AN: Okay, being on vacation and working my poor tail off, I only have time to do a teeny drabble right now. Working on other stuff... will be back soon! So, this is it, written just because it's a Wednesday. My sincere apologies to the FBI commissary cooks! Hee Hee

Derek was sitting in the commissary, waiting to have lunch with Penelope. It was something he did nearly daily with her, when he wasn't on the road. He was looking forward to it, as always.

"Hey, handsome," she said, plopping her tray across from him. She had a rather flat looking salad on her plate, along with some anemic looking chicken.

"Looks tasty," he murmured, grinning at her.

"Liar," she retorted and stuck her tongue out at him, but she was still beaming.

"What are you smiling about?" he asked, unwrapping the sandwich he chose. "What's going on in that twisted mind of yours?"

She smiled at him, swirling a piece of chicken in the salad dressing. "There's this guy…"

"Really?" he asked, his eyebrows arching upward. "Who?"

"Oh, my boyfriend," she said, smiling wickedly at him. "He's smokin' hot. Did I ever mention that?"

He sat back and smirked at her. "Ah, yeah. You might've said that a time or two."

"He was sooooo good last night," she gushed, popping the chicken in her mouth with a moan. He assumed the moan was not for the chicken!

"Keeps you satisfied, huh?" His eyes were twinkling at her; he loved it when she talked dirty.

"Considering I didn't get more than five hours of sleep last night, and I am still smiling like this," she said, resting the tip of her tongue on the bow of her upper lip, "I'd say he's pretty satisfying."

He chuckled. "Glad to hear it, momma."

"And he's big," she whispered, narrowing her eyes, leaning closer so only he would hear. "Really, really big. Huge. Enormous." She held her hands apart an indecent amount.

He started to laugh whole heartedly. Only she could draw such a response from him in such a short period of time. He reached over and tapped her nose with his finger. "You are a bad, bad girl."

"It's amazing I can still walk," she replied, leaning back in her chair.

Derek looked up; they were drawing definite attention. A few of the people sitting nearby were giving them curious looks. He shook his head. Now was not the best time for this, but that really didn't matter much to him.

He decided they needed to get out of there for a moment. "Baby, you attached to that salad?"

She smirked at him. "What do you think?"

He stood up and she followed. They walked quickly out the doors of the commissary down the hall to his office. He shut the door and pounced on her. He started to kiss her, his mouth slanting over hers, demanding response. He was rewarded immediately with her mouth opening, her tongue stroking against his.

A long while later, he lifted his head, feeling dazed and aroused, like he always did kissing her. Too bad it was one in the afternoon on a Wednesday. He snickered to himself. They could give a new meaning to hump day.

He reluctantly released her. "See you tonight."

She placed a quick kiss on his lips and opened his office door. "Of course, sweet cheeks."