Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING! If I did, Emil and Richter would have already gotten together~

Chapter One: New School

Emil Castagnier stood outside the door of his dorm room. He had the key in his hand, just waiting to unlock the door to his new life in high school, but he only had one problem: he had a roommate who was infamous for his temper, and Emil wasn't the best person who could handle that.

After his parents were killed in a car accident, Emil's aunt and uncle took him in, though they weren't that enthusiastic about the sudden intrusion. The first thing they did was send him to this high school, Symphonian High, just because they had dorms.

"It's more convenient for us and for you, too, Emil," his aunt said, "You can learn to be independent by yourself and until you get a job, we'll send you enough money for any other expenses."

They just want me out of the house, I just know it, thought Emil as he watched them move his belongings into the back of a moving truck, they never really liked me anyway…

As he continued to stand in front of the door, Emil was trying to think of multiples ways to try and make friends with his new roommate. He wanted to make a good impression on – what was his name – Richter …Abend? Or was it Abant? Something with an "A". Emil shook his head, dismissing the matter and unlocked the door.

The room was clean with two beds on either side of the room, and a window with beige curtains was placed in the back wall, giving Emil a sneak peak at the school campus. He sat down on the empty bed, now his bed, and sighed. How was he going to survive high school all by himself? He wasn't the brightest person, and he wasn't the most athletic either. He couldn't even stand up for himself against the bullies in his old school, so how could he possibly survive the terrors of high school?

"Hey, who're you?"

Emil jumped at the sudden intrusion of his thoughts as he stood up to face a red/pink-haired man with piercing green eyes, a pair of glasses magnifying the cold glare his face wore.

"I-I-I'm Emil… I'm y-your new roommate?" he stated with uncertainty.

"If you're gonna sleep in this room, then yes, you're my new roommate," the man said, "but if you're not, then get out of here!"

"I-I'm sorry…," Emil stuttered out as he bowed his head in fear.

"Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong," the man said with a bit of annoyance.

"O-oh, I'm so- Oh, wait! I-I mean… n-nevermind…" Emil seemed to bow his head even lower as he tried to correct his apology.

The man glanced at his new stuttering roommate, and tried to explain as plainly as he could, "Look, I'm not mad at you, okay? I'm just a bit short with others, that's all."

Emil looked up with a bit of hope that this short-tempered man may be his first friend. With whatever confidence he had, he introduced himself.

"I-I-I'm Emil. E-Emil Castagnier."

"…Richter. Richter Abend."

Oh, thought Emil with the "aha!" moment, that's his last name…

Yay! I'm done with the first chapter!

…please place a comment… and I will be a very happy child.

Criticism is VERY nice.

Maybe some ideas, too…

Thanks for reading! :D

*note: This is my first fanfic, so I apologize if it's not that great…and that it's very short...

I'll improve with practice!