On the monitors there were video of X-23 taking down each member of the x-men and fighting wolverine only fore her to brake down emotionally and embrace her father. She passed out wolverine then picked her up and brought inside the mansion then warning fury away the S.H.I.E.L.D troops all fell back to the transports they arrived in.

An angry fist impacted heavily on the desk making all those around the desk jump

"X-23 has failed us," said Madame Hydra looking down her board room like table "what do you have for me"

The scientist chuckled he grabbed the remote and pressed a button

The screen shifted and showed two boys or young men around twenty years of age.

"Madame Hydra I present to you project demon"

"What is it …I'm assuming it has some thing to do with those yummy morsels you are showing me?" she said as she licked her lips

"Yes Madame Hydra I present to you Naruto and Garra"

"Strange names" she said as she reclined back in her chare preparing to be entertained by the good doctors project.

"Yes when we found them, that is what they were called," he said she raised an eyebrow "they were found in the forest out side one of our base's. They only had hospital identification bracelets on them and a note that said they were taken away from a fate that would leave them sacrificed to demons. Apparently they are twins even though they have different eye and hair colour they were about three years old when we found them" he chuckled slightly at the stupidity of man "Interestingly enough they both had a slight heeling factor but thanks to recently gained genetic sample of weapon x a month or so after x-23 was conceived we were able to change them to have wolverine as a male genetic progenitor instead of who ever there real father was."

The picture changed to them at age fore both standing before cybernetically enhanced wolves and bears the blonde's eyes glowed an eerie red and the red heads glowed a feral yellow the fangs grew out and they charged at the beast's tearing them apart with savage claws or tearing at them with sharpened fangs

"As you can see they make perfect killing machines the only problem was…

The video changed to show the twins attacking the men who came to get them.

… As you can see once they are in this feral state they attack any who enter their territory"

She was mesmerised with the brutality and viciousness

The screens changed to when they were eighteen they were both strapped to steel operating tables and the adamantium bonding process both of them popped out a pare of claws like wolverines but both boys had distinctive claws

Naruto had three on each hand like Garra and wolverine Naruto's although were very jagged like the predator claws but Garra had jagged claws but more like a stake knife both boy claws were made for causing maximum damage whilst hacking or slashing.

"As you can see they each have unique and distinctive claws, claws made for damage unlike weapon x or x-23 who's claw are sleek and stream lined made for assassination there claws are made for all out fighting"

A wicked and vile smile crossed Madame Hydra's lips

"There skills are enough to take on a division of our best men and come away with out making a sound leaving all dead there striate up one on one skills they could match weapon x and captain America at the same time with there immense stamina they can fight for two days striate with out rest before they begin to tire" he pressed another button showing them in two different environments Garra was in the desert and Naruto was in the jungle then both in the Antarctic then both in the city " as you can see in there own environments they are the apex predator but together well they are a force of nature"

Madame Hydra looked intrigued by them then the image shifted to the boys using their strange powers both were covered in a strange energy whilst sparing

"As you can see they both have a strange energy that is like nothing we have ever seen this power only increases their abilities and makes there claws stronger we don't know what it is or what it dose but it makes them both individually unstoppable but together"

Another battle simulation showed an entire city being destroyed in a crimson and gold explosion that near enough nuked the entire facility He adjusted his lab coat nervously

"The only problem is they have never bin field tested"

"Really any reason why Dr?" she asked

"They don't do well away from their sister Madame Hydra," he said

"Is this true?" said Madame Hydra

"Yes Madame Hydra but the boys love their baby sister and have on several occasions gone out of their way to ensure her safety. Poor Kimura never knew what happened she was the one assigned to break her if she tried to escape. All they found of her was blood on the walls and a finger and she was supposed to have indestructible skin. If we can make them believe that the x-men are hurting there sister or brain washing there sister to turn against them then they would be shall we say 'compelled' to save her from her captures" he said with a wicked grin on his lips

"Then I believe its time to unchain these brothers of destruction don't you" she said

"Yes Madame Hydra" he said he gave her the Hydra salute witch was the hail Hitler salute "hail hydra" he said he turned on his heal and left.

Doctor Sarah Kinney never liked working for hydra but they were the only ones who let her develop her ideas. She hated when they forced her to carry X-23 but when she looked in her babies eyes she fell in love with her. She was taken from her and turned into a weapon it took years for her to be able to find her daughter but with her she found two boys that called her sister. She found out later they had wolverines DNA. She often cried herself to sleep thinking of her daughter and her two adoptive sons.

