Death Note Fanfic

Chapter 1

Mello ignored the ear splitting screams as he took yet another bite from the purple, foil-wrapped heaven he had just managed to obtain from Roger's secret stash in the kitchen, it wasn't as if the odd screaming fit here at Wammy's wasn't unusual. Half of the kids here were on the verge of being mental anyway, which is part of the reason why they were here. Take that stupid albino, Near for example, he's ONLY just the smartest kid here and yet has that freaky toy fetish. In fact, it wasn't until Mello had settled down in the library with a new book, "Advanced Policing and Detecting Vol IV", and a fresh bar of chocolate that Mello actually started to notice the screams at all, disturbing his peace.

"Son of a bitch… Who the fuck is the making that God Damn…" Mello's trail of cussing was interrupted by a hyper blonde, quickly appearing from an aisle near by to take the seat opposite Mello. He was about to protest when she began to speak in her gushing, whiny tone.

"Haven't you heard Mello?" The blonde grinned; displaying a set of pearly whites she leaned across the table towards Mello. Invading his personal space with no second though, this girl was playing on dangerous grounds.

"What Linda." Mello snapped at the girl, who had been taking an irritatingly long pause to build suspense for what was bound to be some senseless gossip. However that little comment from Mello was all the encouragement she needed to set her off again.

"Well, he just went mental, started hitting Roger and everything, everyone was really frightened, I didn't understand it, I've never seen him act that way before, one of the other kids said…"

"WHO?" Mello managed to interrupt the raving blonde giving her time to breathe.

"Why Matt of course!" Mello leapt to his feet, the chair he'd been sat on flying with a crash to the floor. Matt, his Matt? Mello's sudden outburst had silenced the bubbling blonde into shock for barely seconds before she exploded into chatter again. "I said all those video games caused violence in young people..." but the blonde barely got to start her rant before Mello had her in a tight grip.

"WHERE?" Mello screamed at the terrified blonde who struggled in his grasp. "Where the fuck is he?"

"He was being taken to his room last I saw…" The blonde stuttered, but no sooner had the words left her pink pouted lips than Mello was gone, streaming down the corridor of Wammy's like water escaping from a burst pipe.

"MATT?" Mello screamed bursting into their bedroom. The red head in question was sat on his bed curled up in a ball, like a vulnerable child, tears running down his cheeks as he repeated mumbled words to himself.

"It wasn't him. It wasn't him. It wasn't him." Roger was sat collapsed in the desk chair, fanning himself with his hand, while one of the nurses quickly excuse herself from the room upon the entry of Mello, not making eye contact as she brushed past him.

"What the fuck have you done to him?" Mello yelled storming over to a startled Roger. Slammer his fist against the wall behind Roger, the wild leather glad teen gave an icy cold stare to the man, his bottom lip trembling in anger.

"They don't believe us. They think he did it." Matt's muted, helpless voice caused Mello to break his gaze. The chant resumed. Gently, Mello returned to his friend's side, where he belonged, and crouched next to the bed.

"Matt, Matty… What don't they believe?" Our blonde whispered softly. The sounds of Mello's velvety voice broke the red head from his chant.

Uncurling from his protective cocoon, Matt began to take jagged breathes in an attempt to calm himself so he could talk properly. Mello had never seen his friend like this before, and it scared him. Matt was the sensible one. The reasonable one. Mello was the stroppy, young teen, with unsupportable mood swings, not the other way around. Sure Matt had emotions, he wasn't a fucking freak like Near, but he had better control over them than Mello, than most people. Reaching out a hand Mello began to rub the back of his red headed friend in circular patterns, what he'd once read could have a soothing affect.

"They think he killed him…" The red head managed to choke out. "They think BB killed him…" At the mention of Beyond's name Matt broke down again.

"What the fuck? Killed who?" Mello was trying to keep his temper under control, his teeth clenched made his voice more of a hiss as his hand rose to run his fingers through Matt's fiery hair. The poor teen hiccupped as he folded into Mello's toned arms and sobbed into the blonde's black leather vest. Upon realizing that he would not get a legible answer from the boy in his arms, Mello turned his glare to Roger.