A very subdued Mr. Woolery was now on stage. He kept glancing at Jean, afraid that she might snap at him again. A replacement camera had been located as well as stage hand who was willing to operate it. "Welcome to 'The Dating Game' everyone. We're finally going to get this show underway, at least as long as no more psychos.. I mean, there's no more setbacks. Yes, that will do. Er, uh, here's Jean Grey ready to ask the bachelors their questions!" Mr. Woolery faced Jean. "Please don't hurt me, miss." he whimpered.

Jean sighed. He was so annoying. 'If only I hadn't promised the Professor I wouldn't use my powers. Then I could give him a quick mental blast.' Jean smiled as she pictured the host on the floor, withering in agony.

"Miss Grey? Now might be a good time for those questions." Mr. Woolery suggested timidly.

"What? Oh right, the questions. Here they are." Jean picked up a pile of cards. "Bachelor #1, What is your favorite ice cream flavor?"

"Grasshopper Pie, yo. 'Course it's still not as good as chocolate covered ants, but then again, what is?" said the first voice.

"Umm.. Okay, moving on to Bachelor #2. Which would you rather attend: an opera or an Alternative Music festival?" asked Jean.

"That's easy! Music festival! The Festering Boils rule!" yelled the second voice.

"Are you kidding me? Their music sounds more like screeching than singing!" said the third voice.

"What do you know about music?! You couldn't carry a tune in a bucket!" the second voice retorted.

"I heard you singing on my fence yesterday, Specs. Oh wait a minute, it was an alley cat. My mistake." laughed the third voice.

"You oughta sing tenor. Ten or twelve miles away!" yelled the second voice.

"You should sing solo. So low I can't hear you!" the third voice hollered.

"That doesn't make any sense!" the second voice complained.

"It doesn't have to make sense, it's an insult!" screamed the third voice.

"That makes even less sense!" the second voice argued.

"Cut it out!" Jean commanded.

"He started it." grumbled the second voice.

"Did not!" yelled the third voice.

"Did too!" yelled the second voice.

"I don't care who started it, it ends now!" Jean roared.

"Yo, I bet I'm looking like hot stuff now." said the first voice.

"Can it, creep." snarled the third voice. "Jean's with me."

"You've gotta be kidding! I'm the only one for her!" declared the second voice.

"When do we eat, yo?" asked the first. "That food question made me hungry."

"You're not going to eat with her!" said the second voice.

"That's right." added the third voice. "Because she's eating with me."

"No way! Jean's my girl! I own her!" snapped the second voice.

"Will you guys knock it off? I've got one more question!" Jean hollered. The boys stopped talking immediately. "Bachelor #3, what is your idea of the perfect date?"

"Okay, first I talk about how great I am. Then you talk about how great I am. Then we go for a little ride and maybe get lost, if you know what I mean and then we.." the third voice.

"That's enough, thank you." said Jean curtly.

"So, Jean. Have you chosen your date?" asked Mr. Woolery.

"Yes, I have." said Jean.

"Great! Is it Bachelor #1? Bachelor #2? Or Bachelor #3?" he asked.

"It's none of them." Jean stated matter-of-factly.

"What do you mean, none of them?" demanded Mr. Woolery. "Look here, Miss, I'm trying to run a game show. I had to deal with a lovesick lunatic and his ditzy girlfriend, put up with a crazy cameraman, file a report about a stolen camera, and listen to the Peanut Gallery over there and their constant quarreling! You have to pick a winner!"

"No I don't." Jean argued. "I mean, did you hear them? They're all jerks! You must crazy if you think any of them are good enough for me! I'm Jean Grey!"

"And I thought that speedy kid had an ego.." Mr. Woolery muttered.

"I heard that, buster!" growled Jean. SMACK! She slapped him right across the face.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop it, stop it, stop it!" whined Mr. Woolery.

"Take it back!" roared Jean.

"I've gotta make a break for it! She's a mad woman!" yelled Mr. Woolery as he barreled past Principal Kelly.

"Where are you going! You're supposed to be here for a week!" Principal Kelly screamed.

"Forget it!" hollered Mr. Woolery as he ran off with Jean in hot pursuit.

"But.. my gym..oh what's the use.." Principal Kelly burst into tears.

"This is all your fault, Duncan." said the second voice.

"No, it's you're fault Scott." said Duncan.

"That's it! Let's fight!" yelled Scott.

"You got it!" yelled Duncan. He and Scott started to brawl. Kelly continued to cry.

"Check it out, yo. That Woolery dude left his coupon for the restaurant." said the first voice.

"What are we waiting for, Toad? Let's eat!" cheered Freddy.

"Yo, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship." Toad said as they headed for the Maison Printemps.


Author's Note: I was gonna post this on Valentine's Day, but my computer wasn't working then (Let's just say that smashing a keyboard with your fist isn't the best cure for writer's block). Anyway, I could really use reviews for this story so please write in! =^-^=