hello! I realize it's been a VERY long time since I've updated. BUT I FOUND SOME TIME, SO HERE YOU GO! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! I really would appreciate it since I haven't written in a while I'm not sure what peeople are thinking. Now i've also been given alot of hate for "this doesn't have anything to do with the books" WELL, I'VE FOUND A WAY TO TIE IT IN. (Even though Emily is not a real character, i've found a way [I HOPE]) so, when that part comes I will try and explain it at the end of the chapter. (: ENJOY.

There was something evil stirring in her voice, it was just a hint, but you could definitely catch it. Nico yelled out to me but I couldn't decipher what he said, his voice was lost in the wind. It made me furious how close I was to him, but that I was powerless to save him. His face was gaunt, and I could tell he hadn't eaten for days. His eyes seemed duller than usual. I couldn't stand to see him so weak, and I knew that it made him just as furious that he was so weak.

In a great burst of light, a figure started to form between the tree and our group. Unwillingly I shielded my eyes, I was not afraid of whatever stood between my brother and I, he was the only family I had left. As the light faded the figure came into focus, she was beautiful, radiant, her hair was braided with flowers, her dress made of moss, and her smile was brighter than the sun. It was difficult for me to believe that this was the goddess who imprisoned my brother.

She seemed so pure, but maybe that was the madness behind it. Her pure outlook hid the darkness within. I couldn't come up with a clue on why she would want my brother. Staring straight into her golden eyes I asked, "Demeter? What do you want with my brother?" It was hard to even be scared of her.

She laughed, a sound that was like the ringing of wind chimes on a sunny day, "Dear child of Hades, do you not know what revenge I seek on your father?" I shook my head and she smiled, it looked somewhere between an evil grin, and a genuine smile. "I'm sure lovely Annabeth here will be able to fill you in, I see a glimmer of knowing shining in her eye." She might only be the goddess of all things that grow on the earth, but she spoke with a power that no mortal could ever wield. She walked past our group towards a wilting rose, in her path fresh daisies popped up, only her touch was needed to revive the rose.

I looked to Annabeth who seemed speechless. She shook herself back into reality and explained, "Demeter's daughter, Persephone, was taken to the underworld to be Hades wife, but she only stays there for half the year, which is why we have the seasons, you know the story, right?" I nodded my head, although Persephone was my step-mother, she always revered me as her own daughter. I think she felt pity that my mother died, but it never seemed like she didn't want to be there. Annabeth glanced at Demeter, who had now resumed the position between us and Nico, she seemed content with Annabeth's account of the story. "I think Demeter's intention is to trade Nico's life for Persephone to be free from the Underworld, year round."

Demeter smiled, this time I couldn't tell whether it was a good one or not, "The daughter of Athena is wise, like her mother, and she correctly guesses my intentions. You cannot stop me, Nico will be dead before sundown, unless your dear father gives up Persephone, let's hope he chooses wisely." And just like that she was gone in the blink of an eye.

Percy and Zach just stared at Nico, I was surprised Percy hadn't said a word. He glanced quickly at Annabeth but averted his eyes as soon as he saw that I was watching. I had completely forgotten they had talked. Good, maybe this whole mess would work out, but for now my priority was Nico, and I was out of ideas. "Any ideas?" Zach was staring blankly at the tree, and Percy shrugged his shoulders. Annabeth had sat down in the grass with her eyes closed, I could tell she was thinking. "Annabeth?"

"SHHH!" She shushed me angrily. "I'm thinking, just wait."

Well while she was thinking I might as well try and figure some other things out. I pulled Percy aside and asked, "So I don't really understand, are we still underwater?"

"No, I don't understand it either, the crevasse you took us down was the Marianas Trench, the deepest place in the world. We should be under tons of pressure right now, but somehow we're in a bubble of paradise." He looked utterly confused, and so was I.

I understood why Demeter would want to hold Nico here, if it was the deepest place in the world, we would be the closest to the Underworld we could possibly get without actually being there. Dad must be able to feel Nico's presence, and I'm sure he understands Demeter's contract. The only think I didn't know for sure was if he would save Nico and give up Demeter, I was never sure what Persephone meant to him, but I wasn't going to count on his decision. I was going to save Nico whether or not Persephone's bonds to my Dad were broken or not.

Suddenly, Annabeth shot off the ground. "I've got it! I remember reading somewhere Demeter can't stand fires. It's the one thing that consumes everything on Earth, and leaves death in its wake. She won't be able to resist saving this precious bubble of paradise."

For the first time Zach said something helpful, "Luckily, I've got matches."