"C'mon, Rachel! You can't possibly be mad at me for teaching Jesse St. Jerkface a lesson!"

"You dumped a bucket full of soda all over him before throwing flour at him, Finn!"

"He deserved it!"

"While I do agree that that jerk deserves being punished for what he did, you know I do not condone the little acts of immaturity that you and Puck carry out."


"I do not approve of what you did to Jesse."

"Really? Then why were you laughing along with the others when Puck added a cherry on top of St. Jerkface's head?"

"I was not! It was not funny, Finn! Nobody was laughing!"

"Was too! The other glee clubbers were laughing and admit it, Rachel Berry, you were too."

"I do not amuse myself at the expense of others, Finn."

"Oh yeah? Then why did you 'accidentally' trip the girl St. Jerkface was with so that she'd fall flat onto the ground and then 'accidentally' pushed Artie's wheelchair too hard so that the remaining soda in the bucket on Artie's lap would spill all over her?"

"I have no idea about what you're talking about, Finn Hudson."

A/N: PLease Review! :)