She was watching the two young men spar with each other it was a beautiful and fluid dance each young man possessed a kind of fluid grace that shouldn't be possible for men there size and build. Both were identical copies of Wolverine in almost all areas of there being they looked like him and acted like him but weather they know it or not she did having watched him on old tapes of his weapon x days.

Both used they claws in this spar like they did all others and each fluidly dodged the other's implements of death until they were interrupted.

The labs doors hissed open and there stood Doctor Martin Sutter

"What do you want bub" said Garra as the doctor entered there gym

"Yeah we were having a good time till you came in hear bub so it better be good" the doc looked serious for a moment

"Its about your sister" the twins were immediately on him

"What about her"

"Where is she"?

"What happened to her"?

"Talk now or loose what makes you a man" they said at the same time

He raised his hands witch stopped there questions

"She has bin caught by a S.H.I.E.L.D branch known as the x-men. And I'm sorry to say she was over powered and out matched by them they captured her and right now we…" he paused for dramatic effect "…we don't know what they are doing to her so I've bin asked to make a task force to bring her back" he turned away from them "her life sine's flat lined a few hours ago" that was the straw that broke the camels back a wake of what can only be described as pure undiluted killer intent swept the whole facility. Every agent down to the lowly janitor were forced to their knees they knew some poor fool had just made the mistake of doing something to X-23. Instantly every one felt pity for in the facility there were only two rules don't mess with the food and you shore as hell don't mess with X-23. Because when not if when her brothers find out they will only find a blood trail and a piece barley big enough to fit into a match box.

"We volunteer no one touches our little sister and gates away clean NO ONE," said Naruto

"And don't bother asking any one else they will only get in our way" said Garra both twins eye glowing malevolently.

"Also it seems your Father is the one that took her down"

(X-mansion infirmary)

X-23 stirred in the hospital bed she knew some one was there her sensing picked it up she sniffed slightly and detected a familiar scent.

"I know your awake girl you can stop pretending now," said Logan (wolverine / weapon x)

"You haft to let me go" she said as she opened her eyes and looked at the man who was her biological father.

"Why we destroyed the tracking implant about sixteen miles out to see," he said moving a lock of hair from her eyes "they wont be coming for you and they wont be able to track you"

"You don't under stand I am not the only experiment" she said angrily

"No you don't understand you are safe hear"

"No I'm not they will send my brothers my older brothers" she shouted "they aren't like me if you piss them off they will make sure you die screaming if you hurt me you die screaming they don't tire they don't quit and they are relentless if it affects me Father you or your team if any of you fight them you wont survive mercy isn't in there vocabulary"

"Brothers I have three kids now dam that's a lot to take in" she smiled slightly

"They will come and only god can help you if they decide you're a threat to me or Mother"

Logan turned and left his daughter to her thoughts out side of the medical bay he was met by Capitan America and dare devil.

"What do you want with her cap she just woke up"?

"She is wanted for the murder of a cenitor and countless other people to get to him some of witch were children"

"You can question her but pleas don't provoke her I have other maters to attend to right now"

(Hydra base unknown location)

The twin's rose from their seated position in the conference room they had just finished they're briefing on the x-men and their powers. They didn't care who they were they wanted at them and nothing short of God himself coming down and fighting them off would save these X-men the fate that awaited them. The twins were just given there uniform's identical to wolverines age of apocalypse but with different colours on the stripes. Naruto had a black and crimson whilst Garra had a black and gold. The only difference was that they both had shoulder armour with painted on claw marks in there respective colours.

"How are we handling this seek and destroy or what?" asked Naruto

"Seek and destroy bro they are goanna pay for messing with our baby sis," said Garra. As they turned their backs to the people in the room with them their motto was written in their respective colours was clearly visible on there backs it was just three simple words

"Death to All"

They entered the hanger accompanied by Doctor Sarah Kinney their mother they entered the drop ship through the rear doors there mother with them every step of the way. They took seats in the drop section of the ship.

"When we get there drop us in the forest we will make our way there at night fall"

"We wont take any weapons we need to be fast and light"

"I'm coming with you," said Doctor Kinney they stopped doing their prep work and looked at her in the face seeing nothing but determination mixed with righties fury

"I don't…" before Garra could finish

"You don't think what son," she said with a menacing gleam in her eye a shudder of fear

"Nothing mother" he said backing away Naruto doing the same

"Good now get me some weapons boys Mommas goanna kick some ass"