Hotch looked at Rossi before looking back at the other members of the BAU, 'the kids' as it were.

Morgan shot Hotch a look as he drank milk from the carton, "What? Man, it's MY house…" He said before returning the milk to the back of the fridge before finally closing the door to it.

Prentiss and JJ continued to flip through several of the interior decorating magazines, greatly bored by Morgan's reading selection as they waited for something more entertaining to happen. After a while, JJ finally managed to convince Morgan to break out the CD player to fill the room with a more lively rhythm. Hotch didn't quite approve of the Soul-Train soundtrack Morgan had put in, he was more into jazz. Rossi didn't approve either, but that was mostly because he wasn't into crap, that was what he said but Morgan could see him tapping his shoe to the beat. Typical, he was trying to play the 'dad' card, not admitting just how cool he thought something was for whatever reason he had to hide the fact.

Garcia soon came in holding cupcakes, which seemed to rouse Reid as he smelled the sugary sweetness. He snatched one before Hotch snatched it back, "Not before dinner!" It was such a mom thing to say, Reid shot him an eyebrow.

"Sure thing… Mom."

Morgan pushed Reid's shoulder playfully earning him a quick rebuke from Rossi, "Kids… behave."

"Yeah, right Dad." Morgan scoffed.

Reid's eyes opened wide suddenly, as he looked at the members of the BAU around him, "That… was weird."

JJ pulled him up into a seated position from the hardwood floor, a trail of red dripped from his left ear.

"What is… Reid? Reid how do you feel?"

"I just had the strangest dream… and you were there, and you were there… and you and you and you were there…"

Morgan put his hand over his face. "You didn't just seriously quote Wizard of Oz… did you Reid?"

"Everyone experiences head trauma differently, and no two times are the same." Hotch mentioned.

/End Crack-Fic.