella took a deep breath.

"She's my worst enemy. Did you see her when she looked at me?" She explained. Alice looked like she was remembering something. Her face changed to remembrance.

"I'll be right back." And with that Alice left. Bella didn't see where see went, but she was thinking she went to the living room to beat up Tanya. Bella didn't bother to come after her she just wanted to stay curled up in her little ball and cry on the kitchen floor. She didn't hear anyone approach her so she was startled when strong arms came around her. She lifted her head from where it was rested against her arms that were wrapped around her legs. She was still crying, but she started cry even harder when she saw who it was.


"What are you doing here?" She asked him. Mad and still sad she turned her head away from him and looked the other way.

"Bella, why won't you look at me?" When she didn't answer or look his way he sighed. "Okay, um, why are you crying?" Then she looked at him with knowing eyes. He is so blind, she thought. She laughed at him and looked at her knees.

"Just go back to Tanya." She put as much venom in her voice as she could, but she was talking to Edward so she can't get mad at him very much, as there was little venom in her words. "You'll understand someday," She said. "Hopefully," She added.

"Is this about Tanya?" He said. "What is it with you two?" My god, he really is blind. Bella thought.

"Oh my god, you've got to be pulling my leg!" She chuckled. "We've been enemies since the first grade when she shoved her pudding on my head, because I tripped and a little speck of juice on her dress."

"Well, you guys should get over it, because I'm not going to let her or you tell me who I should date or hang out with." Edward smiled, like he knew Bella would accept this, like she did to everything he said. Bella wasn't going to accept it, though.

"Edward, why can't you see that no matter what you say, she," she sneered her name, "isn't going to listen to you. She is going to not make you choose, she's going to pull you away, take all your free time, all your time." More tears strolled down Bella's cheeks. Edwards smile went away, his arms dropped from around her and he ran his hands through his hair.

"You don't understand!" He yelled and Bella flinched. "She's not like that! I bet she will be more than willing to get over what ever you guys did." He never yelled at Bella, he was changing already. She cried even harder.

"No, Edward, you don't know her, she never will." And with that Bella got up and left him sitting there, she went to her room and shut the door.

She put her hands to her eyes and cried a little more just standing there. After a little while Bella recollected herself and with a smirk on her face she called Alice.

"Bella, what is it?" Alice asked.

"I need your help; Tanya underestimated just who she was stealing from. I know what I'm singing for the Talent Show, I need an outfit and hairstyle, and we have 5 days." And with that she ended the call, Bella knew Alice would agree.

Bella picked up her guitar, hit her drum rhythm she was working on and her bass rhythm. She started playing and they lyrics she was making up on the spot just flowed with it.

Now go stand in the corner
And think about what you did
Ha, time for a little revenge

The story starts when it was hot and it was summer
And I had it all, I had him right there where I wanted him
She came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause
She took him faster than you can say sabotage

I never saw it coming, wouldn't have suspected it
I underestimated just who I was dealing with
She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum
She underestimated just who she was stealing from

She's not a saint, and she's not what you think
She's an actress, whoa
She's better known for the things that she does
On the mattress, whoa

Soon she's gonna find stealing other people's toys
On the playground won't make you many friends
She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge, ha

She lives her life like it's a party and she's on the list
She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it
I think her ever present frown is a little troubling
She thinks I'm psycho 'cause I like to rhyme her name with things but

Bella now was rocking out, she jumped on her bed bouncing up and down belting her heart out into this song.

Sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know
Or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go
Oh, they didn't teach you that in prep school, so it's up to me
But no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity

She's not a saint, and she's not what you think
She's an actress, whoa
She's better known for the things that she does
On the mattress, whoa

Soon she's gonna find stealing other people's toys
On the playground won't make you many friends
She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge, ha

I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at, honey
You might have him, but haven't you heard?
I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at, honey
You might have him, but I always get the last word

She's not a saint, and she's not what you think
She's an actress, whoa
She's better known for the things that she does
On the mattress, whoa

Soon she's gonna find stealing other people's toys
On the playground won't make you many friends
She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge, ha

And do you still feel like you know what you're doing?
'Cause I don't think you do, oh
do you still feel like you know what you're doing?
I don't think you do, I don't think you do

Let's hear the applause
C'mon show me how much better you are
See you deserve some applause
'Cause you're so much better
She took him faster than you can say sabotage

After she said/strummed the last note/chord, she giggled for the first time today and jumped and landed on her bed, grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down what she just said. Her managers are going to love her when she got back on the road, with this home town experience and all the songs it's getting her. There going to number one hits soon enough.

So what did you think? Good? Bad? Amateur? Mediocour (can't spell to save my life)?

Please let me know...
