The Shadow's Life

Summary: "It's hard trying to grow up living in your younger, twin sister's shadow. She always was loved. While I smiled and protected her, I guess I wanted some attention too"

Disclaimer: I don't own Vocaloid. If I did, I'd be filthy rich, but I'm not. Boo-hoo.

Two small children; turquoise blue hair; one male, one female. Their small hands molded the soft sand into a noticeable hill. The shorter male wiped his forehead with his sandy hands, leaving a smear while the little girl laughed.

Her laugh was bright, warm and he couldn't help but grin alongside her.

"Hey, Mikuo. Promise you'll always be there for me?" The pigtailed girl asked, her eyes averted from her older brother's gaze.

He blinked in confusion, and laughed. "Of course I will! What are older brother's for anyway?"

Her eyes shined, and a bright smile grew upon her face, she leaned closer to his face, "Pinky promise?" She held out her small pinky finger, waiting for his to link with hers.

The boy's eyes softened, "Pinky promise." Their small fingers intertwined, and their mouths formed a smile, shaking their hands in union.

The aquamarine haired male slammed onto the ground. Swear words tumbled out of his mouth as he smashed the off button on his alarm. The male scratched the back of his head lazily, as he peered around the room. No sign of the identical female he lived with. He trudged his feet along the wooden flooring of the household, looking, and his ears perked up once he heard a sweet tune from the kitchen.

Long pigtails cascaded to her waist, as she hummed a sweet tune. The older brother silently walked into the kitchen, and tilted his head, listening to her talk to herself again.

"Alright, I can do this. Meiko showed me a bunch of times. I can do this.." The pig tailed girl repeated to herself.

She gripped the frying pan in her hand tightly, as she glared at the to-be flipped omelet.

"Miku, what are you doing?" The male finally spoke up.

The identical girl screeched in surprise, throwing the omelet up in the air, as her older brother, Mikuo grabbed the nearby plate and made a mad slide on the floor, catching the omelet.

Miku blinked in astonishment, still holding the frying pan in one hand, and the spatula in the other. She quickly placed the kitchen utensils back on the stove and helped her older brother off from the ground.

"Oh my gosh! Mikuo! You didn't have to do that!" She said, trying to lift her brother off the ground, "But you scared me so much." She flushed red.

Mikuo pulled himself up and chuckled, "Well, it would have been a waste if it flopped to the ground wouldn't it?" He smiled down at his younger sister.

The pigtailed girl twirled a piece of hair between her fingers, one of her common actions to do while she chatted with anyone, "You haven't even washed up yet! Go on, get dressed!" She pushed him towards the doorway.

Mikuo smiled, "Fine, fine. I just wanted to check up on you before heading off to school again. Say, did Len ever text or call back? I wanted to ask him something."

Her blue eyes blinked, and shook her head, "Not that I know of. Now go on! Go get dressed!" She grabbed the spatula and pretended to wave it in his direction. Mikuo laughed lightly and started his way towards the restroom and started to wash up.

My name is Mikuo Hatsune. My younger sister is the pop idol at our Vocal Institute. Of course, I'm always there for her, but it's difficult being stuck in her shadow. My parents always gave her love and showered her with presents, while I was smiled and acknowledged for being the idol's older brother. As time flew by, I grew accustomed to it, since I love her. I always will. She understands my pain, and tries to put me in the spotlight, but they're not interested.

That's why I don't trouble her. I convey my feelings and troubles to my best friend, Len Kagamine. Which is why I asked for him earlier. Funny, he hasn't been responding lately, had he really gotten tired of me? Or is he busy..?

Mikuo's mind raced with thoughts as he slipped on the uniform for his institute. He looked in the mirror, and played with a stand of hair that stuck up from the back of his head. Turquoise eyes rolled away, frustrated.

"It's always the bed hair I have in the morning. I should stop taking late showers." He recited to himself, hoping to use it as a mental reminder as he fastened the tie around his collared shirt.

"Mikuo! Breakfast's ready!" Miku yelled up the stairs. He peered his head out of his doorway, to see her waving him down. The older brother smiled and started his way down the stairway, walking into the start of the new day.

The spikey blonde haired boy checked his phone quickly as he walked to school. He saw the many texts and calls that he missed from his blue haired friend and sighed.

"Len, what are you looking at?" The short green haired female asked, looking over the blonde's shoulder.

"N-Nothing! You're nosey today Gumi." He sighed, pulling his phone away from her green gaze. She grinned brightly and played with her goggles on her head.

"Say, do you still like her?" The goggled girl started a conversation. The blue eyed boy jumped, and his face tinted into a red color.

"W-What makes you say that?" He stuttered, "I don't have to answer that. Anyway, we get out early today right? I have to do something with my sister later." Len changed the subject.

Gumi tilted her head, noticing he changed the subject but decided not to pester him about it. "Oh yea, you're sister comes home today right?"

He nodded, "It'll be good seeing her again, don't you think? The house has been so quiet without her yelling at me." The blonde laughed, and the female accompanied his laughter with her own.

The chime of the bells made the entire class of students jump out of their seats and dash out of the door. Mikuo gathered up his notebooks and books, and noticed Len in his peripheral vision. He turned quickly and threw his blocky eraser at the back of his head, getting his attention.

The blonde boy turned around with anger, glaring at his best friend through his glasses. Mikuo simply waved and approached him, placing his books at his friend's desk, and leaning down to his eye level. Turquoise to blue eyes.

"So Len, wanna explain why you haven't been replying to my calls and texts lately?" The male smiled, blocking off his angry thoughts with a sugary coating.

Len scratched his cheek awkwardly. "Well, you see." He started, "My parents have been making me do a lot of errands for a guest coming over today."

Mikuo stared blankly at Len, "You're kidding me. You would have told me if that was true."

Len jumped, "I'm serious Mikuo! I wouldn't avoid you anyway. How long have we known each other? A year and a half now?" He supported his comment.

"Two years now actually. And fine. I'll believe you; just tell me next time alright? Jeez. I had a feeling you might have gotten to know me just to get closer to my sister." Mikuo sighed, thinking about a certain girl who always had her phone handy. It always had an annoying tune playing whenever he was around.

Len took off his glasses and stood up to Mikuo. "Don't compare me to those people. If I wanted to talk to Miku, I would have by now." He sighed as he started to pack up his supplies.

"Then why haven't you?" Mikuo asked. Len's blue eyes widened, and turned around to Mikuo in confusion.

"Don't pretend with me Len. I can see you have a crush on her." The twin brother stated, "Whenever you come over for projects you'd always stare when she entered the room, mention her from time to time, and always had a grin when you were in her presence." He said, stating the facts.

Len scruffed his golden locks. "Ugh. I can't hide anything from you can't I?" He sighed. "Fine. I like her. Big deal. It's not like I'm man enough to tell her." He rolled his eyes.

Mikuo blinked, "It's not like I'm going to kill you if you go out with her. Actually, I'd prefer you rather than the strange people she's attracted over the years.." He shuddered, recalling the strange beings.

Len chuckled, "I suppose, I'll think about it then." The blonde finished packing, "Well, I'll be heading off now Mikuo. Don't be afraid to call the home phone alright? I'll probably pick that one up first." He waved and exited the door.

The only male in the room returned the wave, then sighed. I'm a bit concerned about Miku and her "admirers." They frighten me.

The utensils clattered against the plates as the siblings ate in silence. Turquoise eyes glanced up every now and then, and then returned back to the dinner.

Mikuo placed down his utensils, "Is there something on your mind Miku? You seem a little troubled." He folded his hands under his chin, as he looked up at his little sister.

Miku jumped a bit, she waited until she finished chewing before she decided to answer. "W-Well, you see.." She started, "I'm not sure how to reply to Akita's request to go shopping with her. People warned me about how she's trying to pose like me, I've noticed that too.. But.." She bit her lip.

The older brother nodded, "I see. Just tell her straight out you don't want to go with her. Its best to lay down your thoughts and not keep them bundled up alright?" He smiled at her.

The pigtailed girl returned her bright smile that he was lucky to see every day. "Thank you Mikuo. I really don't know what I'd do without you." She stuck out her tongue shyly, continuing her dinner.

Mikuo nodded, happy to help his little sister out. He continued to watch her eat as he finally decided to speak up. "That's what we promised right? I'd always be there whenever you need me."

Miku looked surprised how her older brother remembered something that was in their childhood. "O-Of course! I didn't expect you to remember that, but thank you for remembering. That makes me really happy." She giggled, poking at her dinner.

The older sibling smiled and continued with his dinner in a friendly silence.

The bright morning's light cracked through the shudders, shining on the tired male's face, awakening him bright and early on his relaxing day, the weekend. He grumbled, wiping his weary eyes. Mikuo shot up from the bed irritated with the morning light.

"Stupid sun. Ruining my nice slumber.." He muttered under his breath as he got dressed for the early morning. He was doing it unconsciously, hardly realizing that he was out of bed once he was dressed.

He stared at his reflection in the mirror. The turquoise eyed male stared, puzzled. "I guess I'll go check up on Len if he was lying to me or not.." He sighed, as he grabbed his cell phone off his dresser, and dialed the familiar number.

The older twin lied on his bed, playing the waiting game, hearing the constant ringing of the phone and he jumped up when he heard a strange voice on the other line.

"Hello?" The voice asked.

Mikuo blinked, did Len catch a cold? "Hey Len, I'm coming over alright? I'll see you soon. And, you didn't catch a cold did you? You're voice sounds higher pitched. Anyway, see you soon. Later." He hung up the phone, and started his way down the hall.

He spotted his little sister's long hair, tumble around her desk's seat, she was still in her pajamas, sitting on her desk, headphones on, nodding her head to the beat of the music. She smiled as she started to sing aloud.

"The greetings that'd make you confused, just seeing you at this point. The secrets that aren't born. The whispers in the soft breeze, I want you to bloom please. If they can notice these pretty flowers."

Mikuo couldn't help but smile hearing his sister's voice in the early morning. "So this is when you practice huh?" He approached her, tapping slightly on her door.

Miku turned, and took off her headphones, "Sorry, did I wake you up?" She asked him, knowing that her older brother loved sleeping in.

He shook his head, "No, I actually quite like that. What's the title of that song this time?" He complimented, peering at the lyric sheets in her hand.

"It's called 'The Secret Garden.' I think I'm doing pretty decent on it." She beamed, pumping her fist in the air.

Mikuo chuckled, and nodded, "I agree. Well, I'm going to be heading off toward Len's house alright? I'll be back soon." He informed his little sister. "Don't answer the door alright?"

Miku puffed her cheeks, "I'm not a little kid Mikuo! I can take care of myself!" She shouted as he exited the house, he did a quick wave, and though he couldn't see, he felt Miku's warm smile as he left the house.

"That's good that he's talking with Len again. I was getting a bit worried about him. Silly Mikuo." Miku rehearsed to herself, sitting back at her desk.

Mikuo arrived quickly at his friend's house; he smoothened out his shirt as he rang the doorbell. Shouting was heard in the house, but it was muffled by the large, closed door. He tried peering through the 'peek hole' as Miku called it when she was little, but he was surprised to see it fly open, backwards thankfully, away from his face.

He blinked.

She blinked.

A smaller girl, ridiculously identical to Len opened the door. Her big white ribbon topped her head like a present, waiting to be opened as small hairpins complimented her bangs.

Len rushed down the hallway, "Ah! Mikuo! I told you there was a guest right? This is Rin, my twin sister."

Mikuo stared at Len in disbelief, and Rin turned to her brother in confusion. They both pointed fingers at each other and asked silently in union, who the stranger was. Then Mikuo jumped, and stared at Rin.

"Wait, why didn't you tell me you had a twin sister!" He shouted.

AN: Whoa. I got so carried away with this. I apologize. First story to be posted on my site! Finally! I have a bunch of new ideas just waiting to be written down, but first, please review and tell me if I need to improve on any things. Thank you for reading!